Monday, November 12, 2018

InkSlinger PR Presents: Love Money by Jami Wagner; #BlogTour, #ExcerptTour, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

Today we have the blog tour for LOVE MONEY by Jami Wagner! Check it out and be sure to get your copy November 20th!

Title: Love Money
Author: Jami Wagner 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: Nov 20th


Sam. Jett. Clint. Jimmy.

One I need to keep alive. One is stalking me. One has lied his way into my heart.  And the last one ... he's going to kill me if I don't give him what he wants.

Someone died because of me.  But this go-around, I could get the girl and solve the case at the same time.  Protecting my heart ... yeah, that wasn't in my training.

Get Your Copy Today!


Work’s been a crazy bunch of pointless bullshit the last few days, but for some reason Clint has wanted me everywhere he goes and I haven’t had time to do anything that isn’t related to work. And when you have a woman on the brain, well, for me, it makes focusing extremely hard.
The worst part, not a single moment that I’ve been with Clint has he mentioned any deal, anything about his stash of drugs, or anything about Jimmy. It’s starting to really piss me off. He said he needed to meet a friend. Wasn’t that friend Jimmy?
Clint waves me over to him as I step out of my car. He’s the only guy sitting on the benches outside the freshman dorms, again. I’m going to have to convince him that the freshmen aren’t the right people to target. I’ll tell him it’s because they don’t have money, that we need to sell to people who can afford to be a reoccurring customer. It’s lame, I know, but when I know he’s hiding at least twelve kilograms of cocaine somewhere, he needs to think I have a larger desire to sell much more than marijuana. That, and I shouldn’t need to remind him about the last time he sold drugs on campus. If he’s locked up for weed, I’ll never finish this case.
“You know, I’m thinking I should have really given the college thing a try,” he says when I sit down next to him.
“Oh yeah, why?” I ask.
“The women,” he answers. “I think I would have gotten laid a lot more had I actually attended classes. Women dig a smart man.”
Three girls walk by and I keep my focus on the sidewalk as Clint makes some sort of throat call at them. None of the girls say anything as they pass.
“Fucking teases, all of them,” Clint says, glaring at their backs.
So much for that college idea.
I side-eye him. The first assignment I ever had involved a man who physically abused his girlfriend, and I’ll be damned if I let another assignment hurt someone in front of me again. Between Clint’s scowl and the way he just treated those girls, I’ll really enjoy that victory beer when he's behind bars.
“You didn’t want in on that?” he asks, pointing at the girls. We are still on that topic, it seems.
“Not really, I don’t like to mix business with pleasure.”
He nods, slowly. “Yeah, I suppose that’s a smart idea. The women here are just fresh.”
What the fuck does that even mean?
“Are we working or what?” I ask.
“Yeah, we’re working,” he snaps.
We sit here for a few more minutes while Clint messes around on his phone and takes pictures of random woman as they pass. Me, I find the bottom of my shoe more exciting before I finally ask, “Is this how you work now?”
“When you’re trying to keep a low profile, yeah, it’s best the work comes to us, we don’t go to it.”
I laugh.
“And that’s the exact reason why I drive a lit Jeep and you have duct tape over your driver’s window,” I say.
“You think I don’t know how to sell drugs?” he asks.
“Small time maybe, but anything more, I’m questioning it.”
Clint jumps up off the bench. He pokes my chest with his finger.
“Listen here, don’t fucking test me.”
I raise my hands as if I am surrendering.
“You want a big deal?” he asks.
“Better than this petty shit,” I answer. “Yeah.”
“Meet me at my place. I’ll text you the time.”
He backs away slowly. We always meet at his place or the club to discuss something. I should bug his apartment. Risky, yes, but I could get a lot more information that way.
“That’s all I get?” I ask.
“I never know how to take your eagerness.” He pauses. “Have patience. Good things take patience, Jay.”
Don’t I know it. This job takes more than I ever thought possible.

About the Author:

JAMI WAGNER was born in Wyoming. Still living in the Cowboy State, Jami and her husband are currently writing their own love story with their yellow Lab.

Jami enjoys writing Romance and published her debut novella, Date in the Dark, in 2015. Her first full-length novel, Just One Kiss, was published in October 2015 and is the first book in her Black Alcove series. The remainder in the series, Just One Night, Just One Touch, Just One Moment, and Just One Spark are available now. Visit and connect with Jami at, on Facebook at, on Twitter at @Jami_Wagner, or on Instagram at @JAMIWAGNER_.

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