Friday, February 10, 2017

HEA Book Tours PR & More Presents: Mastering the Art of a Three Ring Circus by A. Wilding Wells; #BookTour, #OutNow, #Review, #Giveaway


by A. Wilding Wells

The Wild Things Series #2, Standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from HEA Book Tours and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


Perhaps some promises should be broken….


The price of freedom was as simple as a promise. Fifteen more years in jail or a marriage. I agreed and didn’t look back, until the circus came to town.


Leaving England behind for a small town in Wisconsin meant two more years of freedom for my family, which is my everything. And then I met Theophile, an irresistibly intriguing woman whose heart I will claim, regardless of the fact that she made a promise to one of the greediest and wealthiest men on earth: my father.

A deeply moving, gripping modern day fairytale about a spirited woman whose scruples are tested when her life is turned upside down by a larger-than-life candy heir and his eccentric circus family. A gut-wrenching, sweet and magical read filled with humor, tragedy and a cast of endearing characters that will steal your heart.



My Thoughts:

Wolfgang Valentine is on to a new adventure.  He’s conflicted about going after what he wants and letting his brother have it instead.  Theophile Charlotte has a fascination with gum.  She seems to be conflicted about do what’s expected and do what she really wants.  One thing I loved about this author was the unique names she gave her characters.  I fell in love with Bubble and Queenie. 

This was a strange tale but it made me smile – and strange works here.  This was a story that I needed right now.  It keeps you glued to your e-reader right up until the very end.  You can’t help but laugh out loud every once in a while.  Of interest are the circus terms that are at the beginning of each chapter.  Most were ones I never heard before.

It’s a story where you could believe that these people actually exist.  It’s been considered a stand-alone but I think it’s the perfect compliment to How To Tame Beasts And Other Wild Things.  So if you also like this book and haven’t had a chance the read the first book in the series why not check it out.  Or maybe you’ve already read the first book and haven’t had a chance to read this one yet you won’t be disappointed.  This comes with a great happy ending that has you smiling.

The author has written a quirky, whimsical, tale that had me wanting to run away and join their little group.  It’s not a book that you can compare with anything else.  You have to appreciate it for was it is, a fun story to sit back and enjoy.  Every once-in-a-while you need that one story that is going to have you laughing and not caring who hears you.  When you laugh you forget about your troubles and this book will do that for you.  Our author made me glad that I have found her.   Looking forward to reading more of her work.


“Are you always so fidgety and sassy?” He steps toward me, leaning so close that I smell his sweet breath and exquisite cologne. “You’ve been blushing since you got here. And your wandering-all-over-me, black eyes say one thing.” He pauses, staring at my lips for an uncomfortable length of time. Pressing a hand to my lower back, he asks, “Would you like me to tell you what it is?”

I grimace and squirm. My acting skills need a brush-up. He is pure fucking fire.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” I ask.

“The man you want in your bed all night long.” His voice dips low, to an almost dangerous tone.

“You are—”

He places two fingers on my lips, shushing me. His dimples sink, shocking my heart and tangling my lady parts up. He cups his jaw with one hand and I back away, stumbling. He tips his head and a roar of sinister laughter storms out. A wave of heat rushes through me, my cheeks burning. I should run.

Into his arms.


“You are the cockiest, filthiest man I’ve ever met.” And, oh my god, I want you.

He steps toward me, and why my feet betray me by staying put when I will them to move confuses me as much as the way my heart is cartwheeling.

“Once we fuck, you’ll add sweetest to that list. I promise.”

I’ll bet you do. Promise.

I swallow over a dry patch when he saunters behind me, pressing against me with an obvious erection. I take an unsteady gulp of air when he moves my hair aside, his hot breath causing my skin to prickle.

It’s not that I haven’t had my share of one-night stands with guys whose last names I didn’t know afterwards. But that was sex. Plain and simple. No butterflies, goose bumps, or heart-racing reactions accompanied those circumstances. Those guys might have been cute, but they could never compare to Wolfgang.

He slides his hands up my skirt, onto my bare thighs. What am I doing? Oh god, his hands. Hot and travelling across my skin on a mission. Please don’t stop. I won’t get in your way. I close my eyes and suck my bottom lip when he grips handfuls of my ass.

“Your heart is pounding,” he whispers. “I feel it against my chest. And, since you’re not running from me, that must mean you want this.”

“Wolfgang, what are you doing?”

He feathers the insides of my thighs, his fingertips playing my skin in tender sweeps. I moan—god help me. I’m certain I hear him say, “Hand it over—your heart.” Unless it was my heart saying that to my brain, which has disengaged from any form of logic.

“Don’t be afraid of me.” His hands ride across the band of my underwear, and he stops at my hip bones, lingering then easing my underwear down an inch. “Life is short.” Lips feather my ear. “Live the opera.”

“This is…” Ludicrous. Obscene. Sexy. A stranger touching me so well, so…

God, is he confident.

“Wolfgang,” I groan. A mating call.

He answers, a rich, fuck-me-now noise that rumbles against my back. As boneless as jelly, I drop my head backward, my nose tickled by a sweep of his hair. He kicks my legs apart, and, in anticipation, I edge them open even more.

“You’re meadows and all the flowers adorning them.” His voice is quiet but overflowing with passion and need. “I want to smell you, taste you…climb inside you.”


I’m a mother of four sons, a country dweller, a foodie, an animal and nature lover and an entrepreneur. I started my first company when I was twenty-three with my husband and partner, the lovely man I am still married to and work with twenty-four years later. Together we’ve always created. I’ve written several books in other genres under a different name. My first novel is A Mess of Reason and what released in July 2015. My second book, How To Tame Beasts And Other Wild Things, was published in April 2016. A Field Guide To Catching Crickets ​was published June 7, 2016.


I live with my characters day and night. Most of the time I feel like a voyeur in their lives, which magically seem to unfold right in front of me. They’re in my dreams and on my brain non-stop. I’ll spend weeks editing and revising one book with the next plot swimming through my head and being scribbled onto endless reams of paper. When I write I feel everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - about them. I’m turned on by them. I laugh at and with them. I get pissed at them. I bitch at them. I cry if something awful is happening to them. My heart speeds up when they fight. I get goose bumps because of them.

I’ll admit it sometimes feels a little like I’m playing God when I write (either that or a puppeteer). I love writing about strong characters that have flaws and imperfections to deal with, work on or resolve. I adore twists, turns and funky plot oddities that make life the crazy thing that it really is. I love putting my characters in awkward situations that allow for interesting, heated and often sexy dialogue to play out.

​See my books here.

Connect with the author:



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