Thursday, October 26, 2017

Audiobookworm Presents: Misunderstood by Kathryn Kelly; #AudioBookTour, #OutNow, #Review, #Giveaway

Author: Kathryn Kelly
Narrator: Samuel Valor
Series: Death Dwellers, Book 2
Publisher: Kathryn Kelly
Released: Sep. 13, 2017
Genre: Erotic Romance
Rating: 4.5 Stars

I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Kathryn Kelly. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.

Johnnie 'John-boy' Donovan is the new VP of the Death Dwellers MC. While the club president, his cousin Christopher 'Outlaw' Caldwell, is on his honeymoon, Johnnie is left in charge. With Outlaw's return just a week away, he just wants things to run smoothly and without a hitch. But trouble is brewing for the Death Dwellers and an evil from his past may be back to haunt him.

Kendall Miller is an attorney and the ex-girlfriend to Spoon, the club President of The Torpedoes MC. She's in over way over her head and when her little sister is taken, Kendall needs to do whatever it takes to get the information on the Death Dwellers before it’s too late.

Can Johnnie trust the mysterious red haired woman who showed up naked to his cousin’s bachelor party? Can Kendall rely on the handsome blond biker that made a lasting impression on her mind, body, and heart to help her get her sister back?

Lives will be lost and hearts will be broken in the third book of The Death Dwellers MC series.

Kathryn Kelly is living her dream and writing books. She's always been an avid reader and still devours books in her spare time. She also enjoys football, socializing, music, eating, and jokes. In her head, she's the ultimate biker babe. In reality, she's an ordinary girl-next-door and a native New Orleanian. Since the release of Misled in December 2013, she’s been living her dream of writing books. In August 2015, her life took a dramatic turn with the diagnosis of Stage 2B HER2 Positive Breast Cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy, lymph node removal, and breast reconstruction in February 2016. The support of her family, friends, and fans helped her to stay strong and keep her head up. #F*ckCancer became her rallying cry. Now located in the Houston area, she is once again cancer free. Her hair is growing back and her nails are returning to normal. Currently, she is plotting her next book.
Narrator Bio
Samuel Valor is a voice performance artist and narrator. He hails from Southern California where he spends his time writing, recording, and playing music. He has voiced a wide variety of books and commercials, from Shakespeare to mustard to romance, whatever needs that extra bit of masculine energy to spice it up. He has a four octave range, which allows for a wide variety of voices and sounds.

This was the hardest book to listen to so far in this Death Dwellers series. One reason is the voice actor. Mr. Valor does a great job in bringing the harsh reality of Kendall's world to life. There is no way that you won't feel something for this latest book. It's a story that is the most violent and our narrator makes you sit up and pay attention. You can almost feel her pain.

One good thing is that since this is Johnnie's story, the swearing isn't as bad as the previous book. But with all the violence, sometimes I actually would have preferred it. With that you wouldn't think that I liked the story but I did. We get some backstory here - get an understanding of the life that Johnnie and Christopher grew up in. This is one of those stories that it's hard to turn away from because this story has a realistic tone to it.

Everything that Kendall went through is something that could be happening to any woman in the world right now. Johnnie seems so put together but this story gives us more look into what he's really like. Their story is one that I have to turn off now and then because some of the violence is hard to take. But that doesn't stop me from going back time and again. I want to know that Kendall is going to be able to find some kind of happiness.

Ms. Kelly is most imaginative with this book. You have to wonder her thought process. Did she research? How did she get through all those scenes where there was violence against women? Or when she wrote the graphic scenes that show exactly what the men of the Death Dwellers, and enemies, are really like. Her words have left me wanting more. Mr. Valor has left me wanting more.

This is one book that shows why I listen to audiobooks. If I read the book I don't think I would have the same reaction. With someone reading to you, bringing the characters to life, you can almost see the scenes come to life - like a movie playing out in your head. You have your headphones in so that all you can do is concentrate on the story. Everything else is cut off since all you can hear is what the narrator is telling you.  

I start my day with a couple of disappointments. As I research to see if my audio tour of this MC is going to continue I find it's not - at least right now. Another disappointment comes in the fact that I find that Johnnie and Kendall's story isn't finished. My last disappointment was that I couldn't tell if "Misdeeds" will also come out in audio so that I can continue my Death Dwellers adventure. But the good news is that if it doesn't it's not the end of the world - will just have to add the book to my regular library. Then maybe I can find out what happens to our couple.

Oct. 22nd:
Oct. 23rd:
Oct. 24th:
Oct. 25th:
Oct. 27th:
Oct. 28th:
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  1. Thank you so much for your review. I wanted to let you know that Sam (Valor) is working on the audio book for Misdeeds right now. It will be out before Christmas (hopefully). Once he's done, we have to send it to Audible for their processes.

    Some of the scenes always take a lot out of me. :-) Some are more personal than others. I haven't lived the experiences of my characters per se, but....#metoo. Sexual assault features in several of the Death Dwellers stories, with Misbehavior (Val and Zoann's story,Chapter three) being the most difficult. I want you, my fans, readers and listeners to know that I don't take these scenes lightly. I pull them from deep within my soul. Perhaps, this is my way of purging. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Thank you for making time in your busy schedule to listen to and review my work. I appreciate you so much.

    One final note, I will definitely schedule another tour with Audiobookworm Promotions for Misdeeds, as soon as her schedule permits, once the audio book is released. Have a great weekend.

  2. I appreciate what you do. Sometimes a reader needs to get out of their comfort zone and read something that may seem uncomfortable. There are those that appreciate that you give a creative voice to what they are going through but are afraid to speak up. I will also watch for the Audiobookworm email. Have a fantastic week.


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