Thursday, September 22, 2016

Barclay Publicity Presents: Obsession by Ann Mayburn; #ReleaseWeek, #Celebration, #Review, #BookBlitz

Release Week Celebration: OBSESSION by Ann Mayburn!  

What happens when a borderline sociopath and a stage five clinger fall in love?

Leo, a hardened criminal, believes he's incapable of love until he meets Hannah.  Soon he becomes obsessed with the sweet college girl and he'll do anything to keep her.  OBSESSION is great for fans of Anna Zaires’ Twist Me series and A. Zavarelli’s Boston Underworld series.   

Title: Obsession
Author: Ann Mayburn
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 20, 2016
Format: Digital
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.
Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Barclay Publicity and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

The author has put in a Disclaimer for your protection. Please make sure to read it. Thank you.


All my life I’ve only wanted one thing, someone to love me and someone who will let me love them in return. This seems like a simple request, but I was born to parents who wished I had died of childhood leukemia instead of my younger sister and have ignored me no matter how much I tried to please them. I’m starved for affection, addicted to the feeling that someone cares about me, and this has led to a love life filled with either boys that I’ve scared off or men all too eager to take advantage of me. I thought I would never find a man who could feed my craving for constant attention, and then I met Leo. He fills the void inside of me, haunts my dreams, and does things to me in bed that are so good they’re probably illegal. I can only pray I don’t scare him off once he figures out just how needy I really am.

There are very few people in this world I’ve ever been able to form an emotional attachment with, but the moment I saw Hannah I knew she was mine. We were bound together by fate, our paths crossing first as children, then as adults, each time marking me. She doesn’t know it but I’ve been watching her for a year now, studying her, stacking the deck so when I do make my move there’s no way she’ll ever escape me. But my world is a harsh, cruel place and the cartel I work for demands absolute loyalty and trust, a loyalty Hannah has not yet earned in the dangerous eyes of my employers. There is only one way to ensure Hannah’s absolute devotion, and I hope that she doesn’t hate me forever when she finds out that not only have I brainwashed her into loving me, but that I don’t feel an ounce of guilt about doing it.
She’s mine, only mine, and I’m keeping her forever.
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My Thoughts:

Leo Brass became the man of the house at an early age.  The world he lives in may be a little hard to take at times but it shows the hard life he’s had to live.  Hanna Barnes meets Leo at a time when both of them could use a friend.  How she acts as an adult can be traced back to childhood.  She’s someone Leo never forgot.  Their reunion is hot to say the least – turn on the fan and have to cold drink ready.  The ending gives us a peek into their future and brings a smile to your face.

The violence is graphic so if you have a sensitive stomach, you may not want to eat before or during your reading time.  But don’t let that stop you from enjoying this story either – since the violence isn’t the focus of this book.  It’s a book where you may have to get out of your comfort zone.  There are subjects, such as a Daddy and Daughter submissive role that will push your boundaries a little.  And nothing seems to be off limits.

This author never disappoints her readers.  You will never think that you’ve read something similar.  Her characters are complex but also relatable and could be someone that you walk by on the street.  She also makes you question as to what lengths you would go to in order to have some to love – especially when things are done without knowledge or consent.  It will be interesting to see how the other men of the Cordova cartel go about finding their own woman to love.

Read and Excerpt from OBSESSION:

As I scanned the dance floor, I was surprised by how many couples were dancing so close you couldn’t slip a feather between them. The sexual energy was thick, and I squeezed my legs when a pulse of blood rushed between them. My nipples tingled and I shifted on the couch, tugging my skirt again to make sure I wasn’t flashing anyone.

“Hannah,” Joy said as she elbowed me in the ribs. “That guy is totally checking you out.”

“What guy?”

“That scary-looking one with the sexy hair and psycho eyes.”


“Heavy brow, broad forehead, square jaw, and hair that Thor would be envious over.”

I followed the direction of Joy’s pink-painted fingernail and it didn’t take me long to figure out who she was talking about.

I’d always inwardly snorted when I’d read the description of a woman being struck dumb by the sight of a man, but I wasn’t anymore—’cause I could barely breathe.

He was fascinating, and I found myself unable to look away.

Dressed in a pair of faded jeans that fit his athletic figure like a glove, his body was bigger and stronger than that of any other man around us, including the bouncers. As best I could tell in the club lighting, he had long, thick golden-brown hair that fell to his broad shoulders in messy waves, framing an unusual face that was roughly masculine, all carved cheekbones and thick jaw. Not a pretty boy by any means, or even a boy at all. No, this guy was one hundred percent confident man. His chest appeared impossibly broad and his torso tapered down to a trim waist. Everything about him seemed to reek of health and vitality.

While my gaze wandered his body, my attention was drawn to his solid right wrist, which had a black leather band wrapped around it. I found the sight of that black band incredibly sexy and wondered when the hell I’d developed a fetish for men’s wrists. My breasts grew heavy and this odd…carnal urge began to burn in my belly

The air around me thickened as our gazes met and he strode through the crowd to our table, drawing people’s attention like a magnet. He wasn’t conventionally attractive, his features too heavy, the lines going across his broad forehead too thick, and his nose broken too many times, but he was charismatic in a way I’ve never experienced. I couldn’t blame the crowd for turning to watch him as he stalked towards us. He prowled like a beast and his intense, direct stare turned me on even as his approach made me increasingly nervous.

“Bet he’s got a really thick dick,” Kayla whispered as we all silently watched him.

By the time he reached our couch, we were full-on staring at him, but it was Kayla who spoke first with a flirty little, “Hi.”

Ignoring her, he held out his hand to me and commanded in a deep voice, “Dance with me.”

