Monday, July 30, 2018

Buoni Amici Press Presents: Coti's Unclaimed Mate by Elle Boon; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Coti's Unclaimed Mate (Iron Wolves MC, Book 9) 
Author: Elle Boon 
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Shifter/Vampire/Demon 
Release Date: July 27th, 2018 
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC. 
Rating:  4 Stars

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Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Buoni Amici Press and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Will they find beauty in the ashes as the fire settles, or will they go up in flames?

Coti’s a shifter, but he’s so much more than meets the eye.
NeNe’s a human who’s ready for a change, however is she ready for all that Coti will bring?
The Iron Wolves will face an enemy bent on destroying them in a way no one expected. When the dust settles, and battle lines have been drawn, Coti and NeNe will find who can be trusted and who can’t.

***Warning: Contains a shifter that doesn't want a mate and a tiny human who's more than a handful "wink".

My Thoughts:

Renee “NeNe” Danielson wants to change her destiny.  But she shows that sometimes our destiny goes in a totally different direction.  Coti Sharp’s not sure what kind of sh*t he’s gotten himself into.  This book was a great reminder about what I love about this genre – it’s all unexpected.  Nothing is off limits because it’s all about imagination.

It’s a great way to get introduced to this author since you can read the book as a standalone.  I didn’t need to know anything about the previous eight books in order to enjoy the adventure that NeNe and Coti took me on.  We get to see their strength, as individuals and as a couple.  We get to see the group that Coti belongs to.  This is when it makes me sad that I never heard of this author before and that I discovered this series so late.  But as long as this series doesn’t disappear, I can certainly catch up and learn more about the people that make up the Iron Wolves MC. 

At least in this particular case, don’t worry about the letters “MC”.  This book is more about the paranormal aspect than a motorcycle club.  Like an MC, they work together to defend their own and to make everything right in their world.  Coti is a little different from the rest of his brothers and I would have liked to have seen it explored a little more but couldn’t find out if a book ten is coming so I’ll just have to wait and see.  In the meantime, I have plenty of other books to explore.

