Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bare Naked Words Presents: Reminiscent Hearts by Rachel De Lune; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #Review, #Giveaway

Book: Reminiscent Hearts
Author: Rachel De Lune
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 14th February
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Bare Naked Words and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

A second chance love story.
Lily Hill was a good girl. Sweet, innocent, hardworking, with her whole life in front of her. And completely in love with Jake Stewart.
Jake was the ultimate bad boy, who screwed around and never played by the rules. He had his own secrets and demons, and for him, Lily was the light to his dark. He knew how Lily felt about him. It was the best un-kept secret between friends. But the one good thing he did was keep his hands off Lily. She’d never survive his deepest desires.
Or so he thought.

A lot can happen in five years.

Lives change. People change. But what about love?

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My Thoughts:

Lily Hill is one of those girls that are mostly ignored in school.  It was interesting to see how she evolves over the years.  Jake Stewart is the typical guy – can’t show how he truly feels about a girl.  There’s something about him that seems toxic but then you wonder about the underlying reason as to why he acts the way he does.  He acted like a real a**hole to Lily but you love whom you love.  

We follow these two as they grow up, go their separate ways, and then reconnect.  There are gaps in the story that add to the mystery that surround these two characters.  If the author filled in those gaps then it would have added to the length of the story and may have changed your enjoyment of the story.  It also helps with the flow of the story.  Too lengthy and you might lose interest and then you won’t find out what happens between these two.

Expect graphic, erotic sex – I don’t say lovemaking because I didn’t feel the love.  It was interesting to watch the tables turn as Lily tries to deal with her life.  Found this a great vehicle to show how creative our author is.  She also has you wondering about the possibility of a Lily and Jake actually existing.  Love isn’t always simple – it can be very complicated.  Sometimes it doesn’t always start when two people meet.  And some people don’t always admit their feelings.   Is it really a second chance at love or just finally getting the chance to love a person who you don’t think returns your feelings?

About the Author:

Rachel De Lune writes emotionally driven contemporary and erotic romance. 

She began scribbling her stories of dominance and submission in the pages of a notebook several years ago, and still can’t resist putting pen to real paper. What ifs are turned into heartfelt stories of love where there will always be a HEA. 

Rachel lives in the South West of England and daydreams about shoes with red soles, lingerie and chocolate. If she’s not writing HEAs, she’s probably reading them. She is a wife and has a beautiful daughter.
For every woman who's ever desired more. 

Social Links:

Website       Facebook        Pinterest      Goodreads 



At that moment, my feet refused to take me home. They were glued in place. Jake’s sad eyes locked with mine and I couldn’t look away. All I saw was a little boy who wanted to be like his older brother. His idle stare gave me the impression he wasn’t surprised by the greeting. Like he was resigned to it. His eyes didn’t let me go until the car sped off, and I could only make out the red tail lights. I never saw his dad again, but I saw plenty of his brother. Jake stayed close to him around school until he left to go to university.

We’ve been sort-of friends ever since. I never ask him about his family, and he never volunteers any information. It’s as if the evening never happened, yet it’s etched into my mind so deeply I always think about it when I see the harsher side to Jake. Those few moments had tied me to Jake, and although the tenuous threads may have frayed, they always make me go easy on him when I really should give up and never speak to him again.

“Have you got your essay finished?” I change the subject, wanting to get back to surer ground.
“Essay?” he asks, again looking for me to explain.

“You know, the one assigned last week comparing the multi-store model of memory and the working memory model?”

“Looks like I’ve got a piss-poor memory, huh.” He wiggles his eyebrows humorously, and I’m right back to loving him again.

I turn away and bury my head in my hands and try to balance out my own mood towards Jake. The lesson is over with no other wisecracks from Jake, and I head over to the other side of the school for my last lesson of the day.

“Hey, Lil, wait up,” Jake calls after me, and I freeze. He waits for the steady stream of students to thin around us before going any further. It’s my turn to look expectantly at him.

“So, you have a better offer for the weekend than what’s-her-name’s party?”

“No, I just don’t think it’s my thing.” I pull my books into my chest and inch my feet towards my next class. As much as I want to keep talking to Jake, I don’t want to be late. I keep my eyes away from his, not wanting to get trapped in them. It’s a constant hazard I’m susceptible to. I’m sure he can see everything I feel if he will only look a little harder at me. As no other guy in school has ever shown me any attention, I’m under no illusion the first one will be Jake Stewart. My feet start toward the science block. Jake walks beside me a little way. Sometimes, on the occasions when Jake was close to acting like a normal friend, I felt as if he was waiting to tell me something. It never transpired though and like all the other times, he peels away and turns back in the opposite direction. No ‘bye’ or ‘see you later’, but then, that isn’t Jake’s style.


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