Friday, March 30, 2018

Silver Dagger Book Tours Presents: Combust by Holly S. Roberts; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review, #Giveaway

Hotter Than Hell #6
by Holly S. Roberts
Genre:  Steamy Romantic Suspense
Rating:  4 Stars

Southern California is in the middle of a heatwave but that doesn’t hold a candle to Arizona in the middle of the summer.

Austin Miller, the enforcer for Southern California’s crime boss, takes over after his boss and mentor dies. He’s set on revenge against the people responsible for Victor’s death and he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Melina Fernandez has never wanted anything to do with her brother’s criminal organization and has nothing to do with the hit he ordered on Southern California’s leader. She’s caught in the middle of a deadly game and her brother plans to sell her to the highest bidder as soon as possible.

When Melina is kidnapped by Austin, her worst nightmares are realized.  It’s not her body he wants, it’s her flesh and her sanity.  Trapped in a dark basement for days she decides to unravel her life story while Austin works on mutilating her skin with a tattoo machine.

When Moon, the crime lord of Arizona steps into help, Melina might find her salvation. The clock is ticking and her brother now wants her dead. Austin isn’t a man for games but he does want Melina at any cost, even his life.

Are you ready to COMBUST?

**easily read as a standalone!**

Austin Miller has gone through what a child should never have to. But that experience is part of the reason of what he is as an adult. Melina Maria Fernandez suffers revenge at someone else’s hand. Some may want to call it abuse and only you can decide which it is. It’s a story with some very strong emotions so don’t go into this story expecting smiles or hearts and flowers. It’s a dark tale that’s raw with no excuses.

Even knowing how dark the tale is, I found myself wanting to know what came before. But I didn’t feel, at any time, that I needed the previous five books in order to understand what was going on here. I did however become curious about Mak so I’ve already marked it for my TBR list. If you’re a “vanilla” type of person, what’s going on between Austin and Melina is on the other end of that spectrum so you need to understand that before opening this book.

I found this story to be confusing – just couldn’t figure it out. Where are Austin and our author taking the reader? In this case I didn’t mind because the author has done a good job at getting me to turn the page as well as wanting to know more about the Hotter Than Hell series. It takes almost the whole book to find that Austin created a masterpiece, which left me a little disappointed because I’ll never get the chance to see it. This book reminds me of a train. It starts off slow and picks up steam until it gets us to our destination. But in this case it felt like someone pulled the emergency break – we come to an abrupt halt. It’s sad to say that I can’t find if this is the end of a series or if it will continue. I’m left with a curiosity and that only time, and the author, will tell if book seven is in the works.

He’s gorgeous in an underwear model sort of way. At least until you reach his eyes. When the light reflected off them, I almost stepped back. They’re pale green, almost startling if you don’t look into their cold, lifeless depths. Pools of darkness lurked in the round orbs, so strong, it scared the fucking shit out of me. I’ve grown up around deadly men, but none left me trembling and wanting to escape the intensity of just a gaze.

I make a frustrated sound deep in my throat. I need to escape so I never have to look into his eyes again. Pounding the metal loop in the floor with my foot only adds to the raw flesh already there. He’s going to kill me for something my brother did. The worthless, evil, blood kin I’ve dreamed of killing for years. If only I were stronger emotionally and physically. Or maybe not. Given the chance, I’ll kill the man holding me.

I’ve thought about my own death so many times through the years I lost track. I shouldn’t be resisting the inevitable end to my life. My brother’s plans for me would pale in comparison. He’s told me often enough that I’m nothing more than a breeding machine to form better alliances.

Being given to one of the men my brother makes alliances with would be a nightmare worse than death and it’s all I’ve had to look forward to since my sixteenth birthday. That’s when the earnest threats began. To die for my brother’s sins is an ironic twist to a fucked up life I wish I couldn’t claim.

Holly S. Roberts is a retired homicide and sex crimes detective who loves long walks on the beach and sweet music. NOT... she hikes mountains with her Rottweiler and listens to hard rock with heavy bass and bad words. She's the USA TODAY Best-Selling author of the Completion, Club El Diablo, and Hotter Than Hell series. If a book doesn't have enticing romance, steamy sex, and hot alpha men she doesn't read or write it. Oh and coffee. She must have coffee!

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