Monday, November 19, 2018

InkSlinger PR Presents: Lincoln Shaw by Ciana Stone; #BlogTour, #ExcerptTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Giveaway

Today we have the blog tour of LINCOLN SHAW by Ciana Stone! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Author: Ciana Stone 
Genre: MC Romance

About Lincoln Shaw:

Book 8 in the Heartbreakers & Heroes series and part of Ciana's Cotton Creek Saga

He doesn't care if both his brothers are both married, with families and happy as bugs in a rug. Or that most of his friends are getting hitched. Settling down might be for them but it's definitely not in the cards for Lincoln Shaw. He enjoys his freedom and women way too much for that. Nope, give him a different woman--or three-- every night and he's just fine.

Then, why the heck does a pole dancer with violet eyes who calls him Thor have him thinking that settling down might not be so bad after all?

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She climbed out of the car, watched him back up and waved as he drove off. When she turned toward the house, she snapped in frustration at the ghostly form that materialized in her path. "For crying out loud, can't you give me a break? I want to help you, and I swear I'm trying, but right now I'm tired and just want to relax and wash away the week I've had."
"Maybe I can help with that?"
Lincoln's voice, coming from the front porch, had her jumping. "Good grief."  She looked around. The ghost had vanished. Saying a silent thank you, she headed for the porch."What are you doing sitting there in the dark?"
"Waiting for you."  He met her at the steps.
"Yeah? Why?"
"I had to do this."
Lula let go of her shoulder bag and the bag with her gym clothes when he reeled her in with one hand behind her head and kissed her. Her arms wound up around his neck, and she returned the kiss with enthusiasm.
"Who was that?"  Lincoln asked when the kiss ended.
"Nick Sanders. He was running and crossed in front of me, and I ran off the road. There wasn't a cell signal, so we walked to his house, and he brought me home. I'll call and have the car towed in the morning."
"You just got in the car with a complete stranger?"
"I probably wouldn't have if my great great great—I think that's the right amount of greats—grandmother hadn't shown up with another spirit. I think the other spirit is Nick's father. He asked me to help him and Lalia—my... let's call her my ancestress, said there would come a time when I could.
"Anyway, I knew then I would be fine with him, and sure enough, he's a nice person. And a photographer. He asked if he could shoot me. Imagine someone wanting to do that."
"Oh, I can imagine, and he probably was using that as a way to hit on you."
Lula's mouth opened in surprise. "Lincoln Thor Shaw, are you jealous?"
Several seconds passed before he answered and when he did, she could have sworn he sounded surprised. "What if I am?"
There it was. She almost heard it. A key turning in a lock and what was unlocked was her heart. She didn't just hear it, she felt it.
"Then I'm yours."
"You're...Lula, don't tease on this."
"I'm not."
"Are you sure?"
She offered him her hand. "Come inside with me, Lincoln and I'll show you."
When he took her hand, she fully intended to do just that, but once they were inside and their clothes lay scattered on the floor, he took control.
And she surrendered. For the first time in her life, Lula surrendered.

About the Author:

I'm a country girl at heart and I'm quite keen on home-grown heroes, military men and cowboys. Happily-ever-after is something I believe in with my whole heart. Love may be a bumpy road and there are bound to be perils along the way but in the end, love should win. I try to take that attitude into my writing and believe that love, hope and laughter are some of the best medicine there is. Along with books. Lots of books.

I have a passion for sagas. I love to fall into a world, get to know characters and have them reappear in stories down the road. Because of that, I wrote my Cotton Creek Saga. So far, there are two series within the saga, Honky Tonk Angels and Heartbreakers & Heroes, with another, Heritage, on the way in 2019.

I love to hear from readers and want every since person who has read one of my book to know how much I thank them. To every reader who has spent his or her hard-earned reading dollars on a Ciana Stone book, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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