Monday, May 8, 2017

Rock Star PR Presents: Good Lies by Charlotte West; #BookTour, #OutNow, #Review

Good Lies: A Wild Minds Novel 
by Charlotte West
Date of Publication: May 8, 2017
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from RockStar PR & Literacy Agency and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


"If Warren Price was gasoline, I'd be a lit match."
Addison Wanks, rock 'n' roll's favorite daughter, is good at keeping secrets.

Secret One

She's responsible for the long-standing feud between her father's band, Wanks and Janks, and younger band Wild Minds. She may or may not have let Wild Minds' sexy bad-boy lead singer Warren defile her backstage at a concert.
Okay, she totally did.

Secret Two

She's supposed to be attending college but instead skips town to follow Wild Minds on their European tour. Addy adores Warren Price.

Secret Three

Europe doesn't go so well. Her sexy lead singer turned out to be king of a**holes. He's arrogant, demanding and controlling. Addy loathes Warren Price.
Oh, well.

Secret Four

A few years later, Addy is planning to attend her father's farewell tour when she hears the news—Wild Minds is back in the good graces of Wanks and Janks. The two bands will be headlining together. This is going to make avoiding Warren difficult. Especially since it seems Warren doesn't want to be ignored. He also doesn't want a divorce. That's right, Addy is married to the Wild Minds front man.
Sh. Don't tell anyone.

What will happen when all Addy's secrets are revealed?

Buy Links:

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My Thoughts:

Addison “Addy” Wanks had both a sad and interesting childhood.  At times it was even funny.  She has two friends, Gabe and Lily, who have been very good to her – even in bad times.  You’ll find yourself wanting to know more about the both of them.  It seems to ben an innate trait that we want everyone to be happy.

Warren Price is something of a mystery.  I want to know what his real story is.  The whole story feels like a soap opera.  There’s plenty of drama, twists and turns, and even a little suspense.  The only thing missing was the music during some of the scenes.  It’s pretty good for a first book in the series and it did leave me wanting to know where the author plans to take the series.

There were times where they both seemed to go back and forth on what they wanted.  Addy’s father seemed to be the glue that held things together.  He certainly had his quirks and attitude – almost like a diva.  Even though we don’t see much of her, Daisy seems to be the calming force of the family.  She seems to have a calming effect for the most part.  But the whole thing works.  You can almost see an actual Rock and Roll family acting as the characters located within these pages.  The only hint you’ll get at the end is when to expect the next book to come out – kinda.


Putting my head down, I decided to follow Ash. After all, Warren had said, "Get out," to everybody. I was only respecting his wishes. That was nice of me. Considerate. I'd even collect my bags at a later time. Scratch that. I'd just buy all-new stuff. I'd use Billy's card. He'd like that. Daisy could go shopping with me.

My arm grazed Warren's. Heat pricked along my side at the contact. He stayed as still as a statue, his body taut and tense. He was going to let me pass. Thank you very much. I was almost home free. Until his hand shot out and wrapped around my upper arm, his grip tight enough to halt me but not tight enough to hurt me. I could feel the warmth from his palm through my damp sweatshirt, burning me, branding me.

"Not you," he said, his voice hardening.

I shuffled back into the bunks, forcing him to let go. His stare went to my heaving chest. It felt as if the temperature had skyrocketed a thousand degrees.

Warren advanced. His nostrils flared and his septum piercing, a thin silver band, flashed in the low light.

I stepped back until I was pressed against a sliver of wall. Dammit, why'd they have to make these spaces so tight? Warren kept coming until he was flush against my front. I fisted his shirt. To push him away or bring him closer, I didn't know. Then his fingers were in my belt loops, pressing me into him. I could feel his desire for me, his hardness against my stomach.

"Warren…" I started.

He closed his eyes. "Fuck, I've dreamt about you saying my name. Say it again," he demanded. Always so bossy.

"Warren," I said again, this time more firmly.

He didn't understand my tone or he chose to ignore it. Probably the latter. His head lowered and then his lips crashed against mine. He cupped the nape of my neck and begged entrance into my mouth with his tongue.

Something inside of me broke free. A need so fierce it bulldozed all my common sense, all my reasons against this, everything I'd kept tightly reined in for the last few years. I yielded to him. His mouth tasted like whiskey and chocolate, two of my favorite things. Warren groaned and it was like a tiny earthquake inside of me, the vibration snaking down to my belly and igniting desire between my legs. As if he sensed it, his kiss became hotter, wetter, more demanding.

Somehow, my hands found their way under his thin t-shirt, caressing his abs. Cool air hit my stomach and then the tops of my breasts. Warren was stripping me. He broke the kiss for one second to whip my sweatshirt and t-shirt over my head. Then he was back on me, his tongue in my mouth, his body shifting down and up, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist to keep balance.

He rubbed against my core. I made a guttural sound. His lips withdrew and then plastered to my neck. Oh, God, he still knew my sweet spot, right behind my ear he licked and whispered, "I knew you'd come back to me. I knew it."

What? A cold sensation crept along my spine. Warren didn't notice. He sucked the thin skin on my collarbone. I almost forgot what he'd just said but then he opened his big fat mouth again. "Are you sorry for what you did? Leaving me in Rome?" He kissed a wet trail down to the top of my breast. "You want me back, don't you? Jesus, I should make you beg but I don't think I'm going to last."

About Charlotte West:

Charlotte West writes romance about strong heroines and the sexy alpha males who love them. She lives in Washington state with her husband and very large dog (think miniature pony size). She spends way too much money on books, and way too much time reading. When she's not reading, she's feeding her reality television addiction, eating chocolate, or traveling. She's been known to consume her weight in Girl Scout cookies.
She has a degree in Science and a Master's in Education, neither of which she is currently using but is still paying for. Occasionally, she moonlights as a YA author.

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