Thursday, March 21, 2019

InkSlinger PR Presents: Rock Hard by M.J. Roberts; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Giveaway

Today we have M.J. Roberts stopping by to share the blog tour for her new rockstar romance, ROCK HARD: CHORD BROTHERS! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Author: M.J. Roberts
Genre: Rockstar Romance


Drummer Ryder Chord has been living half a life since he was sixteen and his twin sister was murdered. He throws himself into his music. When Lexi Evanovich joins the band, life becomes almost tolerable. Until one day when the rest of the band isn’t there and Ryder and Lexi have to share a hotel room: with only one bed.

Rule number one of band-dom: You never sleep with anyone in the band.

Rule number one of bro code: You never sleep with anyone’s sister. You definitely never sleep with your best friend’s little sister.

Rule number it’s so obvious it’s a count even a drummer can keep: You Never. Ever. Sleep with your best friend’s little sister when she’s in the band…and he is too.

Get Your Copy:

Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | Kobo | Goodreads


I hear a very loud clomp of boots. Jase comes in the bus hauling Hit Man over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.
Jase gives me one ‘I am disappointed in you, Goat-fucker’ stare, and walks right past us to put Hit Man down in his bunk.
Jase lays down in his own bed and turns away from me.
I point to my bunk and Lexi gets in it. I curl my big body around her.
I hug her tightly but that makes it worse, not better. What if it had been different? What if that guy had wanted to steal her away, not protect her? What if I had not been right on stage, but had been off stage stowing my gear? What if she had been kidnapped and— I can’t even finish the thought because my breathing gets so ragged and shallow I’m worried I’ll hyperventilate.
“I can’t do this. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t be like this when something might happen to you.”
Zeeter: ‘You can’t worry about what never was, what might be. You can’t stress about what hasn’t happened.’
Lexi: ‘I’m okay. I’m fine. He was a good guy.’
Me: ‘We don’t need her! I don’t need her.’
I try to concentrate on the now, on the feeling of Lexi in my arms, the bunk under my side. “What if she was taken by a bad guy?” I mumble to myself.  “I can’t do this. I can’t live like this.”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
I rock back and forth, the motions slight, moving Lexi with me. “This can’t be my life. I can’t do this.”
I feel a warm, calming hand on the center of my back. Jase. He doesn’t say anything. He’s just there. Then his face must move closer, because I feel and hear his breathing. His breaths get slower and slower. In and out. In and out. Slower. Calmer.
His palm gets warmer, as if he is sending his assurance into me.
“You’re right,” he says. His voice is slow and deep. “You can’t do this. We do this. You never need to do this alone. Because…” he presses his thumb next to my spine, a steady, strong presence, “We are always a team. Always. We carry our burdens, our fears, and our successes together. That’s what we do. Even when it feels like we can’t.”
Jase uses his other hand to grab the back of my neck. He squeezes hard, and then even harder. “It feels like you can’t, yeah, but we can. If it feels like we can’t, that’s just a feeling. The truth is, we can. Because…” he pauses and squeezes my neck even harder, and it triggers some kind of response, like a cat being held by a parent, a primal feeling of safety. “Because…we are stronger than we realize. We are rock solid. Our past shaped us, but it does not define us. WE define us. And do you know what I say? We are pretty damn awesome. You suck eggs. But we, together, are magnificent. We can do anything.”

About M.J. Roberts:

M. J. Roberts is a writer, editor, and teacher – with more than two million copies of her stories in circulation worldwide, Roberts is well loved for creating characters who feel as real as your most cherished friends. Roberts works to diligently to create believable, lovable characters, witty dialogue, prose ripe with metaphor, exciting plot twists, action that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and romance scenes that sizzle.

Roberts is a multiple award-winning author including first place in the prestigious Summer Lovin’ Romance Literary Contest 2015 for the novel Risk Your Heart.

Roberts also writes under the pen name Natasha Action. Roberts is originally from New York but lives in the southern United States for the purpose of endless comic material.

She’s married to a professional musician (A.K.A. The Rock and Roll God) because she is too busy tormenting imaginary characters and counting her blessing to pursue her longtime dream of Rock n’ Roll stardom herself.

Connect with M.J.:

Website | Email | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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