Friday, August 18, 2017

Paging Through The Days Presents: Burning Bright by Morgan Campbell; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live

Burning Bright
The Starlight Falls Series, Book 1
By Morgan Campbell
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 18, 2017
#OnTour #BurningBright #PTTD



Coming home is supposed to be a fresh start. Away from the man determined to make my life a living hell, I didn’t count on Charlie showing up, and making my heart beat faster. Now, he’s the only man who can protect the very heart he broke.


I tried to stay away; to get her out of my mind. But the second she comes home, my whole world is turned around. She’s hiding secrets, telling lies, and the only way to protect her is to confront her past, to save our future.

Returning home isn’t as easy as Caitlyn thinks. Someone won’t let her forget. Someone is out for revenge at any cost. As flames are rekindled, Caitlyn must battle more than one kind of fire to stay alive, and fight for the life she was always meant to have.

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~ Excerpt ~

“Oh god. She’s really back. And for good. What the fuck?” I pace back and forth inside the trailer Landon and I cart around for our on-site jobs. It’s just a makeshift office for us, but right now, it’s my thinking space. And I have a lot to think about.
I run a hand through my hair. It’s shaggy, longer than I normally keep it. But at this point in my life, I’m all about work. I don’t date anymore, I don’t have a family to nag me about cutting it, I’ve got nothing but me, myself, and I to answer to.
For six years, I’ve managed to stay away from Caitlyn Walker. When she would come into town, I would conveniently be in Houston, Austin, or Dallas. I changed my number, moved, and avoided her at all costs. Anytime her family brought her up, I would shut them out until Landon would nudge me or call my name.
But it did me no good.
Everything I did, everything I’ve ever done and will do, has revolved around Caitlyn. I finally went to school when she left me so I could become a more responsible man. One that she could rely on. The home I’m still building is with her in mind. Each and every breath in and out of my body is laced with the thought of Caitlyn Walker.
Being around her family was torturous at first but they never pried, they never questioned me about our break-up, and they never pushed. Even though I was no longer with their daughter, I was still one of theirs. Especially after my parents died.
I tried to date. I tried to get her off my mind but they weren’t her. It’s stupid to compare anyone to the love of your life when they’re married to someone else but it’s what I did. I’ve always held out for her and I always will.
“Charlie, you okay?” I whip around to see Landon inside the office with me. I didn’t even hear the door open. “I have to move her car, but I wanted to make sure you’re fine. You bolted pretty quickly.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just weird, ya know? I haven’t seen her in so long and it’s just crazy.” Oh, but I do see her and if she only knew what seeing those doe eyes and those pouty lips had done to me at the kitchen table, then they’d all know just how crazy I was still for her.
“This might be weird to ask but do you still have feelings for my sister?” I look at Landon, He’s uncomfortable asking, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at me with an uneasy glint in his eye.
“No, that was all in the past, dude.” I lie my ass off because now isn’t the time to get into it. I need some more time alone so I can really take in seeing her again. I was caught off guard but now that I know she’s back, maybe we can at least talk. Clear the air or whatever. Maybe get some closure because as much as I want to be with her, she might not want to be with me and maybe I need to hear that last no to move on.

~~~ Other books by Morgan Campbell ~~~

Grayson: A Bully Novel

Goodreads ~ Amazon US : AU : CA : UK

Finn: A Bully Novella

Goodreads ~ Amazon US : AU : CA : UK

~About Morgan Campbell~

Morgan lives in the south of Texas, going back and forth from Austin and Houston, with her husband. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found with her nose stuck in a book, cooking, baking, crocheting, and causing a general ruckus with her friends and family! Filled with an overactive imagination at a young age, she began writing her thoughts down in a journal, and the rest, as they say, is history.

~Connect With Morgan~

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