Wednesday, June 13, 2018

InkSlinger PR Presents: The Crown Princess by Kathleen Samuels; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Giveaway

Today Kathleen Samuels’ is stopping by to share the release of her new romance, THE CROWN PRINCESS with us! Check it out and grab your copy today!

Title: The Crown Princess
Author: Kathleen Samuels
Genre: Contemporary Romance

About The Crown Princess:

Dependable Crown Princess of Cordova, Gwen, is dreading the day she gives up her life for her country. With the day of coronation looming, Gwen decides to make a bucket list of crazy things she wants to do before the big day. Taking her list, she travels to Las Vegas, a place where no one will question wild behavior and she can be just another normal person on vacation in sin city. Enlisting the help of Alex, a notorious entitled playboy, she finds herself checking off more than just the items on the list. Is she willing to risk it all and take a chance at falling in love?

Fiercely independent Alex, the black sheep of his family, was raised in the hotel business. Breaking out on his own, he built a successful Resort and Casino on the strip in Las Vegas. When Gwen asks for Alex’s help on completing her list of ‘bad girl’ activities he readily accepts. Who else knows how to let loose but the Billionaire Playboy himself. But as he starts helping her with the list, he begins to realize that this Princess might be worth trading in his bad boy image.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

Alex Titan’s lips pressed into a thin line and his hands fisted. Glancing at his best friend standing across from him, he took a deep breath to hide his reaction to the news headline.

Billionaire Playboy a Father Again screamed from the top of the page.

Women wanted his money, and if they couldn’t get it through marriage, they tried other ways. These publicity stunts came more frequently now and really wore on his nerves. Not only did it affect him, but his family as well.

Though his relationship with his parents couldn’t be labeled close, their disappointment in his supposed “behavior” created an even greater divide. Alex could hear the phone call from his family now . . .

Such a disgrace to the family.

Why can’t you settle down like your brother?

What the hell is your problem?

“So, this makes, what, five kids in the past six months? You had a pretty busy year, my friend.” Cooper sank down into the leather chair and tugged the lapels of his tailored jacket, loosening the tie and slipping the top button out of its hole.

“Cooper, there’re many reasons you’re my best friend, but emotional support isn’t one of them. I don’t even know these women. It would be one thing if we had sex, but this is ridiculous.”

“Probably counting on the rumors being true and you not knowing who you’ve been with.” Cooper offered a shrug and a chuckle. “Guess that comes with your immense wealth.”

Alex threw down the paper with a sigh. Money sometimes made many things difficult.

“You need to get out of the office. Let’s go roam the floor. It’ll take your mind off things.” Cooper got to his feet.

Alex loved walking the floor of his casino. He’d built the place by himself. Even though he came from a long line of hoteliers, he remained the first and only one to branch into the gambling component.

His father, owner and CEO of the prestigious Titan Hotels, laughed when Alex proposed the idea of the luxury resort in Vegas.

“I’m not having my name sullied with gambling. If you want to do it, do it alone,” his father spat at him.

And Alex went out and did that. Utilizing every penny he could find, including the majority of his Titan shares and trust fund, he built the most luxurious casino resort, The Crown, on the Las Vegas Strip. It ranked number one in every resort magazine, every year since its opening, proving him a strong businessman.

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About Kathleen:

Kathleen Samuels knew the moment she picked up a Sweet Valley High book that happily ever after endings were the only books to read. She began writing in junior high school, determined to become an author someday. After college, she became a teacher for children with disabilities, still writing in her spare time. Joining Romance Writers of America in 2011 focused her efforts and she created The Royals of Cordova series. Kathleen is a collector of everything based on the Cinderella story and truly believes she will find her Prince Charming one day. Until then, she will write about them in her books. Kathleen makes her home in Southern California with her two college age children and little Tibetan Spaniel, Jack.

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