Thursday, March 1, 2018

Barclay Publicity Presents: Green by S.M. West; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Review and Excerpt Tour: GREEN by S.M. West

Thank you for joining up for the Review and Excerpt Tour for S.M. West’s GREEN! Devour this hot and sexy romantic suspense where hope and friendship grow into something more. Follow along for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: Green
Author: SM West
Release Date: 2/28/18
Publisher: Self-published
Series: A Love in Color Novel
Genres: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Told in the first person. Alternating person.
Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Barclay Publicity and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Green. The color of hope.
ANNA MARI is living for today, not daring to hope for tomorrow. She’s a pawn in her grandfather’s game, and time is her enemy. Her freedom is the prize.
 DAVIS COOPER is licking his wounds of betrayal when he’s assigned to babysit his boss’s sister. The pretty little thing who’s most definitely off-limits.
Though they struggle to set boundaries, the root of their friendship grows into something more. But none of that matters – Anna’s fate is sealed and neither hope nor love can save her.  

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My Thoughts:

Anna Mari finds it hard to make and have friends.  Davis “Coop” Cooper is something of a puzzle.  I really wanted to see if I could figure him out but it took a long time.  But isn’t that why it’s called a puzzle?  I can see the suspense but on the fence about the romance.

The beginning was very hard to follow – at least where Anna is concerned.  It wasn’t until I got to chapter six that the light bulb finally went on.  If it weren’t for this review, I probably would have given up.  But the story started to pick up so I didn’t feel so lost – like a piece of the puzzle was missing.  I also felt that I needed to go back and read Blue again then start this book right after. 

It shows that you just can’t like every book.  I loved Anna’s brother’s story but a lot of time has passed since I read it.  Going back just seems like a great idea to get the sense of family.  A sense of why she is so protected and will Coop change his ways.  A secondary character, Julian, was another reason that I wanted to keep on reading.  There’s a story there in itself and I want to know more.

It was very hard to feel any type of connection between Anna and Coop.  I felt there was more tension between her and Julian.  Her brother made a valid point while he’s talking with his sister and it’s something that I raised myself.  That being said, it made it hard to believe that this was a happily ever after story.  Also leaves me wondering what color comes next.

GREEN Excerpt:

Copyright © 2018 S.M. West

Eventually, I select a large canvas, so large, I can’t get it on the easel and settle for the floor. I strip my jeans, long sleeved shirt and slip my shoes off, donning the sizeable green smock hanging on the wall. And I paint. Losing track of time or space. Fully immersed in the colors, my vision, my emotion.
“Here you are,” Coop says from the doorway, and I twist on all fours in his direction.  
He’s leaning on the door jamb with his arms relaxed at his sides, and his feet crossed like he has been standing there a while.
“How long have you been here?”
I’ve been painting for hours, my fingers tingle, my feet are numb, and my lower back aches from crouching and contorting myself into strange, awkward positions. I was oblivious to the cries of my body while working.
“A bit.” He pushes off the wall, nearing to help me to my feet.
I roll my neck and shake out my limbs before tilting my head to look at him. He smiles, his white teeth and twinkling eyes pop as he tucks a few strands behind my ear.  
“You’ve got some paint on your face.” His finger slides down my check and then the side of my nose. “It looks good on you.”
Heat travels from the center of my chest outward, and I can’t help but smile, “I’m glad you think so.”
Gone is my anger or bruised ego from his departure last night. I don’t really know what I was expecting or wanting, and I’m glad to see him. I’m also happy to see that he’s more himself.
“What am I going to do with you? You have to stop disappearing on me.”
“And what? Make your job easier, not a chance.” I tease, treading lightly, all too aware of the kind of trouble my wondering off could cause.

Don’t miss the first two standalone novels in the Love in Color series, RED and BLUE.
RED is on sale for just $.99 until March 1st! Grab your copy today!

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Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card + Three Runner-ups will win a backlist title!

About S.M. West:

S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She's a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.


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