Friday, January 26, 2018

Book Partners In Crime Presents: Trouble With Gold by Melinda Dozier; #BookTour, #OutNow, #99Pennies, #Giveaway

Trouble With Gold
by Melinda Dozier
Genre: Contemporary Romance Novella
Release Date: November 20, 2017
Rating:  3.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Book Partners in Crime Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

US snowboarder and notorious prankster, Ty (Trouble) Madsen is only getting a taste of his own medicine when his Olympic teammates shackle him to a fence wearing nothing but his boxers.  Reception and protocol volunteer, Nadia Hoffman, gets up close and personal with the sexy snowboarder to rescue him, but she's not the kind of girl who lets her hormones get in her way.  A professional performance could help her land her dream job at Olympics Committee Headquarters, but her new assignment supervising the rambunctious US Snowboarding Team is making that difficult.  Can she see behind the snowman in the community center bathroom and into the warm heart of the man everyone calls Trouble?

“Thank God you’re here,” a male’s voice groaned, in English.

Nadia looked across the path toward the stairs ahead of her and saw a very well built, tall man, light brown hair curled around his beanie, with a chiseled chest and tight thighs. Wait a minute. Why could she see his chest and thighs? It was zero degrees Celsius. Why would a man be standing in nothing but his underwear? Her mother always warned her about sickos.

She dug into her purse, searching for her mace – something she carried since her internship in New York last summer. It settled somewhere at the bottom. Great. When she finally needed it, she couldn’t find it.

“Do you mind?” He said, a little louder. “I could use some help.”

“I have mace.” She answered, still searching. “Stay where you are.”

“Not a problem.” He laughed, a deep laugh that sent tingly sensations from head to toe. God, sleep deprivation must be worse than she thought if she had these thoughts about a sicko.

She shook her head and finally held the mace up. The man remained in the same spot. He had a fabulous smile and a few wrinkles at the side of his eyes, from smiling or being out in the sun. He must be an athlete with that tight physique. “Who are you and what are you doing?”

Instead of answering, he let out a laugh all while his teeth chattered. An ache sat in her throat. Poor guy. If his blue lips and frosted hair was any indication, he was beyond cold.

“Are you okay?” She slowly approached the stairs, not sure what the handsome man would do. But, he looked like he was in trouble.

His eyes perused her from top to bottom and then he looked back into her face. “Better now.” He smirked.

Ty Madsen experiencing the chance of a lifetime.  Of course that experience doesn’t start off too well.  Nadia Hoffman comes upon the strangest sight.  This is a story that will get you excited about the upcoming Winter Olympics.  It reminded me how as a family we would watch the games together from the start of the opening ceremonies to the end of the closing ceremonies.

Some of you may remember the buzz around what went on with Ryan Lochte.  We don’t see that trouble here but it does bring back the memories.  When you think of Ty you could think of Ryan.  Nadia is one of those people that we rarely see on tv – if at all.  She’s one of those people that’s there for the Olympians.  The author left me wondering what her inspiration was for this story.

Because we only see the Olympians on camera, we don’t know what they do in their downtime.  This story gives us one possibility.  Some are lucky enough to be able to travel and watch what goes on personally – something I’ve always been envious about.  I think if I ever did have a chance to go, I would take this book along with me – a great way to set the mood.

As part of the story, a legend is mentioned.  Never having been in the Olympics you have to wonder if this is part of the fiction or if it’s based on truth.  For those that like to do research, after you read the story this may be something to investigate.  But this story isn’t all about the sports but we get to see two individuals try to form a relationship.  Being a novella I don’t know that I get a real sense if the story actually ends.  You want to know where the couple goes from here once you’ve read the last word.  Would I read again?  Probably not until the next Winter Olympics comes around again.

Reading romance has always been at the top of Melinda's favorite past times. You can always find a book in her hands no matter where she is. Melinda is Louisiana born, New Mexico raised, Guatemala adopted, and recently a newcomer to Houston, Texas. So, it's only natural that her stories take place all across the world. Melinda loves reading, reality TV, traveling, blogging, and playing Words with Friends. Learn more about her at



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