Sunday, January 28, 2018

Give Me Books Presents: Marx Girl by T.L. Swan; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #99Pennies, #LimitedTime

Title: Marx Girl
Author: T L Swan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 28, 2018
Rating:  4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Give Me Books and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".



We met five years ago when I was her family’s bodyguard.

Our time together was a secret.

Her touch was different…. addictive.

I fell hard and fast and then I left.

I’ve thought about her every day since.

As I sit here at a wedding watching her with her new boyfriend……I have regrets.

Regrets for the past things I’ve done.

But I won’t regret what I’m about to do.

She's telling me no but her body's telling me yes.

I need her beneath me.

I’m having her tonight.


It’s the little things I remember about Ben.

His smile and the icing sugar he had on his pancakes.

What started out as private jokes between us soon turned into private visits.

The quiet man at the back of the crowd.

His dry wit made me laugh.

His dominant body ruined me forever

He never told me he loved me, until he was leaving.

That was five years ago.

Things are looking up for me.

I met someone, someone special.

But Ben is back.

I find myself thinking about him ......more than I should.

No matter how hard my heart is freefalling from my chest.

I will never go back there.

You only get to break my heart once.

Purchase Links:

99c for a limited time


Free in Kindle Unlimited

My Thoughts:

This may be a standalone but if you look at the author’s timeline, you may find that you’re missing something by not reading the other books in the list.  U.S. readers please take note that when a temperature is mentioned they are letting you know the degrees in Celsius.

Bridget “Didge” Marx may be a temptation too hard to resist.  Ben Statham is most definitely an alpha bad boy.  But can a bad boy change?  Or does he just need the right woman to tame him a little?  I’m warning you to be prepared.  I tried, I really did.  I had things to do but I couldn’t stay away even five minutes.  I just had to see what Ben was going to pull next.  So if you have things to do that might not be the time to read this book.

At times Bridget frustrates me.  She’s a woman that says one thing but she doesn’t know that she needs to leave things alone.  It’s like sending mixed messages – both to the reader and to the other characters.  She has a great friend in Adrian.  He really listens to her and then gives her an honest opinion – a man of reason.  Ben is a frustrating character.  He doesn’t communicate with Bridget, which means he doesn’t communicate with us either. 

After reading this story, I’ll have more books to check out.  I’ve got one more author crush to add to my ever-growing list.  Ms. Swan is very smart.  She knows that we need something that’s going to be our incentive to turn the page.  Then she creates a scene that takes me completely by surprise and then I get something that I wasn’t expecting - I happily continue to see how this story is going to end.  You’re going to get action, suspense and some really hot romance.  And in the spirit of Mission Impossible, your mission should you choose to accept it…

Author Bio:

Lover of her husband, children, words, chocolate and margaritas.
When she is not writing her next novel, you will find her in a café drinking coffee with friends.
Writing is her passion.

Books by T L Swan:

Stanton Adore
Stanton Unconditional
Stanton Completely
Stanton Bliss
Find Me Alastar
Play Along
Dr. Stanton
Dr. Stantons The Epilogue
Marx Girl

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