Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Between The Sheets Promotions Presents: Old Enough by Charmaine Pauls; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review

Title: Old Enough(Book 1, The Age Between Us)
Author: Charmaine Pauls
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: July 17, 2018
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Between the Sheets Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


I’m old enough to drive a car, buy alcohol, and enter a club.
I’m old enough to take responsibility for my actions.
I’m old enough for her.
No matter what her middle-aged friends or society says.
No matter she’s the age of my mother.
No matter why or how I met her.
I’ll take those secrets to my grave.
And her with them.
If those secrets don’t ruin us first.

What reviewers and readers say:


“A moving and addictive read.”

“There’s a beauty and strength to the writing.”

“Even when I finally managed to put the book down I couldn’t get the characters to let me sleep.”

Can't tell the last time I picked up a book and was so caught up with it.”

Purchase your copy today!

My Thoughts:

Jane Logan receives some news that seems to come out of nowhere.  Brian Michaels gets an interesting proposition.  The author surprises me by where she’s taking her story.  Even if I could guess what an author is up to, this would be one of those that I never would have guessed in a million years.  Every way you turn something else is going on and you just never know what she’s got in store around the next corner.

Our author has written something that seems so real.  She makes it very easy to picture each scene as it goes by.  It’s not hard at all to feel sorry for what Jane is going through and all the pain she is experiencing.  There were points in the story where I had a hard time believing how young Brian was.  He acts like someone so much older – some of that could be due to his family life.

Ms. Pauls gave me characters to hate, characters to feel sorry for, a mystery surrounding Jane and at times had me wondering what’s Brian up to.  She gave me plenty that would keep me on the edge of my seat and had me wondering how much more Jane could take.  This may be a story of older woman/younger man but there are times where you forget about that and just think of them as two people.  And the steam heat once it starts continues to the end which isn’t really an ending – it’s just the beginning of what comes next in Young Enough, so stay tuned.


Tapping his fingers together, he doesn’t break our stare. He continues to delve deep into my eyes for four more heartbeats, and then he says, “I’m leaving you.”

The words come out of nowhere and everywhere. They’re wrong, because he’d never do that to me. He promised. Our start wasn’t easy, but I’ve tried my damnedest to be the good wife for him, the wife he wanted. We have Abby. He won’t do this to his daughter.

“I wanted to tell you before,” he says, “but the right opportunity was never there.”

Lowering my voice, I motion at the full restaurant. “This is?” A shutter drops in his regard, and his demeanor turns distant, inaccessible. “I thought it best to move as soon as possible. I don’t want a drawn-out drama.”

I can’t process what’s happening. There were no warning signs, except for his recent withdrawal, but he always pulls into himself when work gets stressful.

“I’ll be out by tomorrow,” he continues. “Why?” My question has nothing to do with him moving out tomorrow.

He doesn’t hesitate in his answer. “Debbie.” I only know one Debbie. “From your office?” “She resigned.” He adds, “Obviously.” As if that’s a consolation. “How did this happen?” “We fell in love.” Tears prick at the back of my eyes, but I blink them away, not wanting witnesses for my pain and humiliation. “How long?” He gets that closed-off look again. “It’s not important.” “The hell it is.” “Jane.” His tone is chastising. “Your language, please.” “Can we talk about this at home?” “There’s no point. My mind’s made up.” “Yes, there is a point. There are things to be said, explained. If you’re so certain of your decision as you say you are–”

About The Author:

Charmaine Pauls was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. She obtained a degree in Communication at the University of Potchestroom, and followed a diverse career path in journalism, public relations, advertising, communications, photography, graphic design, and brand marketing. Her writing has always been an integral part of her professions.

After relocating to Chile with her French husband, she fulfilled her passion to write creatively full-time. Charmaine has published ten novels since 2011, as well as several short stories and articles. Two of her short stories were selected for publication in an African anthology from across the continent by the International Society of Literary Fellows in conjunction with the International Research Council on African Literature and Culture.

When she is not writing, she likes to travel, read, and rescue cats. Charmaine currently lives in Montpellier with her husband and children. Their household is a linguistic mélange of Afrikaans, English, French and Spanish.

 (Old Enough is Book 1 of The Age Between Us duology. Book 2 will be available on 28 August 2018.)

#PreOrder your copy today!

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