Saturday, July 28, 2018

Give Me Books Presents: Scarred by Elizabeth Knox; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Scarred
Series: Demons of Hell #1
Author: Elizabeth Knox
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 28, 2018
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Give Me Books Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


I had it all, or at least I did according to everyone else.  I had the club, I had the most powerful husband, the Prez of the Demons of Hell MC.
I had a family.
He’d told me time and time again the club was my “family”.
My “family” let a lot of things happen to me that shouldn’t of.
My “family” did a great job of turning a blind eye.
My “family” was great at letting me be the punching bag for their mistakes. For all of his pent up anger and frustrations.
My “family” was the reason I almost died.
When Rage came into my life I saw nothing else.
His name was a warning and I didn’t listen.

Purchase Links:


Free in Kindle Unlimited

My Thoughts:

Roxanne “Roxy” shows that being the woman behind the man in charge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  Hers is not a happy life.  Vincent “Tex” has a tough task ahead.  As this story goes on, I find myself acting just like Roxy – I’m waiting for the shoe to drop.  It puts me on edge and I’m apprehensive as to what’s around the corner.

Don’t expect a hearts ‘n flowers story.  Don’t expect this story to be romantic.  You can expect it to be violent and raw.  It’s also tough to read.  This is not something that’s going to put a smile on your face. There are glimmers of happiness and of hope.  Even when you get to the end, you have a HFN but you still don’t know what’s around that next corner or if that other shoe is going to drop.

Even for me, the violence was a really tough read.  If it were a movie, I would most likely turn the channel until I thought the violence was over.  The temptation to skip was very real.  But I toughed it out – the scene didn’t last long so I wiped my brow and soldiered on.  Because of this, it made it tough to decide how I was going to rate this.  I was back and forth during the whole story.  Even as I write this I’m still going back and forth.  It wasn’t until the ending that I made my final decision.

If you love an in your face MC read than you’re probably going to like this one.  But remember the author has written a warning.  She’s very good at what she does – good, bad, or indifferent she was able to get a reaction out of me.  Would I read the next book in the series?  If I want to know what happens after the other shoe drops, I think I have to.

Author Bio:

Elizabeth is a romantic suspense author most popular for her Mob and MC books, the international bestselling author of Reign, Redemption, Revenge, Relentless, Promised, Tough as Steele, Stripping a Steele &  Blackjack. 
Author Links:

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