Thursday, July 19, 2018

Buoni Amici Press Presents: Rock Legend by Tara Leigh; #BlogTour, #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review

Title: Rock Legend(Nothing But Trouble, Book 2) 
Author: Tara Leigh 
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Rockstar Romance 
Release Date: July 17, 2018 
Cover Designer: Forever Romance
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC. 
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Buoni Amici Press and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

I’m no Prince Charming.

Most people know me as the drummer for Nothing but Trouble. Depending who you ask, I’m also a playboy, a loner, the life of the party, a screw-up, or according to my fans, “The Sexiest Rock Star on the Planet.” Apparently, I’m a legend.
Am I surprised? Hell, no. It’s a reputation I’ve earned behind my drum kit and behind closed doors. No one thought foster kid Landon Cox would become famous. Infamous, maybe. Notorious, probably. But successful? Never. No one except Piper Hastings. But I had to make a choice: my woman or my career. I picked fame and fortune . . . and spent every damn day since pretending I don’t regret it.
Now fate’s dropped Piper back into my life. I want to believe it’s a second chance for me—for us. But while I can give her a few great nights, I can’t give Piper a future.
Because there’s a difference between a legend and a fairy tale . . .
Only one of them ends happily ever after.

My Thoughts:

Piper Hastings doesn’t want to be connected to rock bands anymore.  Landon Cox seems to fit the rock star persona.  He’s going to be a hard character to like.  He’s definitely a bad boy but the question becomes “can he redeem himself?”  He has a few likable traits but I’m not sure that’s sufficient.  So that becomes my page-turner moment.

And if that didn’t solidify things it was a conversation she had with her friend Delaney Fraser.  Don’t know who Delaney Fraser is?  Make sure to go back and read the first book of this series, Rock King.  This series is feeding into some of my beliefs in the rock band lifestyle.  Landon is the band’s drummer and interestingly enough I was listening to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and you could hear the drummer during certain points in the song.  As I was listening, it had me think about Landon and his playing skills in the Nothing But Trouble band.

This story seemed grittier than the first book.  Landon has some issues that need to be addressed and I’m not sure that I would want to be in Piper’s shoes.  At times it didn’t seem as if Landon realized the seriousness of what’s happening.  This was one thing that made the story seem so real – how we feel that some rock stars behave once they’re off stage.  And you’ll see that Piper has her own set of issues.

One character that makes a reappearance is Travis Taggert.  Just as in the first book, he seems to help the story move along – especially since he seems to be the man in charge.  Even though he’s not the main focus of the story, I still want to see what he’s going to do in the next book in this series.  It seems to be one of those series where you just don’t have a choice – you have to sit back and really look at who these characters are and watch as they have that light bulb moment when their lives are about to change and hopefully for the better.  One thing that I liked was the fact that the author also included personal things like family – just one more thing that make the characters seem more real.  And that was most evident with the ending.  The only thing I’ll tell you is to make sure to have some tissue handy.

Watching Landon Cox on stage from forty feet away had been bad enough. But here, now, close enough to touch, I was jolted by the power of his presence.
Still shirtless and sweating after an intense performance, my eyes danced over the rippling muscles rising from beneath the inked skin of Landon’s naked torso, his broad shoulders tapering to slim hips, perfect V cuts forming an arrow pointing south.
Vitality seeping from every pore.
My gaze was drawn inexorably upward. Blond hair a damp mess, the faintest trace of stubble darkening a jawline that could have been cut from marble. A face so symmetrical, so severely beautiful, it would take even the most talented sculptor a lifetime to get right.
Landon Cox was a fantasy in the flesh.
I’d imagined this very moment dozens—no, hundreds—of times. But now that the moment was here, Landon and I, alone in a room again after all these years, I had nothing.
In a blink, Landon’s expression wavered. His winged brows, three shades darker than the hair sweeping across his forehead, pulled together. Eyes like hot coals burning into me.
As if the sight of me caused him pain.
I tore my gaze away from his face, but it only landed on the swaths of ink covering his chest and extending over his arms. My mouth watered at the sight. I wanted to trace every tattoo with my tongue, every slash and swirl and stripe. After six years, how would Landon taste?
Like regret, I realized with a sickening thud. Because regret was all that remained of what we’d once shared.

Tara Leigh attended Washington University in St. Louis and Columbia Business School in New York, and worked on Wall Street and Main Street before “retiring” to become a wife and mother. When the people in her head became just as real as the people in her life, she decided to put their stories on paper. Tara currently lives in Fairfield County, Connecticut with her husband, children and fur-baby, Pixie.

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