Wednesday, April 25, 2018

IndieSage PR Presents: Dance For Me by J.C. Valentine; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review

by J.C. Valentine
Forbidden, #1
Publication Date: April 7, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


What if the person who stole your heart wasn’t who you thought they were?
When my parents passed away, I grew up fast. Learning to stand on my own two feet has been a challenge, but I’m making it… my way. I make no apologies for the path I’ve chosen. My choices have served me well, but no one knows the real me.
Except one man.
He’s a mystery to me. He’s controlling, demanding, and he has me wrapped around his little finger. Anything he wants, I’ll give it to him. The hours we share together aren’t about love. It’s just sex. Hot, dirty, passionate sex. It was never supposed to be anything more than that.
Until everything changed.
Now, I’m more confused than ever. The more I learn about him, the less I seem to understand. What I do know is that I’m falling, and I have the feeling when I land, it’s going to hurt.



My Thoughts:

Josephine “Joe” Hart does what she has to in order to survive.  She’s gone to college all on her own while also holding down a job that allows her to make enough to pay for it.  Ransom Scott starts out as a mystery but then the reader gets a surprise.

We have Joe’s story here.  She has a relationship with a man who seems to like the shadows until they are alone.  Then she gets the surprise of her life.  Working in an academic setting, I probably see her relationship a little differently than most.  But then you remember this is pure fantasy.  There were times where I actually wanted to know what Ransom was thinking – get his point of view.  I do have to say that when I was going to college I didn’t think of any of my professors the way it was portrayed here – no hunks in my classes.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but I felt that before they knew who the other was there seemed to be more steam.  Heat level went down a little once discoveries were made.  It’s like we have two different personas going on – when on campus and off campus.  Felt like a light switch being turned off and on.  But isn’t that one of the reasons to turn the page because you want to know how this is going to end – especially when the author drops a bomb that just may have you drop your jaw.

I rap my knuckles on the door twice—two quick, rapid taps. It’s our signal. Sometimes, I pretend that this is a little game we play to keep the intimacy alive, but the reality of it is that the man behind the door is more concerned with secrecy. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to guess why.
I don’t know what possessed me to accept His invitation, but I’ve been coming here every second Thursday and every first Sunday for months, ever since he’d taken an interest in my routine. He knows nothing about me, and I know nothing about Him, except that he likes control, an occasional glass of scotch, and he fucks like a god.
If I had to explain it, it’d sound crazy. The truth is, I have no idea how I got here. It just happened one day, and it keeps happening. And I’m not inclined to stop anytime soon.
He could be married. He could have kids. He could be a drug smuggler. I have no way of knowing, but I know that the few hours I spend in his bed are some of the best, most exhilarating moments of my life. At least when I am old and gray, I’ll be able to say I had lived.
The door cracks open revealing nothing but darkness and I am sucked inside by a strong, unyielding arm. A squeak of excitement leaves me as I am whirled around and my back is slammed up against the door.
Hard, punishing lips crash down on mine, and a hot, wet tongue forces its way past my teeth. Imoan shamelessly as my purse drops to the floor and my hands find the short fine hair that I know to be as black as the midnight sky.
My mystery man is always hungry after watching me dance.
Ripping the button on my jeans free, he plunges his hand into my panties and groans as his fingers part my moist folds. “Jesus fucking Christ. Always so wet,” he mutters as he nips my jaw, and then begins moving down my neck.
I am always ready for this, for Him. Maybe it’s because he’s my only source of sexual release besides my fingers since I broke it off with Eli last semester, or because he is so talented in the sack. But the truth of the matter is that a part of me gets off on the mystery. Our sex is just that—sex. It’s wild and dirty and passionate and honest. Strip away the mystery, and you lose all of that. Maybe not right away, but one day.
Relationships almost always have an expiration date. I’m not naive enough to think our arrangement doesn’t, but at least I know I won’t lose anything in the process. When my mystery guy gets bored, I figure I simply won’t see him again.

by J.C. Valentine
Forbidden, #2
Publication Date: July 7, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance


I thought he was the one. I thought we were headed someplace great. I didn’t know anything.
My mystery man is no longer such a mystery. He’s still commanding and headstrong, playing my body and mind like an instrument, but I’m finding there are layers to him I never could have dreamed. What I’ve learned since that fateful night in his apartment has me reeling. Now, though, the truth has taken a backstage to other, more pressing matters.
While I struggle to make a choice that will determine the direction of my future, lies that I thought had been carefully hidden away are coming to light. My head is such a mess I don’t know what’s up or down anymore. Will I be able to sort it all out, or will the life I’ve worked so hard to build come crashing down in a pile of secrets and lies?



by J.C. Valentine
Forbidden, #3
Publication Date: August, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance


Two men. Both brothers. One life-changing decision.
I made my choice. One perfect weekend assured me I was right. One set of pictures proved me wrong.
Graduating college was supposed to be a happy time. Instead, I lost my best friend and suffered the worst kind of betrayal. Now, my whole life is in flux. I need my best friend. I need answers. There’s only one way to fix this. It’s time for a change. It’s time to take back control of my life, and the only way to do it is to face my problems head-on.
Even if it means walking into the lion’s den to do it.



by J.C. Valentine
Forbidden, #4
Publication Date: February 14, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance


It started with a drink.
It turned into a promise.
Ransom Scott lost his heart the day the woman he loved chose another man. Or so he thought. Estranged from his brother, distancing himself from the world, he’s been drowning his sorrows in cheap booze and women…determined to forget.
His world is falling apart, until a beautiful woman decides to take a chance on him.
Dani Deviche is as bewitching as she is innocent. Full of youth and vitality, she captivates him. Challenges him. She’s everything Ransom never thought to look for in the opposite sex, and he can’t get enough.
When a promise of friendship turns into something more, can Ransom fulfill his end of the bargain, or will a secret from Dani’s past destroy his last chance at happiness?





J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Trilogy. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry.
Living in the Northwest, she has three amazing children and far too many pets. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors.

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