Monday, February 5, 2018

Give Me Books Presents: The Devil's Match by Amo Jones; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live #Review

Title: The Devil's Match
Author: Amo Jones
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: February 5, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Give Me Books Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".



A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.

synonyms: madman/madwoman, mad person, deranged person, maniac, lunatic, psychotic, sociopath

- informal

an unstable and aggressive person.

- informal/2



Since I was a little girl, I have been surrounded by hate, death, murder, and slavery. I’ve been guarded my whole life by my brother—Raze, the kingpin of the underworld and the most feared individual in the United States of America. And
then further more guarded when I found out the president of The Devil’s Own MC was my long lost half-brother. Being tossed around from one extreme protection to another has left a part of me yearning to break out of it's cage. The part
that I've tried to sugar coat and hide, because if she's unleashed, everyone would see just how much like my brothers I am.

Panting, wanting, needing to unleash the side of me I’ve always known was there.

My secret is mine and my brothers.

Only they know what I hide and why I hide it. How I fight for love because if I don't, my rage would win and I’d be a mere shadow of the girl people have grown to know.

But I broke.

And the man who held the hammer that shattered the walls I spent years building to cage in my rage—was a psychopath.

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My Thoughts:

The author has given quite the Playlist.  Either the story is very long and I’m in trouble or I’ll end up getting lost in the music.  Most artists I have never heard of or listened to.  I think that I’ll have to hold off on listening until the book is over because I want to concentrate on the story.  Then I can concentrate on the music once I’m done.

Our author does something a little different for her readers.  She introduces us to her main characters – that was very sweet of her.  Ella McKenna seems to keep the reader included in the story.  It’s like we’re there and she’s keeping us in the conversation or observations.  She’s a very smart young woman.  She also reminds me of Rhonda Rousey – wonder if she was an inspiration?  I know that I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side.

Frost is an interesting character.  He’s a total bad ass and it was interesting to see who wins the toughness trophy.  Funny moment comes when he calls her bluff.  It was a total surprise to me how much I actually liked his character.  These two seemed to be the perfect pair.  Another surprise was the ending – not something I expected when I first started reading.  I have some catching up to do in the series but I didn’t need to catch up first in order to enjoy this book.  It’s a great incentive to go back and read what I hadn’t before. 

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Author Bio:

Amo is a full-time writer from New Zealand who loves long romantic walks to the wine cellar.

She loves to write like how she lives, hanging on the edge of insanity with a wine glass in one hand and her morals-or lack thereof- in the other.

Those are not my monkeys, I swear....

Oh those hellhounds? Yeah, those are mine.

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