Sunday, September 23, 2018

Enticing Journey Book Promotions Presents: Hunter by Giulia Lagomarsino; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Licw

Title: Hunter
Series: Reed Security Series #6
Author: Giulia Lagomarsino
Genre: Contemporary/Security Romance
Release Date: September 18, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#OnTour #OneClick #KindleUnlimited #SecurityRomance #HunterGiuliaLagomarsinoBookTour #ReedSecuritySeries #GiuliaLagomarsino #NewRelease

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Goodreads Review - “This book made me laugh, cry, cringe, and sit on the edge of my seat. If you like romance books with dirty sex and a bit of mystery, then this is the book for you.”
Goodreads Review - “I have to say that I absolutely loved this book.”
Goodreads Review - “I honestly hope this author never suffers with writer's block. Her ideas and the conversation between these men are awesome.”

Hunter "Pappy" Papacosta can't get Lucy Grant out of his head. He's had a casual relationship with her for awhile, but when she almost dies in a fire, everything changes in his eyes. He'll do anything to prove to her that he can be the man she needs. But Lucy doesn't trust that Hunter is ready for a relationship and isn't willing to risk her heart on someone that will just let her down. But when someone comes after Lucy, Hunter will do anything he can to protect her. Even if it means he loses her

Lucy Grant is a very stubborn woman.  Hunter Papacosta is an overbearing SOB.  One thing I learned rather quickly about him is that he runs hot and cold pretty quickly – and they say women are bad.  In his defense, Lucy seemed to say one thing but always seems to do something else.  And in her defense, I don’t think she really knows what she wants.

These two have a relationship that’s hard to describe – it’s one you’ll have to experience on your own.  But if you want a picture then think Neanderthal wearing pants swinging an invisible club.  Hunter will give you plenty of laughable moments too.  I’m afraid the jokes on him. Some of that was because he seems so clueless – for being such a smart man.  I loved watching Lucy making him squirm as much as possible.  But as the story continues I can understand his frustration because I also became frustrated.  You will find that this author is very devious too and I loved it a lot.  Especially when the story shifts from a relationship to a mystery.  And I got an ending that just stopped – I wanted more.

If you need a story that will entertain than this story will do that for you.  There were times where I laughed so hard that there was no way that I couldn’t picture what was going on.  Just a warning – if you laugh as much as I did you can expect this book to take longer than the previous books.  You will find that this was time well spent.  And speaking of previous books, Lucy’s sister has her own story so make sure to check out Irish – if you haven’t already. I think with this story it was the most I’ve ever laughed with a book.

I was lifting weights in the training center with Sinner, Cazzo, Burg, and Chance a few days later. I was sweating like crazy in more than one place and it was f@$king uncomfortable. The moisture was making my boxers rub against my freshly waxed skin, making it itch like crazy. I set down the weights and tried to discreetly itch the irritated skin.

Sinner caught me and quirked an eyebrow. “Jock itch?”

“No.” I turned away and itched at the skin again. It f$%king burned. There was no way I was ever getting a wax again.

Sinner walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. “Dude, it’s not really cool to itch yourself in a room full of men.”

I looked at his my shoulder where his hand was and raised an eyebrow. He pulled back suddenly as if he had been burned. 



“Genital warts?”

“No,” I almost yelled.

“Dude, if you have pubic lice, you need to get the f#$k out of here.”

Cazzo, Burg, and Chance turned and looked at me warily. I saw Chance’s eyes drop to my crotch for just a moment. 

“I don’t f#$king have pubic lice.”

“Then why the hell are you scratching so much?” Sinner asked.

What the hell. Maybe one of them knew what to do. “I was following Lucy, trying to run into her, you know, like we talked about. I wasn’t watching where she was headed and I followed her into the spa.”

Sinner grinned, “First time, huh?”

“First time what?” Cazzo asked.

“Pappy, please tell me that you just did some manscaping,” Burg pleaded.

“They did something called a Hollywood.”

Sinner started laughing hysterically and Burg cringed. “What?” Chance asked. “What the hell is a Hollywood?”

“They waxed every inch of him,” Sinner laughed.

“Why would you do that?” Chance asked. 

“F$%king Maggie. She was there for a spa day with Claire and Lucy. She insinuated that I was there to make an appointment for a girlfriend and I didn’t want Lucy to think I was sending another woman to the spa.”

“So you put hot wax on your junk instead?” Cazzo asked.

“I didn’t know they were going to do all that. I thought it would just be a little touch up.”

“But why did it hurt so bad?” Sinner asked. “I’ve done it, but I’ve never itched like that,” he said, pointing to my crotch.

“I have a lot of hair. I usually just trim, but the woman said it was very thick.”

“Still,” Burg shook his head. “It shouldn’t be that bad. Drop your pants.”

“What? I’m not dropping my pants.”

Sinner rolled his eyes. “We’re all men. We’ve all seen a penis before. Do you want help or not?”

I looked at all of them and decided what the hell. What could it hurt? When I pulled my shorts down, they all cringed. Sinner let out a hissing noise and Chance covered his own crotch like he would somehow catch the itching.

“That looks painful,” Cazzo said, turning to Sinner. “Is that normal?”

“That most definitely is not normal. Did you use the cream?”

“What f$%king cream?”

Sinner shook his head. “You have to use the cream. I bet it feels like it’s on fire right now.”


I'm a stay at home mom that loves to read. Some of my favorite titles are Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Horatio Hornblower. I started writing when I was trying to come up with suggestions on ways I could help bring in some extra money. I came up with the idea that I could donate plasma because you could earn an extra $500/month. My husband responded with, "No. Find something else. Write a blog. Write a book." I didn't think I had anything to share on blog that a thousand other mothers hadn't already thought of. I decided to take his challenge seriously and sat down to write my first book, Jack. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed writing. From there, the stories continued to flow and I haven't been able to stop. I hope my readers enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Between reading, writing, and taking care of three small kids, my days are quite full.


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