“Yoohoo, your fairy dragon is here. Oh, now, who do I need to kill for hurting such a gorgeous girl?” Lula asked, going up to NeNe and rubbing her face over the bears head. “Ah, your fur is so soft, sweet one. Come, you and I will go and run through the fields and get right with the Goddess.”
Coti coughed, drawing the pink-haired female’s attention. “Um, Lula, a word please.”
Lula rolled her eyes, then whispered loudly into NeNe’s ear. “These alpha men are so bossy. Coming, sir.”
“Thank you for getting here so quickly. Ah, yeah, so she’s my mate. Can you tell me what’s going to happen?” Coti put his hands on his hips, the sense he was talking to a being who could wipe the ground with his hide had him deferring to her.
The tiny female leaned in. “Psst. Just so you know, I’d never use your carcass to wipe anything. And, she’s unclaimed as of right now. I sense two claims in her, which is confusing the dear bear. You and the beast who put the beast in her. She’s confused, so me and my dragon are gonna get her unconfused. We’ll be in touch. Toodles,” she waved, and then they disappeared.
Coti jerked backward, nearly falling on his ass. “Shit, she just took her. I didn’t get to say bye.”
Damien clapped him on the back. “Simmer down, she’s fine. Lula will take good care of her as will our Hearts Love. Jenna will make sure she’s well enough to come home, or—”
He glared at the man who spoke. “There is no or. NeNe is coming home to me.” His heart ached. His soul screamed worse than when he’d fought an entire pack of rogue wolves who tried to kill a farmer and his family in order to claim their land. The pack of seven grown shifter men, in their prime, had fought dirty, but he’d killed each and every one of them, sustaining injuries that nearly killed him. Yet, the pain from that battle combined with every other one, didn’t come close to what was coursing through him at the thought of never feeling NeNe’s skin under his hands. Never learning all the things that made her who and what she was.
Coti sheathed his swords with a thought, then dropped to his knees, unable to stand. “I thought nothing could kill me. I’ve tried, throughout the years you know? I’ve tested what could and couldn’t kill me. This, losing her, will kill me.” He would claw his own heart out. A man couldn’t live without his other half, the woman who was made just for him. He didn’t care if she was a bear, a sprite, or even a damn dragon. She was his.
Coti felt his two beings expand inside himself, the wolf and vampire, merging. He wasn’t like Damien and Lucas, born with the abilities of a shifter, but essentially a vampire. He was, or had been, three beings in one body, each one co-existing. Now, they merged, strengthening. His vampire half and his wolf rolled around inside his head, then forged to become the man.
“Damn, I think Grasshopper has become the teacher. Should we call dad and Ezra?” Damien asked, backing away from Coti.
Coti rolled his neck, his skin feeling too tight. “We’re on the same side, right now.”
“What the hell is going on?” Kellen growled, his claws out.
“Well, you see, this one here, is like a superhero being. Kind of like Deadpool of the vampire shifter world, I think. Only, he doesn’t look like an ugly avocado that nobody wants to have sex with. Ouch, fuck! Damien, I will beat your ass if you do that again.” Lucas pulled a knife out of his leg.
Kellen pointed the iron claws at Coti. “Alright, so you’ve got some shit to explain. However, we’re about to be converged on inside this mothereffen train car. The last thing I want is to rumble in a tin can with that,” he pointed at Coti. “I say we get the hell out of here and into an open field.”
Xan held his hand up. “I’d just like to point out, that you shouldn’t be pointing your freaky ass Freddy Krueger like knives for claws at someone and saying shit. Just saying.”
“Don’t kill him, yet. We might need him,” Turo implored.
“I can call Creed,” Lucas said.
“Who’s going to open this tin can up?” Bodhi asked, bouncing on his feet.
Coti raised his hands, but the top of the train car groaned, a hole forming within seconds as the upper half was ripped off.
“Yo, anybody home?” Creed asked, looking in through the top. “Ps. I got pants on, so you boys won’t get dick envy. No need to say thank you. Oh, and there’s like twenty freaky ass shifters heading this way.”
Coti jumped out, landing next to the large red-skinned son of Satan. “Thanks, Creed.”
Creed nodded. “No problem. We need to finish this quickly, my female wants me home, so we can watch chick flicks.”
Xan coughed, the sound of pussy made Coti wince. “Don’t kill him, he’s a good fighter.”
Kellen and the others jumped out of the train car, lining up to face the contingent of shifters coming toward them. “Damn, son, you sure do know how to piss off a man.”
Coti raised his head, sniffing. “Let’s show ‘em what fucking with the Iron Wolves will get them.”
He stood shoulder to shoulder with Damien on one side, Kellen on the other, knowing when the bodies settled, he’d have a lot of explaining to do. But first, his claws itched. “Should we offer them the chance to back off and live another day?”
Creed sighed. “Damn, there’s always one of you who has to be the fun ruiner. Hold please.”
The big man in his partial shift walked forward, eating up the space in long strides, his voice booming. “Stop, you vile beasts. If you want to live so you can go and hump your females another day, turn around, tuck your tails and run screaming to your mamas. Continue on your path now, and I’ll render you from gut to throat and feed your entrails to my pets.”
Xan put his hands up under his chin and sighed. “Goddess, I love him. He has such a way with words. If I were female, and not mated to a male as magnificent as myself, I’d totally look down and want him.”
Creed looked over his shoulder. “I knew it, you dirty bastard. You all looked down. There’s no shame in admitting it. First step in all programs is admittance. Damn, I feel them breathing. They’re continuing on the forward journey, which means they went with option B. Why do the idiots always go with option B? Do they think I have no beasts to feed their insides to?” He turned back around, swatting a couple of wolves away.
“Let’s do this,” Kellen roared.

I’m a full-time wife and mother of two who has loved to read and write since childhood. I survived cancer and decided I could do anything, setting personal goals then and there. Four years later, after meeting many wonderful writers who allowed me to beta read for them, whom I can now call friends, I decided to write a book. Several years later I’ve attained my first goal, becoming a published author.
I love to write and have all kinds of stories in my head waiting to be written. The best part about my new journey is that if I don’t like it, I can re-write it, unlike real life, so I always make sure there’s a happy ending.
I’m creating new worlds, and I hope you all enjoy them with me. I can guarantee you’ll always have a hero or two you’ll love, and a heroine you’ll want to be.

Books 1-8 Available to Buy Now

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