Friday, January 19, 2018

Rock Star Lit Presents: Rescuing Casey by Susan Stoker; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review

Rescuing Casey
Susan Stoker
Delta Force Heroes Book 7
Release Date January 16th, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Rock Star Lit and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

One-minute Casey Shea was minding her own business, doing her job, teaching entomology to college students, and the next she was in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle fighting for her life.
Troy “Beatle” Lennon had watched his friends fall head over heels in love, but never thought it would happen to him. Until he sees a picture of one of his teammates’ sisters. That was it. The absolute joy in her eyes calls to him in a way he can't understand.
But that joy is currently being threatened by an unknown person who’d had Casey kidnapped and hidden deep in the jungle. It’s up to Beatle to find her and keep her safe until the threat against her can be neutralized. Surviving the dangers of the jungle turns out to be the easy part…staying ahead of the killer is much more complicated…and deadly.
**Rescuing Casey is the 7th book in the Delta Force Heroes Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.

My Thoughts:

Casey Shea has taken some of her students on a research trip.  Troy “Beatle” Lennon is on a mission where his best needs to be good enough.  I have two words for you, “grown men”.  Casey had me laughing and shaking my head.  Sh…don’t tell anyone but I would feel the same.  Because of Casey’s profession this author must have a love or has done a fair amount of research.  I’ve always heard that a good comedian has perfect timing.

Our author has perfect timing.  She knows exactly when to have us on the edge of our seats and she knows exactly the right time to get us to laugh.  She may write about a serious subject but even the characters need a chance to laugh in order to let go of some of the tension that may be building.  What’s also nice is that she interweaves updates on some of her characters – they are a team after all.

One character I loved getting reacquainted with is Annie.  If you didn’t read her story, oh excuse me, her mom’s story you’ll soon realize what a gem and scene-stealer she still is.  She doesn’t say an awful lot but she’s a whirlwind that you need to acquaint yourself with.  This is a group that cares deeply about every member and that includes extended family.  As Casey and Beatle’s story starts to wind down, the author seems to have the time to interweave in one more story.  Her ending made me very happy because she gives us a very pleasant surprise.


Beatle held his breath. They weren’t authorized to use the secure channel, and could do nothing but listen as the outcome of the raid on the kidnappers’ lair was finally revealed.
“Three packages secured. Repeat. Three packages secured.”
If possible, the tension in the room increased tenfold with those words.
“Confirmed,” the voice with the Costa Rican accent said. “Location of the fourth package?”
“Unknown at this time,” was the response from the Danish Special Forces soldier.
“Come on,” Beatle said under his breath. “Who’s missing?”
“ETA on your return?”
“Twenty-four hours,” the soldier said. “Packages are in bad shape. Our speed will be compromised. Two casualties on our side as well. Verifyrendezvous?”
“Dammit,” Hollywood said harshly, pounding a fist on the table. “Ask who’s missing.”
As if his words were heard by base operations, the next question made every Delta Force soldier around the table hold his breath.
“ID on the missing package?”
There was a long pause before the Danish solider answered. A period of time where the United States soldiers listening in the small room each felt as if they’d aged ten years waiting for the answer.
“The oldest. The packages said it was removed from the area a week ago.”
Before Blade could react to the news that his sister was still missing, Ghost stood and headed for the door. He turned to look at his team. “Politics be damned. One of our own is missing, and we aren’t leaving this country until we get her back.”
Beatle followed his teammates out of the room, all the while his mind spinning. The only picture he’d seen of Casey Shea had been the one Blade had shared with the team. It was a couple years old, taken at Christmas.
She’d been standing next to Blade and had him in a headlock. The soldier had obviously let her get the drop on him, because at over six-three, there was no way she’d be able to actually overpower him. It was the absolute joy in Casey’s eyes that Beatle couldn’t get out of his mind.
She was smiling so big, he thought for sure she’d been laughing when the picture had been taken. She wore a pair of jeans that were molded to her long legs. The shirt she was wearing had dipped over a shoulder, exposing the red bra strap underneath it. Her feet were bare, her toes painted the same bright red as her lingerie.
Her dirty-blonde hair was bunched on top of her head in a messy bun, making it impossible for Beatle to tell how long it really was. Her green eyes were staring straight at the camera…and she looked absolutely adorable.
Beatle didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he couldn’t deny he’d felt a jolt in his belly after seeing that picture. He was immediately attracted to not only her looks, but what he imagined was her carefree, happy personality as well.
And that was what worried Beatle the most. They’d rescued plenty of people in the past, and the thought of the happy woman in Blade’s photo being changed by the violence she’d experienced ate at him.
Casey Shea didn’t deserve whatever had happened to her. Not that anyone did, but the cheerful, laughing sister of one of his best friends definitely did not.
Hold on, Casey, Beatle thought. We’re comin’ for you. Just hold on.

Susan Stoker

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Texas where she lives, but this all-American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She's married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.
She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection Series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in.

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