Monday, December 17, 2018

Once Upon An Alpha Presents: Destroy Me by Ella Sheridan; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review

Rating:  4 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Once Upon An Alpha and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Some mistakes don’t deserve forgiveness.

Lyse Sheppard planted the bomb that almost killed everyone close to her, including the man she loved. Now in hiding, she spends her days making amends the only way she knows how—using her genius computer skills to save women enslaved by the bastard who blackmailed her. And every night she punishes herself by watching the man she lost live his life without her.

Fionn “Irish” McCullough can’t let go of the rage Lyse ignited the night she betrayed his team. Betrayed him. After months of searching, he’s no closer to finding his prey—until a mysterious message points him toward Ireland and a deadly threat against the only family he has left.

Caught in the twisted web of his past, Fionn must choose between revenge and keeping his mother safe. But the one weapon he needs—and the one touch he craves—may be the woman he can never forgive.

Buy Destroy Me Today!

Lyse Sheppard cares about what happens to some people she’s really close to.  Fionn McCullough is a very focused man.  One seems like a powder keg and one a match.  These are two emotional people at opposite sides of the spectrum – one thinks with their head and the other with their heart.

This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seats.  There are actually two stories going on here.  We have the mystery and suspense of what this group is trying to solve and then we have what’s going on between Fionn and Lyse.  My problem was which side of this book I liked better.  I liked the way this group worked together to solve an issue that involved all of them. There a couple of times where I would have loved a chance to look over Lyse’s shoulder as she did what she was good at – it fascinated me. I also liked the building heat that was growing between Fionn and Lyse. 

I had no trouble starting this series here.  In no way did I feel lost or that I was missing something.  The author was good in her job by creating characters that you will want to know more about.  How did they come to be?  Where is this group going?  How many books do I need to catch up on?  And then I have an ending where the heat with our couple was still building, so where do they go from there?  Will I see them again?  I guess I’ll just have to wait to find out.

“Fionn, I never would’ve hurt you.” She blinked up at him, a suspicious sheen in her eyes. Everything about her was suspicious. “I wouldn’t hurt anyone, but especially not you.”

He snorted. “Why? Because you’re kind and sweet and naive? None of us are buying that shit anymore.”

Lyse squeezed her eyes shut. He could see the fight going on inside her, the need to defend herself. She could try all she wanted; it wouldn’t be doing her any good.

Opening her eyes, she focused on his jumper, not meeting his gaze. “You know why. I couldn’t hurt you, Fionn. I...”

Something mean sparked in his gut. “Why? Because of your little crush?”

Her pale cheeks went pink, her gaze dropping to the floor.

“You didn’t think your case of puppy love meant anything, did ya? Those big eyes staring up at me, full of hearts.” He leaned in, planting his hands on the seat on either side of her thighs, bringing their faces close. He wanted her to see him, wanted her feeling it when he delivered the blows. “All that pathetic hero worship almost got my team killed. Why? Because we trusted you. Because no little girl who was naive enough to believe she’d have a chance with me could be a threat, yeah?”

Writing has been my passion since childhood, but like many writers, life got in the way. After earning a BA in English Literature, I married and started a family. But the worlds and characters that swirled through my mind just wouldn’t go away, and at a particularly difficult time in my life, I picked up pen and paper (or laptop) and tried to release some of that difficulty onto the page. I’ve been writing ever since. Now I’m a member of Romance Writers of America, run an accountability blog to help writers reach their goals, and am pursuing publication with the same passion I feel for writing.

Nothing pleases me more than sharing the stories of my heart with you, the reader, and I hope, in some small way, these stories will touch your heart too.

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