Friday, February 2, 2018

Loving The Book Presents: #Valentine #CountdownBlitz; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Giveaway

Hannah R. Conway is a military wife, mother of two, middle school teacher, and speaker. Her novels are a deployment experience of their own, threaded with faith, and filled with twists and turns sure to thrill, and encourage. Hannah is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, and My book Therapy. She and her family live near Nashville, Tennessee.

Connect with the Author here: 

"Life heats up for Leanna Wilson when an accident claims her parent’s lives. Her dreams of a high profile law career are reduced
to rubble when she returns home to assume custody of her sister, Brie. Without
the financial means to take legal custody of her sister—or a binding will to place her safely in her arms—Leanna’s future becomes more uncertain than ever.
Already prepared for a blazing custody battle, with less than capable relatives, Leanna’s world is set ablaze when her ex-fiancé complicates matters in an attempt to destroy her future and her faith. US Army, SSG Garrison Burke
has spent the last few years alone—balancing flag and fatherhood since the tragic death of his wife. Facing deployment, Garrison is desperate to find a safe caretaker for his son, Ezra—preferably anywhere but the abusive home he grew up
in. So, when Leanna Wilson walks unexpectedly back into his life, he’s not sure
if she’s a blessing or a curse. More importantly, Garrison cannot seem to
forget how he betrayed Leanna many years ago. Yet, as Leanna and Garrison begin
to run out of time, they start to see that the solution to their problems might
lie within each other, but will they forget the past and allow their broken
hearts to mend? As sparks begin to fly and their love is rekindled, a marriage
of convenience will either make their wildest dreams come true or cause their
best-laid plans to go up in smoke."

~ AmazonAmazon UK

Q & A With The Author:

1.     Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?

  Besides writing, I really enjoy reading, and a good cup of coffee. I also enjoy cooking with my kiddos and making some sort of craft or playing board games with our family. 

2.     What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?

          Just sitting and writing. My mind races and I think of all the things I have to get done in the other areas of my life. Defeating “it” is a constant, daily battle. Setting goals and inviting friends to hold me accountable is how I battle that struggle.

3.     What are your future projects?

          I loved writing “Up in Smoke”, and I’m excited about my current work in progress…and I’m getting very excited about some upcoming projects that involve love, loss, and the length a parent would go to bring their child back home safely.

4.     What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)

         Redemption and freedom seem to be messages in my books. So help me, it just comes out that way, and perhaps that’s because I’ve experience both in my life.

5.     Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?

 Yes and no. The main plot idea for “Up in Smoke” came to me when we were stationed in Colorado. I heard of a couple getting married for the duration of a deployment and planned to divorce once their spouse returned. I always wondered what happened to them, and what would have happened if they decided to stay together.

6.     Have you done anything writing-related, besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?

     I try to share my life with my readers, and get a great response on social media, and even when I send out a newsletter. I love when readers write back! It’s so encouraging to hear from them and get to know them.

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