Thursday, April 6, 2017

Paging Through The Days Presents: Shattered Lives Series by Barb Shuler; #BlogTour, #SaleBlitz, #OnSale, #LimitedTime, #99Pennies

On SALE - 3 Days Only

Grab your copy(s) of My Own Nightmare & Somewhere I Belong right now for only 99c each.

Sale is valid April 6th - 8th!!

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My Own Nightmare

Shattered Lives Series ~ Book 1
180 Pages
Genre: Dark Suspense/Thriller

Published: November 26, 2016

~ Purchase Links ~

Amazon US : AU : CA : UK

**On Kindle Unlimited


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Somewhere I Belong

Shattered Lives Series ~ Book 2

238 Pages

Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Published: February 26, 2017

~ Purchase Links ~

Amazon US : AU : CA : UK
**Available on KU


~~ Coming Soon ~~

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Shatter Me Whole

Shattered Lives Series; Book 3
Genre: Dark Suspense/Thriller
Coming: April 25, 2017


Family is supposed to be there to help you when you’re in need. Love you when you are feeling down. To show support. Yours might… mine shatters me.

My stepfather thinks he has a right to take our freedom, and our power from us. They all do.

I’m the rebel. I grew up knowing this was wrong. I will not live my life in fear any more. The pain has to stop. He has to be stopped. I am but one girl on a mission to get out of this place and be free.

Only problem is… I may not be strong enough to defeat him. When I come across something that could possibly end his reign, I'll use it. I would pay to see his world come crashing down around him....

Whether I survive it or not.

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