Wednesday, November 15, 2017

HEA PR Presents: Sheet Music by K.L. Myers; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review

SHEET MUSIC, a Rocker Romance by K.L. Myers is LIVE!

Razor's Edge Series #1
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from HEA Book Tours and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

My name is Cayson James Razor, front man and lead singer for Razor’s Edge. I’m a rocker through and through, and nothing can change me. I don’t believe in romance and happily ever afters. Or at least that’s what I thought. 

Enter Kayla Marshall, romance writer and travel companion for thirty days. She’s oblivious to how the real world works. It’s my duty to open her eyes to the fantasy land she lives in.

When the unthinkable happens and my long-time friend and drummer for Razor’s Edge leaves for rehab in the middle of a sixty-day, forthy-three-city tour, I’m faced with the reality that there is more to life than the music. But before I can tell Kayla that I was wrong, she disappears.

Now I’m questioning everything. Are there such things as happily ever afters, or are they just a fantasy people believe in? 

This is my journey to discover if a rock god can give up his evil ways to find the one he was destined for.





Rocking Between The Sheets:

My Thoughts:

This continues the story of C.J. and Kayla.  It also interweaves parts of the novella, titled Rocking Between The Sheets, into it.  This will help a reader that hasn’t read the prequel.

Once I started this book it was almost impossible to put down.  Even when I came to some hard and tearful parts it was still tough to let go of the story.  This is a little different from the novella because Kayla will get you personally invested partly because of what she’s having to deal with and partly because in one point of the story it will seem as if she’s talking directly to you.  The author knows just what we need to lighten the mood of the story.  She also knows what we need in order to bring out the tissue.

Our author has created something that look familiar for those that like rocker romances.  But in a way I think it’s also different.  We see the struggle a man has to come to terms with the fact he’s falling in love.  He also has a childhood where what he thought was reality was slightly different than it actually was.  We have a smart author too because she created an ending that I hated.  Why did I hate it?  Because it left me hanging.  But that’s also smart because I now have little choice but to follow the series in order to find out what she has in store for the band and for its members.  What a great start to what looks to be an interesting group of men.

My Thoughts on Rocking Between The Sheets:

Cayson James “C.J” Razor is a man who doesn’t let his past define him but it does take part in some of his thinking.  He’s also doing what he loves.  Kayla Marshall isn’t impressed with his lifestyle choices.  We get an inside look at how an outsider might see how a rock band lives and functions as a group.

This is the book you want the series with if you want to experience this band of men.  But don’t expect any answers because our clever author has left the ending open.  She’s also left you wanting more.  What’s great about blog tours is it’s a way to discover a new author, a new series, and probably read a book that you may never have read if not for the fact that you follow said tour.  Reading your favorite go to authors is great but sometimes you have to take a chance on an author you’ve never heard of before.  Otherwise you might miss out on a really good book.  And you might never end up reading that author’s other work.


KL Myers was born an Air Force "brat" in West Berlin, Germany moving with her family from Germany to Colorado to "hell", aka Arizona where she resides with her husband David & their fur babies (3 cats & a dog). They have 2 grown daughters & 3 grandchildren.

KL has a passion for collecting PEZ dispensers & hot romance. When she isn't juggling family & a full-time executive job, KL indulges her other passion- writing.

Her books & novellas show a pension for a bad boy with a heart of gold. Coupling her bad boys with strong, independent women who don't need rescuing, just maybe a taste of naughty redemption! Her characters will pull you in & leave you satiated, yet panting for more, More, MORE!


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