It wasn’t a request, it was an order, and I felt a sense of almost relief that I didn’t have to worry about making the decision of saying yes or no. How odd. I must be drunker than I thought because I wasn’t alarmed by his domineering manner in the least. Instead, a fuzzy warmth tingled through my body as he kept all of his attention solely on me, despite Kayla’s obvious pouting at being ignored.

After a quick glance at my friends—Joy was staring at him as if he was Channing Tatum doing a full strip tease in front of us—I placed my hand in his, and then tried to jerk away as an electrical charge zapped between us.

The mysterious man gently led me out of the seating area with his hand resting lightly on my lower back, his good manners a direct contrast to his rough image.

Alcohol obliterates the filter between my mind and my mouth so I found myself blurting out, “Why do you want to dance with me?”

He drew me closer, then dipped his face down to nuzzle my ear as he said, “Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. What’s your name?”

I desperately wanted to believe him, but a lifetime of being told I wasn’t good enough reared its ugly head and twisted his words inside of my mind, making me hear them as a mocking insult.

“My name’s Hannah, but you don’t have to give me a line. Why did you really ask me?”

He jerked back and looked down at me with a curious expression. “You don’t believe me?”

Anger, mixed with a disconcerting desire, had me tugging away from him. “I don’t want to dance with you anymore.”

When I tried to let go of his hand, his gaze cleared and, for the first time, I felt like he looked at me, really looked at me—then he gave me an utterly charming smile that flooded my panties with desire.

“I guarantee you do.”

Holy hell, I think a small climax fluttered through my clenching sex.

Examining him closer, I was once again reminded that he was a solid man with a presence as big as his frame, drowning me in his heat. When he placed his hand gently beneath my chin and forced me to meet his gaze, I couldn’t find the strength to resist his unspoken control. We studied each other for a moment in the flashing lights of the club, desire curling low in my belly as I drank in his harsh good looks. This was a confident, powerful, intimidating man. The exact opposite of my usual type of guy. I liked smart, quiet, and nerdy. Or at least I used to. My throbbing clit assured me that my tastes in men had changed.

Big time.

Now, mature, dangerous, and built like a professional wrestler seemed to be my preference.

In a way, he did actually remind me of a professional wrestler my cousin used to watch, Triple H. Same heavy brow and deep-set eyes, along with a good dose of menace. The man holding my face as gently as could be was the kind of men others feared, but not me. I had the strangest sense that he’d protect me, if I let him.

He raised my hand to his lips and gently brushed them over my skin, then, when his tongue flicked out to taste me, my nipples became so hard they ached. “One dance. Let me show you how good things will be between us.”

“Will be?” I rolled my eyes even as my panties were wet with desire and my pulse throbbed with growing need. “You sound awfully sure about that.”

“Baby girl, one thing I can promise you is that I’ve never been as sure about anything in my life. Enough talking, I’ve waited what seems like an eternity for this moment. I need to touch you.”

A tremble of need raced through me and the thought and the thought of rubbing my drunk and horny body against his seemed to be the best idea I’d had in ages.

Other books by Ann Mayburn:

Exquisite Trouble

Before I met Smoke I'd never been kissed, really kissed, by a man, let alone a biker sex god bent on taking my virginity and my heart. I got dragged into the deadly world of the Iron Horse MC by my crazy twin sister who is engaged to the club's President and even crazier mom who only cares about herself. Smoke has been assigned by the club to keep me safe even though he's everything that I should be afraid of. 

He's the kind of man who lives by his own rules and does whatever he wants whenever he wants, but he treats me like I'm something rare and precious, not a socially dysfunctional basket case who has no idea how to love, but needs him more than her next breath. 

Not that my feelings matter, because if we don't find my mother soon, the only thing I'll have to be worried about is who is going to kill me first. 

Note- This is Part One of Two for Smoke and Swan's story. The second book, Exquisite Danger, is out now and is the conclusion of Smoke and Swan's story within the Iron Horse MC series. 

Grab your copy

Alexandr’s Cherished Submissive

7 years ago 

From the moment Alexandr Novikov met the young auburn haired woman bartending at her uncle’s pub in Ireland, he’d been fascinated by her delicate beauty and fiery spirit. Unfortunately, he is in no position to offer her the kind of safe, normal life she deserves so he attempts to put her from his mind for her own good. Something easier said then done when a deal is struck between the Novikov Bratva and the Irish Cleary Gang, an arrangement that includes Alex and his men being on twenty-four hour bodyguard duty with the object of his forbidden desires. 

Jessica Venture came to Dublin to spend some time bonding with her birth mother’s family, a connection she desperately needs after losing her adoptive parents within a year of each other back in the States. The last thing she expected was to fall in love with a handsome, mysterious, and sometimes scary man who was well known for his sexual appetite, but rejected her attempts to seduce him. 

There are outside forces that will do anything to keep them apart, and Jessica will have to make a desperate choice that will change their lives forever. 

Warning: There is light bondage, domestic discipline, spanking, and a F/F scene that is a voyeuristic Doms delight. 

Author’s Note: This is part One of Two for Alex and Jessica’s story. In Alexandr’s Cherished Submissive we get a look into the past and the events that shaped Alex and Jessica into the people they are today. 

Grab you copy: 

About Ann Mayburn:

With over forty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her husband and three sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.

From a young Ann has had a love affair with books would read everything she could get her hands on. As Ann grew older, and her hormones kicked in, she discovered bodice ripping Fabio-esque romance novels. They were great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as muchd etail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.

Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.

Ann loves to talk with her fans, as long as they realize she's weird, and that sarcasm doesn't translate well via text.

Follow Ann:

Visit one of the following blogs September 19th – 23rd  for reviews and more:

September 19th

September 20th

September 21st

September 22nd

September 23rd

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