Thursday, April 12, 2018

Next Step PR Presents: Whispers of My Skin by Susana Mohel; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #99Pennies

Whispers of my skin RD

Whispers 22

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Whispers ebook 

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

That’s what they say, right?

Well, I guess it must be true because I’m desperate.

And I’m about to take desperate measures.

That’s why I’m standing at his door, preparing to face him. Even though we are no longer what we used to be. Even though he doesn’t love me as he once did.

The girl he loved is no more, she vanished.

So did he.

Both gone with the wind, left behind in the mists of time.

We grew up, moved on.

But just when it seems there’s nothing left between us, there comes a second chance.

A whisper that grows, won’t be ignored, can’t be ignored as it ensnares us, entwines us.

Whispers of love.

Whispers of my skin.


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Whispers 10

Whispers 16

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Author, wife, and mother of a girl and a puppy.  I love the happily ever after. Believer & dreamer. I live in my own world, sipping Ginger Ale and lime. I’m always plotting my next book, coloring pages and reading.


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