Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bare Naked Words Presents: Misadventures With A Book boyfriend by Victoria Blue; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #OnSale, #99Pennies, #LimitedTime

Misadventures with a Book Boyfriend 
by Victoria Blue
Release Date 5th March
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Bare Naked Words and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


A washed-up model at the age of 27, Oliver Connely has gone from being a household name to barely making the rent. It’s time to think fast—and cash in big—with a can’t-miss idea inspired by the passion he sees in a handful of romance novel fans. Book Boyfriend Incorporated is born.
Can’t. Miss.
Except for the unexpected glitches Oliver’s business plan doesn’t cover—like falling for one of his “lonely lady” clients, Bailey Hardin, a politician’s wife who’s as smart and loyal as she is beautiful and sexy. Their chemistry, instant and scorching, is already a problem—but when Bailey’s husband turns up dead, the pair quickly learns they’re facing more than a simple PR nightmare.
The mess intensifies when Oliver’s best friend decides to put a bid in for the freshly vacated city manager position, ensuring Oliver is now caught between his longtime best friend and his new ladylove. The clock is ticking, and the political scandal is growing. Tough decisions must be made—especially because, for the first time in Oliver’s life, matters of his heart are on the line.

Misadventures is a romantic series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. The stories are scandalous, refreshing, and, of course, incredibly sexy. They’re the perfect bedside read, a ‘quick blush’ for the reader who loves a page-turning romance.

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My Thoughts:  

Oliver Connely seems to be in a funk. He has one of those careers where you’re hot and then you’re not. But we get to see how he puts his big boy pants on and goes about reinventing himself.

The author did such a good job in creating his roommate that it left me wanting more. She’s a woman working in a man’s world and one you would never catch me getting involved with. She’s so strong that at times she seemed to dominate her scenes and I think that was one reason I wanted more from her.

This story was like watching a man stepping into our book world. He has a woman who gave him pointers and actually created a job for herself. Your life doesn’t end just because you get to a certain age. But I got a little sad when she seemed to fade into the background for a while. We also have another character where she’s not happy in her current situation and Oliver seems to be in the right place at the right time.

We read this from Oliver’s point of view. It’s a great way to understand what the main character is thinking and going through. He’s a man who wants to help women although I do feel his reasoning is a little skewed. His heart is in the right place but he should pay attention to his roommate’s thoughts on the subject. But our author isn’t done there. She sneaks in a twist that grabbed my attention – full disclosure, I kept waiting for that invisible shoe to drop. That can be a bad thing because every time you turn the page you keep looking for it. The sad part for me was that I felt that feelings were one-sided. I was actually hoping he would see that he could have something with his roommate but that wasn’t in the cards. There are plenty of steamy scenes and an ending that will bring a smile. On the whole it’s a great addition to the Misadventures Series.

Meet The Author:

Victoria Blue lives in her own portion of the galaxy known as Southern California. There she finds the love and life sustaining power of one amazing sun, two unique and awe inspiring planets and three indifferent, yet comforting moons. 

Life is fantastic and challenging and everyday brings new adventures to be discovered. She looks forward to seeing what's next!

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