Sunday, April 2, 2017

#Celebration: Saints & Sinners Three Year Blogiversary, #Congratulations, #Giveaway

❤❤❤  Saints & Sinners Three Year Blogiversary ❤❤❤

Time flies when you are having fun!  Welcome to the SNSB Three Year Blogiversary giveaway spectacular! This is a great way to meet new authors and meet fellow bloggers!

For my stop, I am giving away one copy of Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones and one copy of The Untamed Earl by Valerie Bowman!  This giveaway will be open until Friday, April 7, 2017 at 5pm EST!

To enter, please comment below as to which book you would like and why. And what is it about the author that you love - add that to your comment below when done.  If you see something you like on my page, showing some love is always appreciative!

Once you’ve entered, check out the next on the list to see what they have posted on their page!

Don’t forget to check out the MEGA giveaway over at SNSB’s page,, to win a Kindle Fire and a $25 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner!



  1. I would love to win The Untamed Earl by Valerie Bowman because I love Historical Romances. Valerie is a new author to me but this book sounds wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  2. I would love to win Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones! This book is right up my alley. I just read an excerpt and it sounds amazing! Lisa is a new author to me. I will definitely be adding several of her books to my TBR! Thanks for the giveaway! 💖

  3. This is a hard decision, I like both authors but I'll say The Untamed Earl because I enjoy reading historical romances the best.

  4. This is a new author to me so anyone of these books would be super thanks for the chance to win

  5. Hard rules please!thanks for the chance

  6. Thanks for the chance to win the book Untamed Earl by Valerie Bowman I already have & read Hard Rules and loved it ;)


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