Thursday, November 29, 2018

#ReleaseBlitz: Next In Line by Amy Daws; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

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What happens when the cute mountain man you made out with in an ice fishing shack turns out to be your brother’s best friend?

A whole lot of awkward, that’s what.

Now Live-couple


Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

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What happens when the cute mountain man you made out with in an ice fishing shack turns out to be your brother’s best friend?

A whole lot of awkward, that’s what.

Maggie’s mind is reeling when she discovers the guy she became tangled up with at Marv’s Bait & Tackle isn’t a stranger like she thought.

The big snag: Sam and Maggie’s chemistry is hot enough to melt ice, which makes keeping their secret far more difficult than either expected.

Especially when one of them decides they want this arrangement to be more than just a catch and release.

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Bearded Lumberjack in Hat holding a big Axe on Shoulder


Sam is our eyes as this story begins.  He lets us in on the goings on where he is.  He does a pretty good job in the flirtation department.  If the beginning is anything to go by, Megan “Maggie” Hudson is going to make us laugh a lot.  Our author does a great job in creating situations where you have no choice but to laugh at Maggie’s expense.

Because I don’t want to keep repeating myself, and having you say “yea, yea, yea”; this is going to be a laughfest from start to finish.  And surprise, men can gossip too – and Maggie’s brother is involved.  As the story progressed I came to like Sam more than Maggie.  You want to yell at her to either get with the program or leave Sam alone.  He wants to give her plenty of adventures but she has a certain goal/agenda in mind.  There are scenes that will give us plenty of heat and since my neck of the woods has some snow it may help in melting some of it.

One thing that kept happening for me was that I stopped paying attention to the titles the author included for each chapter.  I found myself more interested in who was telling us their side of the story.  Eventually it dawned on me that this was what I was doing and I tried to see what the title was but then I went back to seeing if it was Sam or Maggie’s point of view that I was going to read.  I think some of that was due to the fact that I was so into the story and how things were going to be for Sam.  The ending had me giggle a little but the best part is it was happy.


“Maggie,” I state, my voice deep in warning. “Stop worrying about Sterling and live in this moment. We are in the middle of a hot spring, surrounded by rocks and mountains and snow and nature and…life. Your ex should be the last thing on your mind. You should be taking this all in.”

“I am taking it all in,” she snaps back defensively.

“But are you? Are you really?” I stare deep into her eyes, not in judgment but in understanding. “I know you have a plan, but sometimes plans need to be forgotten so you don’t miss out on life.”

“Life? Like right now? With you?” she says the words slowly like each one is a sweet she’s tasting for the first time.

“Hell, maybe,” I reply, my voice growing deeper from the darkened look in her eye. “You seem busy living for a fictional future. Maybe it’s time to stop turning the pages for a bit.”

The corners of her lips twitch as she watches me for a breath. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips as she pulls her bottom one in with her teeth. She turns around to prop her arms on the rocks, her eyes taking in the scenery all around us. She exhales heavily and then turns to sit on her knees in front of me.

My eyes take in that luscious body of hers, curvy in all the right places and smooth like velvet. Leaning in until her face is only inches from mine, she says, “Kiss me, Sam.”

“What?” I ask with a laugh and pull away from her, assuming this must be her idea of a joke.

She bites her lip and narrows her eyes with determination. “Kiss me.”

“What are you doing?” I shift nervously in the water to put more space between us. I swear to God, the temperature of the water has just risen ten degrees.

Lifting her shoulders, she replies, “I’m living life in the moment.”

“But you want your ex back.” A fact she shouldn’t need to be reminded of.

“I do…someday.” Her eyes wander down to my chest. “But he’s not here tonight. And you’re a short-term kind of guy, and I’m a temporarily single girl. So why don’t we live in the moment right now…together?”

“You don’t want this,” I reply with a shake of the head, gulping down the contents of my glass in one swig. I set it down and hoist myself up on the edge of the rocks, needing some cool air to clear my head.

“I think I do,” she replies, lifting her brows at me. “I know I do. I’ve wanted it since the day we met.”


“It’s true. Why do you think I threw myself at you in your fishing hut, Sam?”

My body roars to life at that memory, of her body close to mine, of feeling her in my arms and tasting her perfect lips. Maggie could kiss. Even in her haste, she knew how to kiss.

Maggie moves closer to me like a tentative cub tracking its first prey. She kneels between my legs, and I tense when she runs her hands up the outside of my calves. “You’re a good guy, Sam. You may not be a long-term kind of guy, but that’s not what I’m looking for from you anyway.”

Her hands roll over my quads, shooting a zinger right up my groin to my cock. I reach down and grip her hands harshly to stop their movement. “What are you looking for exactly, Maggie? Be very fucking specific.”

Her long black lashes are wet from the steam as she looks up at me and quirks her brow as she replies. “I’m asking for no-strings fucking.”

“Jesus Christ,” I growl and have to force myself to look away from her. She looks way too fucking hot right now in that little black bikini, her breasts pressing together from the position of her hands on my thighs, and her blue eyes wide and innocent. My dick develops its own heartbeat as it presses into my board shorts.

How did this evening turn into Maggie seducing me? I’m fucking nine years older than her, for God’s sake. I should be the one seducing her. But all of a sudden, she’s the alluring bait dangling right in front of me, and I’m a fish who hasn’t eaten in weeks.

I look at her with pleading eyes. “Your brother will kill me.”

She smiles a sexy smile, that dimple in her cheek ever present. “Miles doesn’t need to know about my sex life.”


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13254841_1712669075674776_2966283892361812453_oAmy Daws is an Amazon Top 25 bestselling author of sexy, contemporary romance novels. She enjoys writing love stories that take place in America, as well as across the pond in England; especially about those footy-playing Harris Brothers of hers. When Amy is not writing in a tire shop waiting room, she's watching Gilmore Girls, or singing karaoke in the living room with her daughter while Daddy smiles awkwardly from a distance.
For more of Amy's work, visit:

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