Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Saints & Sinners Presents: A Promise Kept by D.C. Renee; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review


Rating:  5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Saints & Sinners Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

I broke my promise the minute I saw her.

Not in the way you probably think, though. It wasn’t a promise to take care of her because
it was love at first sight. It was a promise to let her know, to let her know
just what happened…

Yes, she was beautiful, perfect really, but what I saw made her ugly. So, I broke 
my promise because she didn’t deserve to know.

And then I took her because she deserved to suffer the way I had—emotionally. 
Alone even when surrounded by people. Lonesome for eternity.

She’d be my wife so she could live beside me, never finding love but only the indifference
and hate I bestowed upon her. Who would want that kind of life by choice? Who
would want to shackle themselves to a scarred man—both physically and mentally?
I didn’t give her a choice. I gave her an ultimatum, and she couldn’t refuse. And
I vowed she’d live a lonely life with a husband right beside her.

That’s the thing about vows … Sometimes, they are broken. And promises? 
Sometimes, you manage to keep them even when you don’t want to.

Lila Meddings is confused and so am I – great way to get me hooked.  Tyson Welsh is a very confusing man – another great way to get me hooked.  Once I got started I wasn’t able to stop.  I was going to get this finished in one day no matter what it took.  With all the ups and downs, twists and turns, I just had to be careful not to get carsick.

This story seems to be a modern day mash-up of two older stories.  I’m not going to give that away because it will be easy for you to discover on your own.  I loved how the author did the spin on them while adding in something that will tug at your heart.  The author could have made this a very dark story but she let Lila’s light and love shine through.  It took a while to get there but given the way this book started the author gives her readers the perfect ending.

This is a story to take a chance on.  It doesn’t start off happy.  You go through the story wondering what the true story is.  Is this story going to show the darker side of humanity?  That could have happened but the author created a secondary character that was a friend to Tyson and ended up being a friend to Lila as well.  No scene seemed to drag on or slow down the pace the author set.  That was one reason that it was so easy to read the book in one day.  I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

DC Renee has been writing all her life, from cheesy poems in elementary school
(i'll share an example just so you know how cheesy: Flowers are my favorite
thing; they usually bloom during spring. Pink, blue, yellow and green, so many
colors that I have seen...etc.) to short stories and monologues, and eventually
fan fictions for Days of Our Lives.

It was thanks to that superbly encouraging fan fiction community that DC found
the courage to publish her first book - Let Me Go. It held fast in the top 100
Best Selling Contemporary Romance Fiction Novels on Amazon for over a month,
going as low as the top 20's. Naturally, she loves to read, but she also likes
watching hockey, dancing for fun, and loves her family.

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