Tuesday, March 6, 2018

IndieSage PR Presents: Loner by Janine Infante Bosco; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review, #Giveaway

by Janine Infante Bosco
Nomad, #4
Publication Date: February 25, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".



A man who can’t visualize his future will always revert to his past.
To where he came from and all the ways he failed.
The murder and mayhem that changed his life and darkened his soul.
The legacy of who he is will burn through his veins and ominously guide him to hell.
A place where he pays not only for his sins but the sins of his father as well.
A hustler by nature, a loner by choice, I am the spawn of Satan.
I am Lincoln Brandt and I am the son of Cain.


Reckless and rebellious, I’ve spent most of my life running away from one mistake only to chase another.
At the end of my rope with nowhere left to turn, I’m about to make the biggest one of all.
Face to face with the bastard who broke me, I lay it all on the line for him.
My heart and my life.
Heaven is overrated and the ride to Hell doesn’t have to be lonely.
The stakes are high.
The risk great.
It’s do or die.
Together we’ll ride.
Forever we’ll burn.


Amazon US: http://a.co/3Fjjxu9
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2FTihtp
Amazon CA: http://a.co/dOCvRBM



My Thoughts:

The author has started this book with a Dear Reader letter.  Just like her writing, she tells it like it is.  She may not come right out and say it but if you’ve not read this series you don’t want to start here.  You may want to start with her Tempted series where you can meet the Satan’s Knights.

Lincoln “Linc” Brandt tells it like it is.  If I have one piece of advice it would be for anyone that has a sensitive stomach.  Linc’s descriptions are very graphic so you may want to watch what you eat as you’re reading.  He shows us that not everyone has an easy life.  It’s not something that everyone talks about or really wants to know about either.

Kelly Scotto is a young woman trying to see how much she can get away with. That is until she meets Linc. She’s another one that will tell it like it is. You also begin to hope that her life, and that of Linc’s, will be better than what their parents had – but it’s not going to be easy.

Don’t go into this expecting a happy put a smile on your face kind of story.  It’s a story that is raw, in your face, violent, and a total eye opener.  I found it to be one of those books that if it were made into a movie I would hold on to a pillow for dear life and have it up over my eyes but I wouldn’t be able to help myself and would have to peek over the top just so I wouldn’t miss a thing.  There are glimmers of hope here too because even though Linc has a very tough life he’s found a ray of sunshine in what otherwise might have been a dark existence.  I found the ending to be bittersweet.  Some might say that it’s happy but is it really – especially when you think of the story as a whole. 


