Saturday, July 8, 2017

#Review: Henry & Me by Sasha Clinton; #NowAvailable, #OutNow

Title:  Henry & Me
A Romantic Novel
Author:  Sasha Clinton
July 5, 2017
Pages:  240
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


When we were in college, Henry Stone asked me out and I shot him down in the most humiliating way possible.
He was a nerd and I was the golden girl of the theatre society, destined to make it big in Hollywood, so how could there be anything between us?
Now six years later, as an out-of-work actress who has to take on a housekeeping job to stay afloat, I run into him again—and boy, has he made it big.
As I begin to clean his house and take care of his precocious nephew, I realize how wrong I was about him. He’s sexy, smart, kind, everything I never though he would be.
But I have demons that he can’t fight. Demons that keep me away from love.
One thing’s for sure: This housekeeper-gig is going to be the hardest role of my life.

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My Thoughts:

Henry Stone gets an interesting first impression from Maxima “Max” Anderson. My first impression of her is that she’s a little self absorbed and superficial. Then it goes onto rude. It left me rooting for Henry – he came up with the perfect retort for her! I’m his cheering section. Max is a woman who seems to base her impressions on what a person looks like on the outside. But it almost doesn’t surprise me – especially because of what she’s like on the inside.

It didn’t take me long before I truly wanted to hate Max. She seemed to have the “I’m so much better than you” attitude. She’s definitely someone who would look down on me. If it weren’t for Henry and his nephew, I probably would have given up on her – as a lot of other people did. The times I liked her most was when she spent time with Lucien. I wouldn’t say he was a scene stealer but more of a scene enhancer.

Through the whole story, Max had me confused. Some of it might be the fact that in a way she’s confused too. Life isn’t cut and dry, it doesn’t come with a manual, and some people have to have things happen to them in order to learn what works and what we have to work on. We sometimes hold ourselves back because we’re afraid – afraid of the unknown. And life is the biggest unknown of them all. What makes Max is a good character is that she shows how really tough it is to learn.

Henry was great at showing perseverance. Although at times I felt he could do better and he was too good a man to go through the heartache but this is what makes this story so romantic. He had to be my favorite character with his nephew a close second. One thing the author does is show her readers that you don’t need a lot of sex in a story to have romance. But you do need the right male character for that to happen and she does have that here.

There were times that I really wanted to hate this story. Max just continually rubbed me the wrong way. But she has a sister-in-law that had me laughing. She was a great compliment to Max. The Epilogue made up for a lot of my feelings that I was having up to that point because it shows the reason that I kept on reading. Left me glad that I didn’t give up on her. Personally I like a story that somehow gets me involved – it’s one thing that keeps me turning the pages. I also like to see that second chances are possible when it comes to love.

About the Author:

Sasha Clinton discovered romance novels at the age of thirteen and has been addicted to the genre ever since. After getting a degree in Chemical Engineering and realizing that there was no way she could ever be an engineer, she decided to follow her passion and write romance novels. Sasha has lived in New Delhi, Melbourne, Manchester and Boston and continues to move frequently. But wherever she is, she’s hard at work on her next book. 

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