Wednesday, August 17, 2016

InkSlinger PR Presents: The Lucy and Harris Series by Terri Anne Browning; #FeatureTour, #OnSale, #OutNow, #ComingSoon

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from InkSlinger PR and from the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


🎸 Catching Lucy (Lucy & Harris, #1)
Rating: 4.5 Stars


So yeah, my dad is a rock star; hes the drummer for Demons Wings. Big whoop. Honestly, the fame that comes with having a famous dad is not all that you think it might be. It sucks. You have no privacy. Oh yeah, and dont let me forget about the lunatics that want to do who knows what to you just to get famous. When I leave the house every morning I feel like my life isnt my own. Between the paparazzi, the fans, my bodyguard, and everything else I feel like Im part of the freak show in the circus most days.
It wasnt always like this, though. I didnt always feel like this. Once upon a time I had a best friend who helped me deal with this life that we both belonged to.

So yeah, my dad is a rock star; hes the drummer for OtherWorld. And Lucy was and always will be the only girl to ever know the real me. She was my best friend, my voice of reason. My SANITY. Maybe she outgrew me. But I will never outgrow her. Its been years since Ive seen her, and I miss her so damn bad. All I want is a chance to get back what weve lost, to have my best friend in my life again.
I wasnt counting on how grown up my friend might have gotten, how beautiful she is now. The more time I spend with this new Lucy, I have to wonder if I really want that old friendship backor if I want much, much more.
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My Thoughts:

Lucy “Lu” Thornton starts this novella off by showing us how hard it is to reconnect with friends that you haven’t seen in a few years.  She’s also on the cusp of womanhood and all that it entails.  Harris Cutter is a man following a dream.  Yes, there is an age difference between these two characters.  It’s not a May – December romance but an age difference of only four years.  It doesn’t seem strange since they’ve known each other since they were kids.

At times, you’ll forget how young Lucy is – she’s experienced a lot in her life for one so young.  Some of this comes from her family dynamics.  She’s got two baby brothers that kill me every time they’re in a scene.  At times, I kept waiting for them to show up and make me laugh.  Those two had the right combination to lighten things up when things seemed to get too serious.

There were times where I wanted to know more about the friendship between Lucy and Harris and how they got to this point.  Especially since this was the first book of the series.  Because of this want, it’s also a good excuse to continue in order to find out if more history is revealed and where we go from here.

When researching tags for this book, I found it listed as a teen and young adult.  Don’t let that stop you from reading this book.  There is no sex here but it certainly was not needed.  This seems to be tied to another series – especially if you want to know more about Lucy’s sister (her story can be found in The Rocker Who Savors Me).  The Rocker Series would not be considered a YA read.  But I hope you will enjoy the series anyway.

I think that this was a great way to start the Lucy & Harris Series.  It shows how a young woman is realizing her feelings and how it can change a friendship.  The ending does leave things up in the air but I think that’s because it gets the reader ready for Craving Lucy.  And it may also leave you craving for more.

🎸 Craving Lucy  (Lucy & Harris, #2)

One kiss can change everything
I wished Id known that before Id kissed my best friend.
Things are different now. We cant go back. Im not even sure I want to go back. I guess the question is.
What happens now?
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🎸 Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3)

From USA Today bestselling author Terri Anne Browning.

With one promise her life was changed

Saying goodbye to my mother also meant saying goodbye to my life in Virginia. After reluctantly making a promise to my mom, I was California bound with the father who I havent seen since I was four years old. I was miserable living under the same roof as my step-monster and the two step-bitches from hell. My only saving grace? Lucy Thornton, daughter to Demons Wingsdrummer, Jesse Thornton. Without her friendshipand her odd rocker family taking me in as one of their ownI was sure I would have lost my mind after the first week.

A blast from her past

I never thought I would see Jace St. Charles again. Honestly, after the way hed broken my heart, I would have been just fine without having to see his face for the rest of my life. With Lucys close friendship with Harris Cutter, owner of the hottest new club in SoCal and Jaces new boss, I was forced to see that damn face often. Forced to see the way every girl seemed to trip over themselves to get close to him.

A second chance?

Being tossed into one situation after another with Jace made it hard to fight the fact that I wasnt as immune to him as I wanted to be. But, damn it, I was only human and he was hell bent on winning me back.

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🎸 Un-Shattering Lucy (Lucy & Harris, #4)

The conclusion to USA Today Terri Anne Brownings The Lucy & Harris Novella Series.


That was how Lucy Thornton felt in the aftermath of her breakup with Harris Cutter. Her family thought the best thing for her to do was to put the length of the country between her and Harris.

Reluctantly, she went.

The second Harris sets eyes on Lucy again, he knows she hasnt moved on any more than he has. Realizing that he screwed up, he sets out to prove that they belong together. But the road to un-shattering Lucy is longer and darker than he ever could have imagined.

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