Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Give Me Books Presents: Out Of The Blue by Lila Rose; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Out of the Blue
Author: Lila Rose
Genre: Romance
Release Date: October 23, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Give Me Books Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


At forty, Lan Davis is looking for his damned picket fence and 2.5 kids. What he doesn’t expect is instead of a wife in the picture, his mind keeps conjuring up images of two men. One, his partner in the force, who is as straight as they came, the other an ex, who he’d hurt but never forgot.

After an incident leaves Lan injured, the two men rally around him… only maybe they shouldn’t have. It seems a medicated Lan is a truthful one.

Parker Wilding is pissed at the world. His anger builds when
his partner refuses medical care after an attack. Instead, Lan entrusts his neighbour to take care of him—a guy Parker doesn’t trust. While he’s aware they share a history, 
when the past is revealed, the truth shocks the hell out of him.

Being emotionally crushed ten years ago, Easton Ravel hoped he would never have to see the man who broke him again. Hope is a fickle b*itch. And now he’s not sure how to handle being face-to-face with the man he once loved. Add in the mix the annoying, testy Parker, and Easton finds his limits are pushed.

Just not in the way he thought they would be.

What happens next sure does come out of the blue.

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My Thoughts:

It’s pretty sad when a child has to hide something because they have a jack*ss for a parent.  Parents are supposed to love us unconditionally.  The one place you hope never to see prejudice is in your own family. 

Easton Ravel seems to have issues with constant disappointments.  Lan Davis seems conflicted about what he wants.  Parker Wilding is a friend who may have to push his limits.  We have three men who don’t seem to have anything in common.  But Lan and Parker do have a history that’s different from the history Lan has with Easton.  What a tangled web we weave!  And that’s one thing that makes a great author.

The author writes a scene where there’s an awkward statement made.  It felt like I was there in the room and not having any trouble feeling the uneasiness of the situation.  On thing that impressed me was how this author went about creating their world.  It had a realism about it and it’s a story that could take place anywhere in the world.  She also knew what to include that would grab my attention and left me wanting to read more of her books.  If you’re a fan of the MC genre than you will be happy to know that she has a series and some of the members make an appearance here.

I was happily reading along and came upon a scene that totally grossed me out.  You will have no trouble recognizing it, once you come upon it, because I’m sure you will have the same reaction – shiver.  That didn’t stop me from turning the page.  I had to find out what our author had in store for her characters.  She did not make me feel uncomfortable about what I was reading.  There was no trouble in hearing the conversations play out in my head.  This author also knows how to create plenty of heat and gives me an Epilogue that made me happy since it tied up loose ends as well as letting me know what becomes of our main characters – no cliffhanger here.

Author Bio:

Lila was born in Brisbane Australia, her step-dad was in the
Army which caused them to move around a lot. They finally settled in country Victoria, Australia. Being the youngest of four children she admits she was spoilt a bit. Even drove her mum crazy when she refused to eat meat at a young age.

Now, Lila lives with her husband and two children.

She started writing in 2013 and self-published the first of the Hawks MC: Ballarat Charter series- Holding Out. Since then, she has published eleven other titles, which range from erotica, humorous romance, YA and paranormal. 

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