Wednesday, February 1, 2017

InkSlinger PR Presents: The List by Tawna Fenske; #BlogTour, #Excerpt, #OutNow, #Giveaway

The List BT Ban

Today is my stop on the blog tour for The List by Tawna Fenske! Check it out and grab your copy today! And be sure to enter Tawna’s giveaway today!

The List Synopsis:

It all starts with a list.
A sex list.
Cassie Michaels comes up with a list of naughty experiences to impress her sisters and finally convince them—and herself—she’s not just a boring soil scientist. Unfortunately, it also makes Cassie a liar if she doesn’t tick off at least some of the kinky exploits before her sister’s bachelorette party. Luckily, she’s found just the man to help her, starting with number four—sex with an anonymous stranger.
As the owner of a chain of computer shops, Simon Traxel doesn’t deal with mundane repairs, but when a brunette with killer green eyes and a list of sexploits frozen across her computer screen shows up at one of his shops, he’s ready to get a little hands on.
Simon’s more than willing to have some fun helping Cassie turn her made-up adventures into reality. Between steamy public romps that go hilariously awry, and sexy antics with kitchen utensils, getting through a to-do list has never been this much fun. But nearing the last few items means nearing the end of their time together, and Simon isn’t ready to let her go…

Buy Your Copy:


I’ve just gotten my belt buckled when a mint-green truck pulls up behind Cassie’s. The US Forest Service logo is emblazoned on a door that swings wide open to reveal a middle-aged guy in a khaki uniform and a green parka.

“Afternoon.” He tips his hat to both of us, but his eyes are on Cassie. “Everything okay, here, ma’am?”

Cassie nods, looking dazed and flushed. It dawns on me the guy is trying to determine if he’s stumbled upon a sexual assault in progress. I feel a wave of gratitude, even as I hope like hell the guy gets back in his truck and takes off.

No such luck.

He takes a step closer, studying us both a little too intently for my comfort. “We’ve had a rash of poaching in this area recently,” he said. “Deer hunters. I don’t suppose either of you has a gun?”

Is it my imagination, or did his eyes just drop to the front of my jeans? I’m pretty sure I got my pants zipped, but my hard-on hasn’t fully subsided. I shift a little so Cassie is in front of me and clear my throat. “No, sir,” I tell him. “No firearms of any kind.”

“Good. That’s good.” He looks around like he’s trying to figure out why two people would be up here in the middle of nowhere in February with their hair disheveled and the scent of sex in the air. I have no idea if what we’ve just done is illegal, but I’d rather not find out.

“We have a permit,” Cassie says.

My brain is still filled with sex, and I turn to look at Cassie with surprise. There’s a permit for outdoor sex?

“For native plant collection,” Cassie continues. “The permit’s in the truck.”

“You’re collecting plants in the middle of winter?” The ranger gives her a skeptical look. “In the snow?”

“It’s the perfect time.” Her voice is surprisingly breezy, or maybe it’s just a contrast to my own racing pulse. “Everything’s gone dormant this time of year, so it’s much
easier to transplant.”

The Forest Service guy frowns, probably wondering whywe don’t have any tools, but Cassie continues with her story. “We’re scouting for a few good specimens before we start digging,” she says. “Ceanothus velutinus, Arctostaphylos patula—that’s snowbrush and greenleaf manzanita.”
“Uh-huh.” The guy nods slowly, and I can’t tell if he’s buying it.

I pat the tree trunk next to us and try to look casual. “We were just admiring the Pinus—uh—”
“Pinus contorta,” Cassie supplies, shooting me a look that suggests I should probably shut up. “Obviously, this one’s a little big.”

“Quite large,” says the Forest Service guy, folding his arms over his chest.

“Right,” Cassie says. “We’re not digging it up or anything. Just admiring the specimen.”

“Admiring the specimen.” He looks at us for a few more beats, and I could swear he’s smiling a little under that moustache. “So, that’s what the kids call it these days?”

Enter Tawna’s Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Tawna Fenske:

Tawna Fenske is a USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Her offbeat brand of romance has received multiple starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, one of which noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”

Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon with her husband, step-kids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year.

Connect with Tawna:





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  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. This sounds like such a great read thank you.


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