Thursday, January 18, 2018

Saints & Sinners Books Presents: Smitten by Juliet Braddock; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #PreOrder


Gallimore has arrived at a crossroad in life.

A short-lived scandal that had made her the darling of the BDSM
community did little to damage her status as America's sweetheart. However, her
career starring in romantic comedies hasn't given her any insights into
figuring out her own love life. 

For five years, January shared a long-distance love affair with French rock legend,
Etienne Marceaux. Their relationship is passionate but comfortable. Caught in
the whirlwind between New York and Paris, they indulge in stolen moments in
between their chaotic celebrity lives.

Although Etienne certainly knows how to entertain her with his Dominance, January
realizes that something is missing. Now a thirty-something actress, she wonders
how long her career will endure, and she questions some of the decisions she’s

On a spontaneous trip with her best friend to Provence, January encounters a chance
meeting with a younger Englishman, Nigel Hereford-Smyth. With his naivete and
somewhat awkward aristocratic ways, Nigel, nevertheless, sweeps January off her
Louboutin pumps.

As they romp about the French countryside, January tutors her young suitor on
 the finer points of BDSM, and Nigel unwittingly leads January on a deep 
exploration of what really matters in her life. While she allows herself to revel 
in the bliss of a possible new man in her life, she also realizes that Nigel 
carries his own set of baggage.

Forced to leave Nigel by her filming schedule, January returns to the hustle of
Hollywood, only to find her confusion mounting.

Will she choose Etienne, who makes her body sizzle…or Nigel, whose charm 
and manners leave her SMITTEN?

 #99 Cents!

Amazon bestselling author
Juliet Braddock’s first efforts in creative writing came long before she
learned to put crayon to paper.  In fact,
she began spinning stories in her head nearly as soon as she could form
complete sentences.  As long as she can
remember, she’d always created sagas about imaginary friends, family members and pop culture icons, and kept
everyone around her entertained with her witty—but often very tall—tales.

For her sixth Christmas, Juliet’s mother got her a child’s
typewriter to preserve all of those creative thoughts filling her head, but she
quickly switched to ball point pens and notebooks when the ribbon ran dry. 

Most of Juliet’s early attempts at writing romance focused on
members of Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet or young leading men on
Broadway.  However, as she matured as a
writer, she decided that it was just as much fun to create her own romantic
heroes and heroines.

At an early age, she also developed a love for big cities,
and the tallest of skyscrapers were never high enough for her.  Juliet’s wanderlust would eventually lure her
to New York, a city she often visited during her formative years, and her love
affair with Manhattan began.  She’d
promised herself that one day she would return for good. 

Juliet’s passion for writing and for big cities converged,
and after graduating with a degree in Journalism, she decided to set out on a
journey to find her heart…just where she’d left it. 

A week after her college graduation, Juliet made the big move
from a small town to New York City, where she has made her home ever since.

In between building a career in communications and writing on
the side, she’s indulged in international travel, theater and art.  A wine and food buff, she’s by no means a
connoisseur, but she can give a few good restaurant recommendations if you’re
in the city. 

“There’s something so inspiring about living in a city like
New York that’s so rich in culture and so very vibrant. Every neighborhood has
its own story to tell,” Juliet says.  “I
often do my best plotting on the subway, just observing the lives unfolding
around me.  New York truly has a billion
stories nestled between the skyscrapers.”

Since she initially started writing, Juliet developed a
condition called Pseudotumor, and while she is legally blind, she continues to
turn out her steamy, romantic stories with the
help of magnifying software for the vision-impaired.

“Throughout my lifetime, I’ve been through a
lot, but I never let anything stop me from doing what I love to do,” Juliet
says. “Writing has been my passion since I was a child, and as long as I have
stories to share with my readers, I will continue.”

A proud New Yorker, Juliet couldn’t live anywhere else—except
for Paris, perhaps—and is a gushing cat-mom to a Russian Blue mix who was
rescued as a kitten from the streets of Brooklyn, where they make their home.

Juliet is legally blind, and spins her sexy romances with the
assistance of software for the vision-impaired.

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