Friday, February 3, 2017

IndieSage PR Presents: Worth the Wait by A.J. Pine; #ReleaseBlast, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review


The gang is back! I am so excited to be celebrating the release of Worth the Wait by A.J. Pine. It's the final book in the standalone Kingston Ale House series, and it's an undeniable winner! A.J. Pine has delivered a real and engaging story with an unrivaled humor and characters you can't help but fall in love with. Pick up your copy today!

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

worththewait-500About Worth the Wait:

I like to think of myself as a man of pleasure…

I enjoy a good pint of ale, being in the arms of a beautiful woman, and living by my own rules. The only thing I try to avoid? Commitment. And I’ve got a three-year success rate to prove it.

I wasn’t planning on Grace—the beautiful, funny, totally off-limits massage therapist who keeps popping up in my life. She’s on a six-month mission to rid her life of toxins. No alcohol. No red meat. And, yeah, no men. I’m talking full-on man cleanse.

I know I should walk away, but I can’t…and the only way to keep her in my life is to live by her rules. I’ll need to prove to a woman who’s lost all trust in men that I’m worthy of her love. And do it all without so much as a single kiss.

The only problem? If I win, I’ll lose the one thing I swore I’d never give up. My heart.

Find it online:

Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Goodreads

My Thoughts:

Rating:  4 Stars

Jeremy Denning’s a man who’s joining a business some do for fun.  A laugh moment comes when he has elevator issues – something I can commiserate with.  Grace Bailey has dreams that include working for herself.  Would you take the advice found in a book to reinvent yourself?  Can it help you realize your dreams?

Some of us have trust issues because of something that has happened in the past.  This author shows how Grace goes about handling that.  Jeremy thinks he knows what he wants but doesn’t like how he has to go about it.  These two characters have a chance meeting but how can that turn into something more.  One thing I found interesting was how the author seemed to put these two in each other’s path.  Have you had a relationship that just seems meant to be?  This story shows that it’s not a bad thing to learn about the other first before you decide that maybe you could have more.

This book can be read as a stand-alone.  You will have no trouble enjoying it as a single book but if you want to know more about the series, than why not check out the other three books. If you’ve not read Ms. Pine’s work before, what a great way to start.  Even though this is the last book in the Kingston Ale House series the ending didn’t leave me with the feeling of finality.  Maybe we’ll have an offshoot?  If you don’t follow the author you may never know.  My only disappointment is that I don’t drink but I have to wonder if a local brewery or pub would mind if I found a corner and had a series marathon. 


About A.J. Pine:

AJ Pine writes stories to break readers’ hearts, but don’t worry—she’ll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All her favorites have one big commonality–romance. Naturally, the books she writes have the same. When she’s not writing, she’s of course reading. Then there’s online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes). And a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, superheroes, and a certain high-functioning sociopath detective. You’ll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago ‘burbs. AJ is represented by Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary.

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