Monday, October 15, 2018

IndieSage PR Presents: Down The Rabbit Hole by Joz Maxel; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Giveaway

Down the Rabbit Hole
by Joz Maxel
Publication Date: October 11, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Cover Design: Nikki Hall

An innocent crush
Turned into a rush
When he gave me the attention I craved
His touch became vile
Like a turn of the dial
The path down the rabbit hole he paved

Carrick came along
Told me I belonged
In this world to be cherished and loved
When life spun out of control
It crushed my soul
My fate written in the stars above



"I brought you out here..."


"Fine, demanded you come out here so you couldn't say no to my plans to take you out."

She pushes off the car and prowls over until she's standing toe-to-toe with me.

"Does your plan involve taking me for a ride?"

Fuck, yes.

"Is that what you want?"

The corners of her mouth kick up like she's losing the battle to stop herself from smiling. From recent experience I know something smart ass is going to pass through those luscious lips.

"I think I like the idea of you taking me for a ride as long as it's long and hard." She bites on her tongue and winks.

As she steps around me, I let out the breath I'd been holding, feeling her body so close to mine. I turn around to see she's already straddled on the bike, patting the seat in front of her.

Running my hands through my already messy auburn hair, I pick up the helmet and offer it to her. "Safety first."

"You always play safe?" Grabbing the helmet and sliding it on her head, she does the clip under her chin and leans forward on her hands, pushing her tits together.

Fuck me, this girl is going to kill me.

Copyright © Joz Maxel 2018

About Joz Maxel:

Joz Maxel is a married mother of three living in Western Canada. Falling hard into the indie world four years ago, she has been an avid reader, pimper and blogger.

When an opportunity to write a short story for a contest presented itself she thought “Why not?” and went for it. Her debut novella, My Absolution, was published in August 2017.

When not writing or juggling her house of mayhem, she yells at the television while watching her beloved Edmonton Oilers or binge watches Supernatural, Stranger Things and Riverdale, just to name a few.

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