Sunday, July 1, 2018

Enticing Journey Book Promotions Presents: Hell Upside Down by Mia Villano; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Hell Upside Down
Author: Mia Villano
Genre: Suspense Thriller
Release Date: June 29, 2018
Cover Designer: J.N. Sheats
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.
#HellUpsideDownRelease #MiaVillano 
#NewRelease #KindleUnlimited

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Scarlett Ferguson wanted out of her dreary life in Cutler, Maine. Every day was only an existence living in poverty in a run down trailer with her dad and his girlfriend. Working a dead end job in a restaurant, Scarlett’s life changes the day Hugh Cruz walks into her world. 

He is gorgeous, rich and charming, sweeping Scarlett off her feet after a few dates. When he wants to marry her in a rush, she thinks nothing of it, other than it is true love. That changes on the night of her honeymoon. The night Scarlett realizes, things are not what they seem. It doesn't take long for Scarlett to become someone she swore she never would be, in a life she swore she never would want.

Heartbroken and confused, Scarlett realizes that the life she ran away from is the life she truly wants. Secrets unravel as Scarlett discovers the real reason Hugh came into her life. No one is who she thought they were and the people she trusted are soon revealing their true identity. Hell Upside Down is a dark, emotional standalone novel filled with suspense. Each page has you wanting more.

Scarlett Ferguson can’t seem to get out of the rut she’s in.  Her home life is a little rough to say the least.  And certainly not something you expect when you think of Maine.  But things like that can occur anywhere.  It’s things that we don’t see or turn a blind eye to.  Hugh Cruz is trying to impress her and probably us – I’m thinking too good to be true.

This story had me on the edge of my seat from the moment I read the Prologue.  It seemed as though Scarlett was going to get her fairy tale ending that we see in movies or read about in books.  But our lives aren’t like that.  Scarlett is put into a situation like a lot of women and you’ll hope that she’ll be one of the lucky ones and find a way out.  So be prepared for this story to turn dark – especially if you have any triggers. 

I don’t find that this story was very romantic – especially from what Scarlett was telling me.  That’s not to say that there’s love found between these pages.  It may be hard to see but it shines through just where we would want it to and isn’t that what we want by the time we get to the end?  Sometimes we come full circle in our life and what we feel we don’t want actually turns out to be the best of what we want.

Who was this author?  I had never read her before, this story sounded interesting, and I wanted to see if she could attract my attention.  Well she certainly did that.  You get into the world of the characters especially because it’s told from Scarlett’s point of view.  I was glad not to have Hugh’s point of view – I got enough of him just from what Scarlett was telling us about her experience.  This is a great introduction if you’ve never read Ms. Villano’s work.  I look forward to checking out more.

I'm a new erotic romance author with two books currently out. Loving the Senator and The Ambassador and Me. Both were Amazons Hot New Release and Bestsellers. Soon to release on November 3rd Paris, The Ambassador and Me the second in the Trilogy. On November 27th, I will be releasing Loving The Candidate the Second in the Capital Affairs series. Around Christmas I plan to release a very emotional book called Just Breathe Again. 
I've been writing since I was seven when I won my first essay contest in our state. From then on I wrote as much as possible. It wasn't until four years ago when I decided to write what I loved to read, erotic romances. Back in the day I would steal my moms Jackie Collins books and read them repeatedly tucked in between my Little House in the Prairie books and late at night with a flashlight under the covers. It never hit me to actually write romances until I spent a few days in New York went to Central Park with my laptop. I closed my eyes while I typed my first sex scene (it really helped) and I haven't looked back.
When I'm not writing I hike, cook and spend time with my family. I have two daughters and two dachshund's.


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