Tuesday, November 21, 2017

RBTL Presents: Girl Within Girl: Healing by S.P. Aruna; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #99Pennies, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Healing
Author: S. P. Aruna
Series: Girl within Girl Book 2
Genre: Erotic Thriller 
Publisher: BookBaby
Release Date: Sept 3 2017
Edition ~ 1st /Formats ~ eBook
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

**** Disclosure of Material: I received a final and/or advanced reader copy of this book from RBTL Book Promotions and the Author/Publisher with the hope that I will leave my Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... My Opinions. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". *****


Trapped in a mountain cabin with three, possibly four, women...every guy's dream, right? Or could it turn out to be a nightmare?

Dr. Sean Paisley needs to find out how to bring these women together - his survival depends on it. To make matters worse, he's in love with all of them...made passionate love to all of them. Throw in a nasty grizzly bear and the dark forces of the government and the situation becomes even more dire.

In the end, he was stuck with Belinda, a hysterical, suicidal, homicidal maniac of a person, confined together in the wilderness of the onset of winter. Now both their lives were at stake.

** Girl Within Girl is a dark erotic thriller that wanders through a sensual maze of manipulation and mind control. **

Dr. Sean Paisley has a relationship with Katrina that you see if you’ve read book one.  In order to understand these characters you must read Unraveling first.  You will have a better understanding as you start learning where our characters are and what continues to unfold.  Plus Dr. Paisley is the one that may be able to help us answer any questions that may have come up with the first book.

I love that our characters still seem to be talking to us – makes us a part of what is being revealed.  Katrina is still fighting with Cherry and Anisa but we also have the mystery of a woman named Belinda.  Finding there’s another character to this growing story will grab your attention – looking to see where this mystery will take you.

Just like the previous story, the author adds in an erotic element.  Those moments never seem out of place.  They fit in perfectly with the characters she has created.  And before I knew it the ending was upon me and found it unsettling because I didn’t want it to end.  But I understand that the author doesn’t want to drag anything out because it would change the feel of the story.  I’ll just have to wait to see what else she has up her sleeve.

Dr. Sean Paisley
The valium, together with my weariness, knocked me off my ass. I thought I was good until morning. I was wrong. In the depths of the night, which I consider to be around 3:00 AM, I woke up to a shadowy figure looming over me, a feminine outline against the pale moonlight streaming through the front window. Her arm was outstretched, an object in her hand - a gun - Anisa’s gun, pointed at my head, but I sensed it wasn’t Anisa holding it. “Belinda?”
 “I can’t stand it anymore, all those horrible memories, playing over and over in my head, its torture. It has to end now, doctor. It’s a nightmare but I know how to end it...for the both of us.”
“No, listen, there’s another way.” I had to think fast, I needed to call one of the alter personalities, but who? Neither Katrina nor Cherry knew how to handle a gun. They might freak out and shoot me accidentally. It had to be Anisa. After all, it was her gun. “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.”
The woman in the dark remained motionless as my heart pumped like a jackhammer. After what seemed like forever, she lowered her arm. “Very careless of you, Doc, leaving my gun around.” 
She startled me as she stepped forward, but it was only to switch on the lights. She opened the gun and emptied the bullets from the revolver. I got up from my bed, a deerskin mat on the floor, and she handed all of it to me.
“Hide that from all of us, including me. At this point the gun’s more of a risk than protection.”

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Other Book In Series:

Rating:  4 Stars

Katrina Novak has an interesting way to start off her part of the story.  She seems a little confused.  Cherry Cummins has a job where she travels the world and meets some interesting people.  Anisa Grant has an interesting job.  It gets her in to all kinds of trouble.

This is like reading something that would air on the Twilight Zone.  I almost expected the music to play as I was reading.  Katrina’s work environment reminded me of a sorry place that I once went to as part of my college program – Belchertown State School located in Belchertown Massachusetts which was established in 1922 for the “feeble-minded”.  It was a great way to set the scenes when she was at work.

The author was very smart in having her characters talk in the first person.  It gives us more understanding into who these people are and what they’re thinking.  You won’t get confused about the characters because each chapter is marked with the name of the character that is speaking.  But since each of these ladies has a different personality, I don’t think you would have any problem knowing who is talking to you.

If you’re someone that really enjoys the physiological thrillers than you may want to check this one out.  Some of you may remember the book Sybil.  This would fit into that category but the difference being was that Sybil was based on fact.  Our book is an adult version that goes one step further and it’s more intense.  It was interesting to watch the puzzle pieces come together but nothing gets solved as this first book ends.

Our Author:

I'm a Cambodian woman of mixed blood, married to an aspiring author, and of course he had something to do with my idea to write entertaining fiction. We live in a little green house in the countryside in southern Cambodia. No kids yet, but we're working on it.

I live on a large plot of land and I enjoy taking care of my trees, plants, and flowers. I also love embroidery, stitching to make beautiful pictures. It's very meditative for me. And then I frame them and put them all over the walls of my house, which drives my husband crazy.

I'm a newbie when it comes to being an author, but being an avid reader with eclectic tastes (I enjoy reading just about any genre as well as non-fiction) has helped me in my plunge to write commercial fiction. Since I love erotic thriller type films, I decided to write an erotic thriller series. I like the challenge of devising a strong plot to embed my sexy scenes.

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