Linc – POV
I meant to say the words as a warning to her body knowing the moment I drove my dick into her sweet pussy, I would never be the same. There is something about Kelly, something that makes me lose any sort of common sense. The girl is a pro at smashing down my walls, making me believe I’m worthy of all the things Sally stole from me the day he taught me I wasn’t invincible. The day I learned I was destined to be alone.
Staring into her eyes, having her spread before me ready and willing to give me everything I craved, the warning took on a different meaning.
I could break her.
Ruin her.
My cock heavy, begging my mind to shut down, I pause between her legs.
“I can take it,” she murmurs, sliding her hands down my back. Squeezing my ass, she lifts her hips.
If anyone can take the wrath of me, I want to believe it’s her. I want to trust Kelly’s resilience is a match for the doom I carry wherever I go. I want to feed off her strength and let go of the pain that weighs me. The nightmare that haunts me.
I want to bury myself so deep there is no way out.
My hips plunge forward and my cock pushes through her wet folds. Eyes wide, lips part, she gasps at the intrusion. Pausing, I reign myself in and feed her my length slowly. She stretches for me, pulling me in and I bend my head to take her nipple into my mouth when the sound of someone’s fist pounding on my door forces me to pause.
“Shit,” I grunt, hanging my head miserably. Unable to stop myself, I slide another inch deeper and a guttural moan passes her lips encouraging me to fill her. To fuck her until she can’t breathe. Until she can’t fucking walk. Until the motherfucker on the other end of that door gets lost.
“More,” she pleads.
Not an hour ago she was worried someone was going to catch her naked in my room. Now, she’s hungry for it and fuck me, if that don’t make me want her more.
Burying my face in her neck, I push deeper.
“Fuck, I want to stay inside you forever,” I growl against her throat.
The fist slams against the door again.
Fuck you.
“Open the fucking door, Linc,” Wolf bellows from the other side.
At the sound of his voice, I pull out of his niece knowing my cock is about to be severed if he catches us. To make matters worse, Kelly jolts upright and stares at the door like a deer caught in headlights. Scrambling to get off the bed, I snap my fingers breaking her trance.
“Get up,” I hiss.
“He’s going to kill you,” she says, turning to me.
“Thanks babe,” I mock, grabbing a pair of sweats.
“You better be dead in there,” Wolf growls.
“Give me a minute,” I shout. Shoving my swollen dick into the waistband of my sweatpants, I pull a t-shirt from the drawer. Kelly gets up and circles the bed in search of her clothes. Finding her shirt, she pulls it over her head.
“My panties.”
“We don’t got time to solve the case of the missing fucking thong. Go hide in the bathroom,” I order, gritting my teeth. Narrowing her eyes in anger, she flips me the bird.
“What if he goes in the bathroom? This ain’t exactly the Ritz.”
“The closet,” I hiss.
“I’m going to kill you,” she sneers.
“You’re not going to have the chance.”
Rolling her eyes, she pulls the closet door open and steps inside. Swiping my hand down my face, I get a whiff of her scent and realize not only do I smell like pussy but, the entire fucking room smells like sex.
“Three seconds before I break the fucking door down,” he growls.
Closing my hand around the knob, I slide the deadbolt and greet the beast.
“Jesus, man, impatient much?”
Narrowing his eyes into tiny slits, he looks me up and down.
“That anyway to greet the man who saved your fucking hide?” he questions. Placing his large paw against the door, he pushes it open wide and enters my room. “What took you so long?”
Shrugging a shoulder impassively, I reach around and cup the back of my neck.
“I was sleeping,” I lie.
His eyes dart to my bed and the rumpled sheets.
“It smells like pussy in here,” he smirks. “Looks like you’ve decided to live it up after all.”
Without thinking, I flinch at his words. If he only knew he was talkin’ about his niece.
“Where is she?”
Startled, I look at him.
“Where’s who?”
“The chick you fucked,” he replies.
“Oh,” I say, relaxing my shoulders. “You know how it is…in and out.”
Seemingly happy with that response, he drapes an arm around my shoulders.
“Thatta’ boy,” he croons proudly. “Spoken like a true biker.”
“Well, it was bound to rub off on me,” I reply, diverting my eyes to the closet. “You just get in?”
“Yeah,” he replies, dropping his arm from my shoulder. “Rolling down the East Coast on club business. Figured I’d give my pipes a rest and check on how everything is going down here.”
“I’ll be happy to catch you up to speed,” I tell him.
I’d be a hell of a lot happier doing it far away from this room.
“Good, I’m fucking starving,” he says, glancing at the leather watch on his wrist. “Kelly still wasting her days sleeping until noon?”
My eyes wander back to the closet.
“Noon is early for her,” I answer.
“Alright, I’ll catch up with her after you take me for breakfast,” he says, pulling my attention back to him.
“Sure, there’s a Denny’s down the road.”
Sweat beads across my forehead as I turn to grab my cut and boots. Not bothering to put them on, I jerk my chin toward the open door.
“Fuck that, I want steak and eggs,” he taunts. “And, you’re treating.”

Little does he know, I’d rob a cow to get him the fuck out of here.


Drifter – A Nomad Series Novel


#driftintochaos  #drifter  #thenomadseries  #FindTheBeautiful  #janineinfantebosco



Follow up DRIFTER with book two in The Nomad Series -


#Wanderer  #thenomadseries  #WanderIntoChaos  #janineinfantebosco



Don't miss ROAMER, the third book in The Nomad Series


#Roamer #RideorDie #TheNomadSeries #BeautifulFire 
#LightItUp #DeuceIsLoose






Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.
She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.

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