Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Audiobookworm Presents: Cash Kills by Nanci Rathbun; #AudiobookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow

Author: Nanci Rathbun
Narrator: Kieren Calland Metts
Series: Angelina Bonaparte Mysteries, Book 2
Publisher: Dark Chocolate Press LLC
Released: Apr. 24, 2018
Length: 9 hours 40 minutes
Genre: Modern Detective; Mystery

A double murder. A mysterious inheritance. One PI is about to follow the money all the way into a den of thieves…

After surviving a bullet, Angelina Bonaparte was certain she could handle any case that came her way. But when her next client walks through the door with an unexplainable seven-figure inheritance after the death of her parents, the private investigator wonders if she's in over her head. After all, when she visits her client's family attorney, Angelina discovers yet another bloody crime scene.

With the help of her new flame, Angelina follows the clues into an underworld of war-plundered artifacts, stolen treasures, and deadly consequences. As their last lead grows colder, the PI must catch the killer before an endless cycle of murderous greed gets her client killed.

Cash Kills is the second book in the suspenseful Angelina Bonaparte Mysteries series. If you like hard-as-painted-nails female detectives, historical mysteries, and twists and turns you won’t see coming, then you’ll love Nanci Rathbun’s loaded crime thriller.

Buy Cash Kills to follow the money trail to a sassy, suspenseful mystery today!

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Nanci Rathbun is a lifelong reader of mysteries – historical, contemporary, futuristic, paranormal, hard-boiled, cozy … you can find them all on her bookshelves. She brings logic and planning to her writing from a background as an IT project manager, and attention to characters and dialog from her second career as a Congregationalist minister.
Nanci grew up an Army brat, living in Germany, France and Korea, as well as several states in the U.S. After her dad retired from the service, the family settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, Nanci raised her daughter and son, while working at AT&T. She never expected to move, but when her second grandchild was on the way, she wanted to be closer. One of her greatest joys is hearing her three granddaughters shout ‘Nana’ when she comes in their front door in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Nanci’s Maltipoo, Teeny, and she now live in Wellington, Colorado. No matter where she makes her home, she will always be a Green Bay Packers fan.

Narrator Bio

Kieren Calland Metts is addicted to audiobooks. She has almost 1,000 in her Audible.com library and has listened to most of them! She tends toward mysteries of all kinds, especially cozies, and YA dystopia.

She grew up a diplomat brat, traveling to tours in Baghdad, Iraq; and Kabul, Afghanistan. After several more moves in the U.S., the family settled in Ohio.

Kieren has a background in copy editing, book & newspaper design, and web production; adores arts and crafts; and has a weakness for fluffy orange kitties.

Character Profile:

How to Beat the Bad Guys at Their Own Game
I’ve dealt with a lot of cheaters, liars and just plain weasels in my career as a private investigator, and in my marriage to Bozo–and, no, I don’t call him that in front of our grown children or grandchildren. I dumped him after his second fling, which gave me the impetus to examine my life and decide what I really wanted. Not the wife, not the mother, not the nonna. Me.
Turns out that my degree in library science set me up well for a career as a PI. I always loved the research aspects of librarianship most, and I’ve put them to good use in my work. Here are a few tips to keep your personal information personal.
What do you throw in the trash? Once it hits the curb, it’s public property. The Supremes ruled on it in 1988, and I’m not talking about the group that Diana Ross fronted. So invest in a shredder, preferably cross-cut. It’s not that hard to reassemble documents from a straight-line shredder. Even the cross-cut can be put back together, if it’s worth the time and effort. It usually is, for folks like me and law enforcement. You can always burn your papers, or dunk them in a bucket of bleach, but that seems like overkill for most of us.
Even ads and magazines can provide clues that you might want to keep secret. Let’s say Joe Randall, an avid fly fisherman, ran off with the company funds and set himself up in a new location with a new identity. Joe’s smart, so he doesn’t call Mom on Mother’s Day or send email to anyone he knew in his old life. But he subscribes to Fly Fisherman and Fly Tyer magazines, using his new identity. Magazines sell their subscription lists, so a good investigator can buy the lists and find out who’s subscribed since Joe ran off. It will take some legwork, but given enough time and cash, Joe will be brought to justice.
As for the internet … well, there’s a whole world of hackers looking to find your data and use it to their benefit. I never provide credit card information unless I’m logged in using an ethernet connection. It’s just too darn easy to hack a WiFi signal. And my high-tech former special ops buddy, Spider Mulcahey, taught me about Duck Duck Go, an alternative to Google. It doesn’t track your searches or the sites you’ve visited. There’s a downside, though–you have to constantly re-enter your favorites, but, as Spider says, that’s the price you pay.
Worried about whether your former boyfriend or girlfriend is somehow tracking you? You should be, because there’s a cellphone app for that. Or several. So if someone’s had your phone in their possession, check to see what apps are installed and search for any suspicious names online. There are even free GPS trackers that allow access to your cellphone. The simplest way to be sure you’re not followed from afar is to tuck your device into an RFID pouch, which blocks the signal. Of course, you may miss a few calls, but that’s what voice mail is for. The pouch will even protect your credit cards from hackers who try to read its electromagnetic signal, although this is fast becoming unnecessary as chip-enabled cards are issued.
Does all this sound like overkill? Well, I’m fond of saying that just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean there’s nobody after you. No need to make it easy for the bad guys.

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