Tuesday, January 23, 2018

InkSlinger PR Presents: Unlocking Fear by Kennedy Layne; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live

UNLOCKING FEAR by Kennedy Layne is available today! Romantic suspense lovers do not want to miss getting their hands on this one!


A chance mishap with a sledgehammer was the sole reason a chilling nightmare was unleashed in Blyth Lake.
Noah Kendall’s grisly discovery left him in the middle of a murder investigation and a neighbor who knew more than she was willing to say. Reese Woodward had returned to town with dark secrets, and he was determined to unravel them. While evil lurks in the darkness, seduction burns between them…only time was their enemy.
Will her secrets destroy what they’ve built, or can he earn her trust before the killer strikes again?

Get your copy of UNLOCKING FEAR now!

Add UNLOCKING FEAR to your Goodreads list here!

Get a sneak peek at UNLOCKING FEAR:

“You should take the first swing.” Reese lifted the black strap of the clear goggles over her hair and the back of her head. She secured them over her face until the plastic curve rested on the bridge of her nose. “Isn’t it good luck or something? This way, you only have yourself to blame if you regret doing the damage.”

Noah hadn’t heard that particular old wives’ tale before, but he wasn’t the superstitious type. He handed over the sledge hammer and stepped back, allowing her room to swing the heavy tool.

“She’s all yours, honey. Go for it.”

Reese bit her lip as she attempted to get a good hold on the rubberized grip over the wooden handle. Once she was comfortable with her grasp, she lifted the heavy weapon and swung for the fences. Her laugh reverberated throughout the empty house as her first try resulted in only a tiny dent.

“You can swing harder than that,” Noah encouraged, laughing with her.

Her next strike cracked the drywall.

“You’re right,” Reese said rather breathlessly with a radiant smile. “This is very therapeutic.”

Another blow of the sledgehammer had a piece of drywall falling to the floor, but her swing was off by a half foot or more. The angle of the head had made a rather deep hole.

“You’re lucky I don’t charge for…” Noah raised a hand to stop Reese from swinging the sledge hammer once more. He stepped closer to the portion of the wall she’d opened without meaning to, wondering what the hell was inside the partition. It looked to be some type of heavy construction plastic wrap. “Wait. Hold up for just a second.”

Noah grabbed part of the drywall and pulled it away, hoping to clear whatever was inside out of Reese’s way so that she could keep working.

“Noah, is that what I think it is?”

The sledge hammer hit the floor with a thud at the exact moment Noah took a step back at the realization of what was in front of them. Both he and Reese stood side by side as they stared in horror at a secret this house had held for twelve years.

“We need to call the sheriff. Right now.”

Noah reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out his phone, blinking one more time in hopes that the grisly scene in front of him disappeared. That wasn’t going to happen.

A decomposed skeleton wrapped in plastic stared out from its hiding place inside the wall. The jaw was slightly opened as if to be screaming for help. The col or of the hair was still recognizable after all these years.

Just what kind of hideous crime had they uncovered?

Noah and Reese exchanged a horrified glance that conveyed a million words.

They were now bound together after having uncovered a shocking secret someone had wanted to stay buried forever.

About Kennedy Layne:

Kennedy Layne is a USA Today bestselling author. She draws inspiration for her military romantic suspense novels in part from her not-so-secret second life as a wife of a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He doubles as her critique partner, beta reader, and military consultant. They live in the Midwest with their teenage son and menagerie of pets. The loyal dogs and mischievous cats appreciate her writing days as much as she does, usually curled up in front of the fireplace. She loves hearing from readers--find out how to connect with her at www.kennedylayne.com.

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