Friday, June 22, 2018

InkSlinger PR Presents: Overcome by A.K. Evans; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Giveaway

Today we have the blog tour of A.K. Evans’ OVERCOME! We are so excited to share this fantastic new release with you!

Title: Overcome
Author: A.K. Evans 
Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Overcome:

It only took a matter of moments for Lexi Townsend's life to change. Her power was taken, her trust lost. Her bubbly personality was smothered by the depressing weight of shame and guilt.

Four years later, Lexi yearns to get back to the former version of herself. A stronger version. One who is no longer afraid to share her story, her body, and her trust. When Private Investigator Cruz Cunningham comes into her life, he proves he’s a man that’s deserving of her trust.

When multiple women in Windsor go missing, it launches Cruz and the Cunningham Security team into action. As Cruz digs deeper into the investigation, he’s torn between finding the missing women and protecting the woman he loves. Putting her faith in Cruz, Lexi never imagines that this case could destroy everything she’s worked so hard to overcome.

WARNING: This novel contains references to rape and sexual assault and may trigger discomfort in some readers.

Grab Your Copy Today:

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“…We’ve got great chemistry, Lexi.  Don’t put this kind of pressure on yourself.  We’re good.”
“Well, what about…” she trailed off as she directed her gaze everywhere but at me.
“Look at me,” I urged.
When her eyes came to mine, I questioned her softly, “What about what?”
Her voice was barely a whisper when she answered, “Sex.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about tonight,” I replied.
Her body stiffened.
“I don’t want to have sex with you.”
Her eyes rounded.  “You don’t?” she asked, unable to hide her shock.
“Oh.”  She looked back down at her lap and I could see she was relieved, but maybe also a bit disappointed.  I couldn’t understand it.
“Maybe I should clarify,” I started.  “I want to have sex with you; I just don’t want to have sex with you tonight.”
Her hopeful eyes came back to mine.
“There’s no rush,” I assured her.  “It takes as long as it takes for you to get to a place where you want that, too.  I don’t care how long it takes you either. Nothing, Lexi, nothing happens before you are ready for it.  To that end, when you think you might be ready for any physical intimacy, I need you to tell me. If it’s needed, I’ll take the lead on everything else, but you are taking the lead on that.”
Her eyes filled with tears.  “I wanted to wear a dress tonight.”
I shook my head, confused.  “What?”
“When you picked me up tonight, you told me I looked pretty.  I told you I spent entirely too long trying to decide what I should wear.  I really wanted to wear a dress.”
“So, why didn’t you?”
“I can’t,” she rasped, closing her eyes.  “I always wear pants, even when I’m home alone, sleeping in my bed.  I was wearing a skirt that night. I haven’t worn a dress, skirt, or shorts in four years.  I wanted to do it tonight because they used to make me feel sexy and I want to feel like a woman again, but I didn’t want you to think I was ready to have sex.  And after years in therapy, I do know logically that what I wear shouldn’t matter, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still feel nervous about being in anything but pants.”
My blood was boiling.  I wasn’t angry at her; I hated the bastard that thought he had a right to her body because of what she was wearing.
“Tomorrow, Lex,” I quickly tamped down my anger and stated.
“What about tomorrow?”
“After Elle’s event, I’m taking you out again.  You should know now, I have no plans to have sex with you tomorrow either.  What I plan to do is pick you up and take you out so we can have a good time with each other just like we did earlier tonight and just like we have every other time we’ve been together. When I pick you up, you’ll be wearing whatever the hell you want to wear.  Dress, skirt, shorts…hell, it could be a fucking bikini for all I care.”
“A bikini?”
Her face scrunched up and she noted, “I think it’s still too cold for a bikini.”
I grinned at her, happy to hear her joking, but went on, “It’s your body, Lexi.  You can wear whatever you want to wear and nobody has a right to assume they can take anything from you.”


Enter A.K.’s Giveaway: 

About the Author:

A.K. Evans is a married mother of two boys residing in a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania. After graduating from Lafayette College in 2004 with two degrees (one in English and one in Economics & Business), she pursued a career in the insurance and financial services industry. Not long after, Evans realized the career was not for her. She went on to manage her husband’s performance automotive business and drive the shop race cars for the next thirteen years. While the business afforded her freedoms she wouldn’t necessarily have had in a typical 9-5 job, after eleven years she was no longer receiving personal fulfillment from her chosen career path. Following many discussions, lots of thought, and tons of encouragement, Andrea decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer.

Between her day job, writing, and homeschooling her two boys, Evans is left with very little free time. When she finds scraps of spare time, she enjoys reading, doing yoga, watching NY Rangers hockey, dancing, and vacationing with her family. Andrea, her husband, and her children are currently working on taking road trips to visit all 50 states (though, Alaska and Hawaii might require flights).

Connect with A.K.:

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