Monday, February 12, 2018

#ReleaseBlitz: Keeping It By Rachel Robinson; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live

RELEASE DATE: Monday 12th February 2018
Rating: 4 Stars
Told in the first person. Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".



Tahoe. Badass. SEAL. Player. Powerful. Jerk. Available. 
All words used to describe me for the past ten years. Wrapped up in the war, running and gunning constantly, has taken its toll on me. My next assignment is supposed to be a break, something to aid in taking the edge off; help open a new base in the miniscule, coastal, Florida town of Bronze Bay. A non-deployable position, I can work-out, decompress, and handle the mundane tasks of structuring a new SEAL command. Or, in other words, enjoy my free time with the tanned, toned, country women of the south.
Mission accepted.

Falling for a southern belle wasn’t supposed to happen. In fact, it’s more stressing than any challenge in my sordid past. Especially when she uttered the words, “I am a virgin.” 

Someone cover me, I’m going in.


My first memory is in an airplane over the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. My daddy sitting beside me and my heart full of joy. When I was sixteen, I made my first solo flight over those exact same waters. My daddy owns and operates the little airport in Bronze Bay, so my eyes have been skyward for as long as I can remember. Things like men and college, never appealed to me. My days are spent waitressing in my Mama’s diner, counting down the hours until I can head to the airport.

Then the SEALs came and changed everything. Big, brutal, jerks, forcing themselves into our little slice of paradise. Demanding use of our airport. One man in particular, aiming to take more than I’m ready to give. He is beautiful. Magnetic. Strong. Convincing. For the first time in my life, I’m flying in a different, exhilarating way. Keeping it isn’t going to be easy when merely looking at the man makes me think of four words.

Foxtrot. Uniform. Charlie. Kilo.
Bless my heart, I’m in trouble.


ADD Keeping It to your TBR:

My Thoughts:

Caroline May doesn’t feel she’s worthy of a man’s attention.  At times she seems shy and others she seems a little unsure of the attention she’s getting.  Tyler “Tahoe” Holiday is a very persistent man.  He has an agenda and you have to wonder if he’s using his looks in order to get what he wants.

Don’t expect anything to move quickly here.  The author knows just the right speed to use when it comes to revealing things.  Especially when it comes to Tahoe and what he wants.  Caroline asks him an interesting question – one that I was thinking as well.  At times she confuses me because she seems to run cold one minute, hot the next, and then to lukewarm.  But as the story develops that really shouldn’t surprise me.  It’s just one thing that has me turning the page - that and seeing if Tyler’s agenda changes as the story progresses.

Our author has a way of getting her readers involved in the scenes she writes.  One reason that could be is because it feels as if the characters are speaking directly to us.  I’ve read one other book by this author and I don’t think this will be my last.  If you enjoy a story that slowly builds the heat and chemistry between main characters than this author gives that to you in spades.  Plus if you love an ending that has that “aw” moment than the author will make you very pleased.  Make sure to read the note from the author than you will know if there’s going to be a next book or not.

For more information on Rachel and her books visit her website:

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