Wednesday, October 10, 2018

#ReleaseBlitz: Lovers at Heart, Reimagined by Melissa Foster; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Lovers at Heart, Reimagined
The Bradens at Weston
By: Melissa Foster 
Releasing Oct 10, 2018 
World Literary Press 
Rating:4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

A Note From The Author:
Treat Braden and Max Armstrong’s love story is the beginning of my beloved Braden series and introduces you to some of my favorite characters, and to a family that has become so real to me, they’re always by my side. If you haven’t yet met the Bradens, dive in and fall in love with the couple that started the sensation! If you are already a fan of the Love in Bloom big-family romance collection, you may have read Treat and Max’s original story, Lovers at Heart. For the past several years, I have had the nagging feeling that there was more to Treat and Max’s story than I had originally thought. I wanted to give Treat and Max a more mature story without losing the essence of who they are. This is Treat and Max’s story, reimagined, and I hope you love it as much as I do.

Treat Braden wasn’t looking for love when Max Armstrong walked into his Nassau resort, but he saw right through the efficient and capable facade she wore like a shield to the sweet, sensual woman beneath. One magnificent evening together sparked an intense connection, and for the first time in his life Treat wanted more than a casual affair. But something caused Max to turn away, and now, after weeks of unanswered phone calls and longing for the one woman he cannot have, Treat is going back to his family’s ranch to try to finally move on.
A chance encounter brings Treat and Max together again, and it turns into a night of intense passion and honesty. When Max reveals her secret, painful past, Treat vows to do everything within his power to win Max’s heart forever—including helping her finally face her demons head-on.

Goodreads Link: 

Goodreads Series Link: 

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Author Info:

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines.

Author Links:  

Rafflecopter Giveaway:
(Two winners will receive a digital e-copy of SISTERS IN WHITE)

My Thoughts:

Treat Braden has gone home.  It seems as if he’s fighting the inevitable.  His sister, Savannah is very important to him.  What’s great about this series is that each book reads as a standalone.  But you may find yourself wanting to get to know some of the secondary characters.  With Savannah, you will find her story in the book titled Bursting With Love.  Max Armstrong isn’t ready to deal with some things right now.  She also seems a little skittish where men are concerned.

Treat is a man who likes to tease – both with the reader and Max. I got to the point where there was no way I was turning away – unless I don’t realize that my battery life on my tablet is dwindling. There are ups and downs, which helps to make it seem realistic, and that’s part of what keeps my attention. You may find yourself wanting to check out a movie festival. There’s a nearby town that does has a small one. I would say that this book is an incentive to set the mood but I’m afraid that the films would just draw my attention away from our couple. But it’s a good way to people watch and see if anyone would fit my preconceived notion of our couple.

If you’ve haven’t read the original Lovers At Heart, I would probably go with this one then. If you have read it before, aren’t you curious as to what has been reimagined? I’m glad that I didn’t because I have no idea of how this book has been changed. It also means that for me the scenes move seamlessly from one to the other. Plus, this is an “I don’t mean to” moment, I don’t want to rush through the story looking around each corner trying to figure out what’s been added or changed. And Treat shows that patience is a good thing. But it can also be a bad thing because that means that our characters will reveal things in their own time – not ours.

The Bradens are hard not to love. Our author makes me feel as if the Bradens are opening their arms to accept our inclusion into their family unit. I’m still promising myself that one of these days I making the trek across the state of Massachusetts. Will need to make sure my tablet has plenty of power because there are plenty of this author’s work that will be coming with me. I’ll have to scope out the perfect place to sit and shut off the rest of the world so I can get pulled into all the characters that have a place in Wellfleet. And now that Ms. Foster is getting me ready for Rex’s story, I may have to postpone my trip because it’s one more book to add to my carrousel.

When he pulled his shirt over his head, her breath rushed from her lungs. She’d seen his perfectly sculpted physique enough times that she shouldn’t still react to it like that, but her love for him continued to grow, and she had a feeling her reactions to him would, too. Her grandmother once told her that she would know she was in love because she’d be able to imagine loving the person no matter what they looked like. As Treat stripped off his pants, she imagined him gray and potbellied, and her heart still adored him. She took that further, imagining an even harder thing to think about. What if he was hurt in an accident? If he lost a limb or was disfigured? As he lowered himself to the blanket wearing only his boxer briefs, she knew her love for him was soul deep, and nothing could change that.
He patted the space beside him. “Sit with me.”
“This might be more dangerous than I had anticipated.” She was only half teasing. Did he really expect her to touch him without wanting to devour him?
He opened his hand, revealing a small bottle of oil.
“You just happen to keep this in the secret closet with the blanket? How much do you pay your friends to say that you don’t bring women up here?”
He tickled her ribs, causing her to squeal. “I don’t lie, sweetness.”
“I was kidding!”
“Good, because I want to be sure you know you can trust me on every level. I’ve never had anyone but Savannah here with me, and I slept on the couch, which is why the blanket is down here. She left the oil here.”
Kneeling by his side, she couldn’t help teasing him. “I’m supposed to buy the old only my sister routine?”
In the next second, Treat was on his feet and heading for the kitchen, where he retrieved his phone. He pushed a button and, a few seconds later, said, “Hey, Vanny. Hold on a sec.”
Max jumped up. “Oh my gosh. No! You know I was kidding!” Mortified didn’t begin to describe the embarrassment she felt.
He lowered his voice and said, “I’ll never have anything to hide from you, and I want you to know it and believe it.”
“I know I can. I was teasing!” she said in a loud whisper.
He put Savannah on speakerphone and said, “Vanny, say hi to Max. I’ve got you on speakerphone.”
“Hey, girl! I had no idea you were going to the Cape!”
Max was surprised by Savannah’s enthusiasm. “I wanted to surprise Treat.”
“Aw, that’s so romantic,” Savannah said happily.
“Hey, Vanny, I found your Apricot Kernel Oil.” Treat grinned, twisting the bottle between his index finger and thumb.
Max covered her face. This cannot really be happening.
“Oh, good. It’s great for aromatherapy. You guys should use it. It’s awesome, and it won’t leave your skin oily.”
Treat blew a kiss to Max and said, “I’m sure we’ll put it to good use.” He took Max’s hand, leading her back to the blanket, and lowered himself to the floor with another victorious smile.
“Was that all you needed?” Savannah asked. “I gotta run. I’m with Connor.”
“I just wanted you to know I had it.”
Max tried to dodge the mortification bullet as he set his phone aside.
“You can ask me anything, Max. I’ll always give you an honest answer, and I’ll never blame you for not believing me, because I know people lie and you’ve been hurt.”
“I was honestly only teasing you. You didn’t have to call her.”
“I knew you were teasing, but I also know you’ve been cheated on and lied to. I’m not taking any chances.” He kissed her tenderly. Then he flipped onto his stomach and stretched out. “Now that that’s out of the way, I believe you wanted to do me?”
“You believe that, do you?” She dripped oil onto his back and began kneading it into his muscles.
“How do you know I didn’t have this preplanned with Savannah?”
Max’s hands stopped moving as she considered his tease. She cracked a smile and said, “Because she’d never go along with it. She likes me.”
“How about because I like you, and I’d never go along with it?”
Swoon! She bent down and kissed his cheek. “That works, too.”


1 comment:

  1. I hope you do make it to Massachusetts some day! The Cape is a beautiful place that should be on everyone's bucket list. I'm so happy you enjoyed Treat and Max's book! Thank you for reviewing XOXO


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