Saturday, June 30, 2018

Enticing Journey Book Promotions Presents: Honor by Andi Jaxon & A.J. Alexander; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Honor
Series: SEAL'ed #1
Author: Andi Jaxon & AJ Alexander
Genre: Contemporary/Military Romance
Release Date: June 27, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Logan has been running from a death bed promise for years, but he’s finally decided to face his fears and claim his forever. Now all he has to do is convince her to take another chance on love.

Katie buried her husband and made peace with never finding a love that strong again. But when a smooth talking cowboy asks her to dance, fireworks explode, leaving them both desperate for more.

However, their happiness is darkened by a secret – the secret of who he really is.

Logan isn’t happy about a promise he made.  He’s not afraid to show us his vulnerability.  Katie is a woman who’s been body-shamed a lot in her life.  She’s a little timid about showing us her strength.  If you love military reads than you might enjoy this one.  For me, I felt it was more about their relationship than him still being in service to our country.  That’s not to say that I can’t picture him as a SEAL but this story shows part of the life they have outside of their service.

Katie has a couple of friends that I found myself wanting to know more about.  They left me thinking “there’s a story there”.  Now, their story could end up overtaking what’s developing between Logan and Katie but our authors did a good job at reigning them in – but I’m sure it was a tough thing to do.  There are times when I feel a lot of heat – and I’m not talking about the heat outside. 

I almost felt like a ghost in this story.  I’m watching everything unfold but invisible to the characters.  It’s a story which may be written by two authors but you can’t tell who might write what.  This shows how perfect they are together.  They’re also not afraid to tackle a female character that is not model thin – I applaud them for that.  They will also get you to laugh – and that’s never a bad thing.  At times I was a little sad how quickly I was getting to the end but I knew it was going to come eventually.  It also leaves it impossible to drag out a scene too long and even the chance of losing out attention.  Our authors also add in a scene that tells me that there’s no way that I’m going to stop reading now until I get to the very end  - which of course is a happy one.  And if you read to the very end than you know that my “story there” is “story next”.


Raised all over the country, I'm a interesting mix of East Coast meets West Coast with a little bit of Southern thrown in, just for good measure. I married a sexy man in uniform who let me spawn and am now raising a mutinous army of hell raisers that I created myself, all while he defends our country. I drink too much coffee until it's late enough to drink too much wine and am sexually frustrated for your freedom. If you see me online, I'm probably sitting in a closet, hiding from my kids. 

Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!

Fluent in sarcasm, Supernatural, and song lyrics, I like talking to people and finding what makes them tick, though that probably has to do with the Psychology degree. I’m up before the sun because my kids don’t sleep, chugging tea and coffee to keep my eyes open and my brain semi functional. Being married to a man in uniform means I’ve lived a lot of places, survived seeing my husband for half the amount of time I’ve been married, and spent a lot of time raising my kids alone. 

I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write. 


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