Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Enticing Journey Book Promotions Presents: Dirty Ballistics by Peyton Banks; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Dirty Ballistics
Series: Special Weapons & Tactics: Book Two
Author: Peyton Banks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 6, 2018
Rating:  4 Stars
#NewRelease #KU #DirtyBallisticsReleaseBlitz #SpecialWeaponsAndTactics #PeytonBanks #KindleUnlimited #Amazon #BuyNow #OneClick #NewRelease

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Sergeant Declan Owen lived by the motto 'bachelor forever'. He was dedicated to his career and led an active sex life. Women flocked to him, in love with the idea of bedding a SWAT officer. When his neighbor approached him asking for a favor, he wasn't quite sure how he ended up on an arranged blind date. He was a man of his word, and he'd show up, but he and his neighbor would need to have a conversation about boundaries. Only, after arriving at the date, he began thinking he might owe her a thank you instead… 

Aspen Hale was a woman harboring secrets. Having just relocated to Columbia, she befriended a coworker who was determined to introduce her to the city properly. Meeting the sexy cop for dinner made her realize how much one person in her past had ruined her future. As much as she wanted it, a relationship wasn't in the cards for her—but there was nothing keeping her from enjoying an evening with Declan.

One night wouldn't be enough for either of them. Their attraction was too hot to ignore. Declan wanted to explore it and soon discovered Aspen had burrowed her way into his heart. Her secrets would finally come to the forefront, bringing her time in the southern city to an end. When a group of men attacked them and attempted to abduct her, she had no choice but to come clean to Declan about who she was and why she was hiding in Columbia.

Declan wasn’t a man to back down from a fight. His woman needed him, and there'd be no way she'd face the enemy alone.

Aspen Hale is very frustrated about her situation.  It only takes an instant for our lives to change.  Declan “Dec” Owen is willing to help a friend out.  He also gives the reader some indication of what the previous book is about.  But don’t worry; you don’t need to have read it in order to enjoy this latest in this series.  But if you’re like me you’ll at least put it on your TBR list for later.  On the flip side, Declan could give just enough away that you might want to read that book first.  Like he’s giving enough of the plot away – spoiler alert.

If it wasn’t already cool out, I might need a fan – plenty of steamy heat coming off the page.  As a reviewer/blogger, a lot of the books I receive don’t have a cover or at least a cover as it sits on my carousel.  One reason that’s good is because I don’t have any preconceived notions as to what our main characters might look like.  I also like having the characters giving me a sense of what each other looks like.  But when it comes to emotions, they are sometimes the ones that have to let us know what they feel.

By creating the perfect scenarios/situations it aids the reader in visualizing those steamy scenes that our author did a great job in creating.  In one of those scenes, I was waiting to hear “Me Declan, You Aspen”.  Aspen may have a lot coming at her but she puts on a brave face and tries not to lose her cool.  It all leads to a romantic ending.  An even better ending is knowing that there’s going to be a book three in the Special Weapons and Tactics Series.

Peyton Banks is the alter ego of a city girl who is a romantic at heart. Her mornings consist of coffee and daydreaming up the next steamy romance book ideas. She loves spinning romantic tales of hot alpha males and the women they love. She currently resides with her husband and children in Cleveland, Ohio.


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