Wednesday, August 23, 2017

#ReleaseBlitz: Dear Maggie by Rachael Brownell; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review, #99Pennies, #LimitedTime

Dear Maggie
Love Advice series
by:  Rachael Brownell
Available on iBooks (until Sept 1) & Amazon
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#romcom  #newrelease  #romance  #indieauthor  #RachaelBrownell

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Lauren Norton has never been in love. When it comes to relationships, she’s far from the expert her new job demands she becomes. Smart and witty, Lauren takes control of the situation, signing up for a dating website to conduct a little research. She may have been thrust into her situation, but she’ll fake it until she makes it… or fail miserably should someone realize the real Maggie isn’t offering her usual wit and wisdom.

Kyle Long is still healing after his fiancée left him at the altar last spring. Headed further down the rabbit hole, his sister, Hope, steps in and takes control of his love life. Her first move? Ask Maggie, the local expert on everything love related. To get his sister off his back, Kyle promises to give Maggie's advice a chance, no matter what it is. 


My Thoughts:

Lauren Norton was given a job that has her rethinking her choice.  Kyle Long wants to get past a personal disappointment.  He’s been hurt pretty badly and just needs the right incentive to put his heart out there again.  Lauren is the opposite.  She’s dipping but doesn’t like what she’s catching.  We get to see what the life of the opinionator may be like.  Puts a face, and life, to someone you really don’t think about what want to know what they think.

At times it felt like Lauren is talking to you asking for your opinion.  We get to see two people go after what they want and be happy about it.  This was an interesting read for me having grown up in the age of Dear Abby.  We’re always looking for people’s opinions and why not from a stranger.  Never wrote Abby but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t tempted.  It does make you wonder however how many people ask for advice but than never follow through.  Many years ago I worked with a woman that would ask your opinion but then continue asking others until she got the answer she was looking for.  Almost like validation for what she thinks is the right answer.  Is that what people are looking for when writing for advice?

Ms. Brownell could have left us laughing at the ending but she goes one step further.  You will get a chance to see what some of the lives might be like for those that do write looking for advice.  It’s like putting a face to the person that you wonder how their life is before and after they write Dear Maggie.  Our author also shows that you don’t need a lot of sex scenes to enjoy what an author has taken the time to write for us.

*Each episode follows the advice given by Lauren to readers who submitted questions. Find out if they listen to her and how their stories turned out.

order/pre-order each book for only #99cents on iBooks:

Love Advice, Episodes 1 & 2: 

Love Advice, Episodes 3 & 4: 

Love Advice, Episodes 5 & 6: 

Want to celebrate the release of Dear Maggie with Rachael and her friends? Come join the Romantic Weekend Getaway this Friday-Sunday. 

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