Friday, August 4, 2017

#CoverReveal: Life Plus One by Rachel Robinson; #ComingSoon


Happy Cover Reveal Day to Rachel Robinson. Life Plus One releases August 18.



Ben Brahms shed his glasses, gangly body, and a life long pact to attend an Ivy League college with his best friend the day the world took on a sinister hue. With his outward appearance matching his new career as a Navy SEAL, Ben is saving the world…literally, at the expense of everything he gave up. A whole life.


Harper Rosehall honors the pact. She takes on, and then dominates college on the opposite coast. Always the geek, and always behind socially—especially with men, she blossoms. With her moral compass guiding her, she finds herself drawn back to San Diego and all she left behind.


With memories from their pasts haunting every interaction and decision in their present—and future, their timing never seems to be quite right.

A marriage.
A baby.

Some friendships last the test of time, can Ben and Harper’s stand the tests of life?
Life doesn’t care what you love, it takes it away anyways.

add to your TBR here:

Excerpt 1: 
I repeat, “Tell me how you want it.”
With slow hands, she removes her dress, exposing her flawless skin inch by inch as she goes. “Any which way,” she says, meeting my eyes. Gone is any hesitation she’s ever had about our friendship and boundaries or even other relationships. No one else is in this room with us, despite the fact that there’s a bottle of Norah’s hand lotion on one nightstand. When she’s naked but for a pair of nude high heels, she draws nearer, eyes like sex shrouded missiles locked and aimed directly on me. My dick strains against my pants, and I readjust in a squat, grab move.
I still haven’t blinked, too afraid the mirage from my wildest fantasy might pop smoke and morph into a normal woman instead of the one I’ve wanted my entire life. Harper is standing so close in front of me I can smell her desire mixed with her perfume and the scent makes me delirious with lust. “No hands,” she says when I reach for her tiny waist. “Not yet,” she amends when my face falls.
“I never pinned you for a cock tease,” I admit, smirking. “How many years has it been?” I ask. “I take it back. You’re the cock tease president.”
She tells me how long it’s been. Down to the day, since the last time I was inside her, my mind and body being indoctrinated with the perfect balance of everything and nothing at the same exact time. I haven’t had her in that capacity ever again.
“I’ve wanted you every second since then,” I reply honestly.

Excerpt 2:
We read comic books and eat vanilla cake straight from the bakery box. It’s both of our favorite and I couldn’t help the falling, dying feeling settling in my stomach as we finished up. I promised no drama, but all the words I should be saying are eating at me. We’re dissecting a scene from one of our favorite comedy movies when she finally breaks her mundane conversation streak. “Our timing will never work out, you know? This newest blunder is evidence. Me moving back, you moving to where I just was. I think we need to let go of the pipe dream of forever after, Benny.” Her eyes glass over.
“Yeah?” I ask.
She turns away and her long ponytail swings, brushing an exposed shoulder. When her hair is up and she turns her head just so, a muscle moves in her neck. It’s long and elegant and it reminds me of a swan. I’ve come to realize it’s because she wore her hair up for an entire year while she waited for it to grow out. Ugly duckling. Swan. Yeah, really deep. It’s not the same as the haphazard blow job ponytails and tight neck muscles I see in the women I’m with these days. They don’t have swan necks that make me stare. They have nothing. In their defense, Harper already has everything.
“You’re right,” I say, pulling her against me on the sofa.
She leans her head against my shoulder and I wonder what her neck looks like right now.
“I need to get to bed. Your flight is early.”
She sniffles and I feel her nod against me. “I’ll miss you.”
If I hadn’t just promised to keep things simple, I’d tell her how I feel dead when I’m not with her. How inconsequential life seems without her to share it with. No one understands me, knows that weird, quirky person buried deep inside. Instead, I kiss her head, “I’ll miss you too, Harps. I’ll see you soon, though. Graduation or bust, you nerdy, awesome person.”
A quiet laugh rolls through her. “You know I don’t want it to be like this, right? I’d fix everything and make life simpler, the way it used to be, if I could.” 

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